Chocolate - Part Eight

Aug 06, 2007 23:22

Title: Chocolate
Author: biancamasuda
Fandom: NewS, KAT-TUN
Pairing: Masuda×Shige, Masuda×Jin, Shige×Kusano
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them because a 82536892365982635 year old pedophilidic man owns them.
Summary: Masuda and Shige have been dating since high school, now deeply in love in their adult years...they could be considered a married couple. Inseperable as they are, Masuda's new boss, Jin has an eye for Masuda, and plays homewrecker. Will Masuda give in, and accept Jin's invitation to temptation?

Ooook so...this is a birthday fic for Masuda, Jin and Shige, since Masuda and Jin's birthdays are so close to Shige's.

Well it was supposed to end on Shige's birthday...but to the utmost obviousness, I had not finished it. Thus I'm going to continue it and make it way longer than I intended!

Ok so this is literally turning into a drama that pisses you off. I'm really sorry. Yuck.



Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven


“I don’t get it. I thought Shige is your wife?” Jin said, utterly confused out of his mind, not picking anything up at all.

“Wife?” Shigeaki raised his eyebrow.

“Why were you holding Hironori’s hand, Shige?” Takahisa found himself ask quite bitterly.

“I…why the fuck are you running around the sides of buildings and kissing other men?!”

Shigeaki was so loud, Takahisa swore anyone outside the restaurant could have assumed there was an explosion in the restaurant.

“Oh, Shigeaki, you’re here! Are you going to be eating with Takahisa?” Tadayoshi came out from the kitchen, obviously unaware of the situation. Maybe the kitchen doors were soundproof.

Everyone in the restaurant had their eyes on the unsuspecting restaurant owner, who stood there, still oblivious to his surroundings.

“I…aren’t you guys here to meet?” Tadayoshi timidly asked, in almost a faint whisper.

“Takahisa is with me.” Jin said confidently, holding his head up high. Shigeaki spat.

“Shut the fuck up, you idiot.” Shigeaki snarled loudly, glaring holes into Jin’s shirt.

“Who’re you calling an idiot?!”

Takahisa didn’t say anything, completely astonished at the scene before him. Why was Shigeaki holding hands with Hironori? How did they even know each other?!

“I really should go…” Hironori said uncomfortably, wanting to book it out of the restaurant so bad.

“Don’t go.” Shigeaki said longingly, grabbing Hironori’s hand.

Takahisa frowned. “What the fuck is going on?!”

“Well I saw you go ruin a ten year relationship for that stupid little whore that is your boss, and someone that is fifty times the man you are finds me and takes me home.” Shigeaki stared lovingly into Hironori’s eyes, who looked more than uncomfortable. In fact, his face gave off an expression of the utmost longing to melt on the spot and disappear from the scene.

Takahisa’s vision started to blur, his heart feeling the stab of a million shards of glass. His lip trembled and he stumbled backwards a step. “Y-You saw?” He croaked.

“Damn right I saw. You broke my fucking heart! Do you understand what you did? How can you possibly fucking live with yourself? Ten years, Takahisa. Ten FUCKING years.” Shigeaki’s tears were almost literally cutting inside of Takahisa. Nothing he had ever felt was the same as this.

He felt his knees crash onto the hardwood floor, not caring about where he was at the moment.

“I-I’m sorry, Shige…I-I’m so sorry.” Takahisa sobbed, his voice echoing throughout the quiet restaurant. “I just…I don’t know w-what I’m doing!”

Shigeaki had his arms crossed, silent tears pouring down his own face. He looked down at the sobbing man at his feet.

“Well…well frankly, sorry isn’t enough. Ten years…ten fucking years, Takahisa. How could you? How could you?”

And to Takahisa’s complete irritation, Jin stepped in. “Well he’s not the only one doing it. What’s with that ‘Don’t go’ shit with Hironori? I can see it in your eyes. You fucked him.”

Takahisa’s eyes went wide. He totally forgot about the jacket and clothes on the floor at the apartment. How could he forget? But he understood why Shigeaki would do such a thing.

“Jin…no. Stop, Jin.” Takahisa muttered.

