Chocolate - Part Nine

Aug 12, 2007 17:10

Title: Chocolate
Author: biancamasuda
Fandom: NewS, KAT-TUN
Pairing: Masuda×Shige, Masuda×Jin, Shige×Kusano
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them because a 82536892365982635 year old pedophilidic man owns them.
Summary: Masuda and Shige have been dating since high school, now deeply in love in their adult years...they could be considered a married couple. Inseperable as they are, Masuda's new boss, Jin has an eye for Masuda, and plays homewrecker. Will Masuda give in, and accept Jin's invitation to temptation?

Ooook so...this is a birthday fic for Masuda, Jin and Shige, since Masuda and Jin's birthdays are so close to Shige's.

Well it was supposed to end on Shige's birthday...but to the utmost obviousness, I had not finished it. Thus I'm going to continue it and make it way longer than I intended!

Ok so this is literally turning into a drama that pisses you off. I'm really sorry. Yuck.

So. I really...don't know what to say. I like...don't know who to feel sorry for anymore.


Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight


“Where…am I?” Shigeaki said groggily, rubbing his eyes.

“My place. You’re at my apartment.” Hironori sat in a chair beside the large bed where Shigeaki lay, all alone in the middle.

“How did I get here? Is it morning?!” He rubbed his eyes, the bright sunlight blinding him through the window.

“I brought you here. A bit of a walk and a cab ride later, of course.” Hironori’s tired face smiled. “Hopefully you didn’t catch a cold. It was freezing.”


“Don’t say a word. Let’s just have breakfast, shall we?”

Shigeaki nodded, slipping off the bed, noticing he was still in his clothes from last night. He followed Hironori into the kitchen, looking around. A very bachelor-esque type apartment. Everything was quite glamorous, except for the very odd lava lamps that surrounded the place. There wasn’t a place you could turn where you wouldn’t see one.

“You like lava lamps?” Shigeaki yawned, sitting on the tall stool by the island in the middle of the kitchen.

“You could say that. Coffee?”

Shigeaki nodded, watching Hironori pour water in the teapot and putting over the stove. He stared quite amorously.

“Hm?” Hironori caught him staring, rubbing his eye with his shirt, lifting it up a little, revealing a chiseled torso. Shigeaki found himself eyeing it intently.

“Oh. I…can I ask you something?”

“Um…sure. What is it?”

“Why are you so nice to me? You know that I’m cheating on Takahisa with you…doesn’t that make you angry? Isn’t what I’m doing wrong?”

Hironori hesitated before speaking, sighing.

“You’re just…you’re just someone in need. I want to help.”



“C-Can…can I-I stay here for a while? I know it’s too much to ask and you’ve already done so much, but I-”

“You’re welcome to, Shigeaki. Let’s go pick your stuff up now. I’ll grab my car so we don’t have to walk around with that stuff. I’m just going to change into jeans, then we can leave.”

Shigeaki nodded, watching Hironori close the door behind him to the bedroom.

He found himself grinning stupidly, realizing the excitement pumping through his veins, the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

But…shouldn’t he be trying to make things right with Takahisa?


Takahisa woke up with a splitting headache, his eyes puffed up, and his face still a little bit tear-stained. His hand was clenched in a fist, not to mention deadly sore.

He opened his hand, seeing the two rings, side by side in his palm. And like the night before, he burst into tears, letting himself make a total ruckus inside the room of the love hotel.

“Takahisa…you must go see Jin.” His thoughts demanded of him, finding himself agreeing with his brain.

Takahisa took a quick shower, only realizing how freezing the water was after few minutes, and popped out, shivering violently as he dried himself with a towel.

As he put his clothes on, he glanced at the clock, reading 8:32. It was early, and Jin may not even be awake. In fact he wasn’t going to be awake, Takahisa knew, especially on a Sunday morning.

But he needed to do this. Now.


“Are you sure that’s all you want to bring? Just clothes?” Hironori asked Shigeaki, who was packing clothes in a large suitcase.

“Well I’m sure if Takahisa is here, he wouldn’t lock the door on me if I needed anything. I…” Shigeaki’s lip started to tremble, and in an instant, the tears exploded out of his eyes, startling Hironori simply from the sudden burst of emotion.

“W-W-We put s-so much work into this h-house…we’ve known e-each other f-for s-s-so long…how could he…with his boss…HOW COULD HE?” Shigeaki was on his knees, swaying forward, threatening to crack his head against the hard floor.

But Hironori swooped down to the rescue, letting Shigeaki’s head fall on his warm chest instead.

“It’s alright…you’ll be ok. Just think over this for a while. I’m here…I’ll be here, babe.”

Shigeaki immediately quit sobbing.

“Y-You…you called me ‘babe’.”

“Oh I…what?”

Before Hironori could really ask about what Shigeaki meant, Shigeaki’s lips were full on over his own, struggling to pry his open.

They fell softly onto the floor, awkwardly sideways, their limbs tangled as they kissed. Their soft moans of satisfaction filled the silent apartment, their colored clothing splashed against the neutral floor.

It seemed packing Shigeaki’s stuff was going to take longer than they thought.


Takahisa stood in front of the door, feeling like he was knocking for almost half an hour. Finally, he heard footsteps and the door swung open, revealing a very tired looking Jin. Takahisa almost laughed out loud at the sight of Jin’s face. He had a cut lip, a black eye and a bruised nose. He knew that it must have been painful but imagining Shigeaki doing all that was humorous thought.

At first, Jin looked like he was about to murder someone. But it seemed he looked quite happy to see Takahisa.

“Takahisa! I knew you’d come back. Come in, come in!” Jin seemed so much more awake.

