Title: A Bittersweet Goodbye
afrisia Genre: Angst
Idea/Prompt: Character death.
Pairing: Jinon x Yejun
Rating: PG
Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this, since its my first time writing this pairing, and this fandom.
It's all a game,nothing but a big fat lie. And somehow Yejun knew it was going to happen, he knew he should've done something, anything to stop the increasing pain. But all he could think about was Jinon, and how Jinon didn't exist anymore, only the bittersweet memories, but Yejun doesn't understand, he can't understand why?
Why did Jinon have to die? Why was he still alive? And why did Jinon leave him with bittersweet memories
instead of happy ones. He was supposed to remember happy memories, not guilt-filled memories….
But deep, deep inside his heart, he knew, it was because Jinon had died instead of him; Jinon had died to protect him, when he should've been breathing while Yejun's corpse would lay beneath the soil. It was his fate to die, then why didn't Jinon let him die? Why let him suffer such a lonely life, filled with guilt and painful memories.
The car, it should've hit him that day, and then Jinon would have been breathing, with that beautiful bright smile on his face. He shouldn't even be here, and no matter what Younghak & Seunghyun try to say, it was never easy for him to accept the fact that Jinon died instead of him.
And as he wallowed in self-misery, he felt stinging tears slips past his eyes and stroll down his cheeks, his breathing suffocating somehow, and everything just seemed so tiring, he wanted to let go of it all.
He hoped it was a game, and that he'd reach game over, and be able tor restart his life, and Jinon would be there smiling brightly at him, before he'd hug him tightly as if he were Jinon's world. Yejun could say the same about the older man, but now that he was gone, who would playfully banter with him, who would cuddle with him late at night whenever he had a nightmare, and who would whisper "I love you" to him every night? It hurt too much, Yejun couldn't even control the sobs leaving his dry lips.
It was an awful pain, feeling his heart contract painfully at the beautiful sweet memory of Jinon, until he'd be reminded that Jinon was no longer here.
He was alone in the end, and it seemed that every story that wasn't a fairy tale would end this way; and no matter how he hoped he'd have a forever with Jinon, fate never ceased to be a cruel mistress.
The hoarse murmur of "I love you, I still do" left his lips, like a broken vow, hurt lacing his tone, as tears painted once rosy cheeks. Goodbye had never been an easy thing for him to accept.
The End.