Takahisa let himself in and spun around to stare at Jin straight in the eye.

“Jin…I’m only here to tell you…it’s over. After this, it’s all work, and I am never coming to this apartment again. Or that hotel…or anything. I’m done with you…I just…I just can’t do this anymore. I love Shige.” Takahisa felt himself trying hard not to cry.

“Oh. Shige? Your wife?” Jin said slyly, grinning at Takahisa’s frown.

“Shut up, Jin. I’m just here to tell you it’s over. I’m going to leave now. Never ever call me again unless it has to do with work.”

Takahisa turned to leave, about to grab the doorknob when Jin spun him around and kissed him.

He was just about to melt into Jin’s arms when he snapped back to his senses, and found himself punching Jin in the already bruised, nose instead.

“Shit, Takahisa, what the fuck was that for?!” Jin shrieked, his nose bleeding.

“I just…I…just don’t touch me!” Takahisa escaped out the door, and slammed it, literally booking it down the stairs.

Once he put as much distance between Jin’s apartment and himself as he could, he stopped to catch his breath, staring at his fist which had Jin’s blood on it.

He wiped the fresh blood off his hand with his shirt, collapsing onto a bench, feeling satisfied with what he had done. He stared at his left hand, staring at his ring.

He vowed to never take it off again, until the day he died. Never ever.

He pulled out Shigeaki’s ring from his pocket, holding it up to the sunlight, the bright gold almost blinding him.

“I have to see him…I have to see Shige.” And Takahisa knew at that moment, he would never do anything to hurt Shigeaki again.

He was going to make things right.


After fifteen minutes of trying to figure out what kind of heart wrenching speech Takahisa wanted to say to Shigeaki, he finally pulled the key out of his jacket pocket and jammed it in the doorknob, taking unusually long unlocking it.

He opened the door slowly, entering with bated breath.

As he let the breath out, he blinked a few times. It felt weird being in the apartment. He just felt like he had been running around for the past few days. Well he has been running around…not to mention making scenes at restaurants and clocking people in the nose.

“Shige?” Takahisa said quietly, hoping he wasn’t sleeping. He tiptoed over to the bedroom door and knocked softly. No answer.

He opened the door, finding an unoccupied bed. Not to mention unoccupied drawers. At first he thought they were robbed, but realized it was only Shigeaki’s drawers that were open, and Shigeaki’s side of the closet that was empty.

Takahisa shook his head, still not believing at all what he was seeing. His eyes darted around the room, looking for any kind of sign of Shigeaki’s belongings. But it was kind of just clothes that were missing.

Then he spotted it. And he knew at that exact moment what it was, and what it was going to say. The pallid white paper sitting on top of the neatly made bed.

He trembled over to it, almost too afraid to pick it up, his eyes already blurring. He sat on the bed, picking the piece of paper up, not a crease in sight.


I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I can’t. I can’t get that scene out of my head…you and Jin. I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know what to say to you. I am also sorry you had to see Hironori and I. He is just comforting me. I hope Jin is comforting you too.

I might come back for more things. But please, stay there for a while. We’re going to need to talk soon. Just…not now, ok?

I hope you will forgive me. I can’t even imagine how much pain you’re feeling. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I’m sorry. I can’t even get myself to see your face right now.

Keep my ring safe, Takahisa.

I love you,


Takahisa’s trembling fingertips punched through the paper, making large holes, his tears blotching the penciled in words. Words he never thought he would ever had to read.

He let himself sob loudly, curling up on top of the crisp, neat sheets. It was all his fault. How could he let Jin kiss him that first time?

How could he have went into that hotel room and lived with himself leaving it? How could he let that ring leave his finger, even for one mere second?

After a very long while, Takahisa stopped crying.

He knew what the real question was. The most important one of all.

How was he going to get Shigeaki back?


“Are you sure you want to do this, Shigeaki? You can go back to your apartment. What about Takahisa?” Hironori’s guilt was speaking. He truly really wanted Shigeaki to stay, but he couldn’t help feel a bit compassionate for Takahisa. He knew Takahisa was conflicted on the inside after all.

“Hironori…please. Let’s not talk about him. Ok? Please?” Shigeaki sighed heavily, lying down on the leather couch, Hironori standing in front of it.

“Did you even write him a note or something?”

“Nope.” Shigeaki lied, remembering how much it ached to write the one he indeed, did write..

“Maybe at least give him a call?”

“No, Hironori. Drop it.”

Hironori looked sadly into Shigeaki’s eyes as he hovered over him on the couch.


“Hold me, Hironori.”

Hironori saw the pain in Shigeaki’s eyes, and part of him wanted to say “no”, but the other part of him was dying to put his arms around the trembling body.

“Hironori. I’m cold.” Shigeaki was indeed shivering, but Hironori wasn’t sure if it was really from being cold.

He snatched the throw blanket from the recliner and threw it over himself and Shigeaki, wrapping his arms around the small shoulders beside him.

“Better?” He whispered, playing with Shigeaki’s already tousled hair.

Shigeaki nodded.


Ok. Like I said. I seriously don't know who to feel sorry.

I'm not happy with this chapter. I was so lazy, so it was pretty short.

I hope you guys liked it. Dudes. Did you laugh when Jin got socked in the nose, AGAIN? Oh man. I hope it's not broken.

Actually. I hope it is.

HAHA. all those people who always comment, YOU GUYS ARE SO FABULOUS, and everytime I see your comments, I kind of cry. Seriously. I get all emotional.

You guys are so amazing to me! I'll keep trying to update as fast as I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kat-tun, nc-17, news, r

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