“Well maybe if you weren’t such a fucking whore, and hitting on your employees, Takahisa wouldn’t have followed you. I know for a fact he would never make the first move. I may forgive what he did, but I’m never going to forgive you. I can see right through you. You’re one of those bastard playboys that think they can get anyone they want, eh? Didn’t you see the ring on his finger?”

“Well maybe he was sick of an ugly bitch like you.”

“Please, everyone is eating!” Tadayoshi pleaded, a bit reluctantly, perhaps.

“Don’t you dare call Shige an ugly bitch.” Takahisa got up from the ground and wiped his tears. “Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare.”

And at a lightning fast motion that could hardly be seen by the naked eye, Takahisa’s fist collided with Jin’s jaw, a nasty crack erupting into the air.

Jin lay on the ground for a moment, his face turned the other way, his breaths heavy and ragged. He slowly got up, staggering and stumbling a bit. To everyone’s surprise, there was a sneer playing upon his lips.

Jin didn’t say anything for a bit, finally spitting blood on Takahisa’s shirt. “Takahisa. You’re sexy when you’re mad.”

Shigeaki snarled, ready to finish Takahisa’s job, diving forward. He was within grabbing reach of Jin’s collar when Hironori yanked his arms behind his back, preventing him to go any further.

“Let me go, Hironori!” Shigeaki struggled, but seemed to be no match.

“I’ll do it.” Takahisa spat, about to continue what he started, when Tadayoshi also grabbed him, the back of his shirt threatening to rip. “L-Let me do this, Tadayoshi!”

“Please, Takahisa. I’m going to have to call the cops.”

“Then call the fucking cops!” Takahisa, without knowing what he was doing, let his iron fist do the talking, Tadayoshi’s nose emitting crimson.

As Tadayoshi hit the floor, Shigeaki shrieked, “Takahisa, no!” and many of the people eating at the restaurant gasped loudly, some getting up to leave.

Takahisa looked down at his fist, his eyes as wide as plates. He went down to Tadayoshi’s side, helping him sit up.

“Tadayoshi…I-I’m sorry. I…I got carried away. I’m so sorry. You can call the cops. I’m sorry, Tadayoshi…”

“No, no…it’s quite alright. This is an urgent situation. I will not call the cops. But I would really like it if you would leave if you are going to continue this.”

“Yes…yes…we’ll leave. We’ll leave right now. I’m so sorry. We’re going now.”

Shigeaki stopped struggling, so Hironori let go of his arms. The four left “Khublai Klan”, the whole restaurant watching them march out. None of the four even as much as looked at each other, but the moment Hironori, the last person to exit the restaurant and close the door, stepped out, Shigeaki’s fists found any part of Jin’s body within his reach. He was able to get Jin on his back, restraining him to get up.

A few people on the sidewalk jumped at the sight and walked as far away as they could, as to not get stuck in the crossfire.

“You. Stupid. Slut. You. Fucking. Shit. Fuck. Fucking. Bastard.” Shigeaki seemed to have no words left but swears and insults.

Takahisa leaped forward, grabbing Shigeaki’s thin wrists and thwarting them to do any more damage. He yanked Shigeaki upwards by the wrists and pushed him against the wall.


Hironori was just about to step forward to pull Takahisa off Shigeaki when, to his great, almost bitter astonishment, Takahisa placed his lips against Shigeaki’s.

For a minute, it was almost as if this reunited kiss was near successful. It would have been…if Shigeaki didn’t shove Takahisa away.

“Takahisa…I can’t. You…you hurt me. You hurt me so bad. I need time. I can’t…I can’t do this.” Shigeaki tugged Hironori’s arm, who let himself get pulled like a rag doll. Shigeaki pulled the ring off his left hand, shakily placed it in Takahisa’s left hand.

He took one last look backwards at Takahisa and Jin on the ground, and stalked away, still dragging Hironori with him.

Takahisa didn’t run after Shigeaki. What was the point?

Jin got up from the ground, scarlet running down his nose, and pouring from the corner of his lips. His once white shirt graying with dirt and filth, spots of red staining it.

“Fierce one. Your wife.” Jin put a hand on Takahisa’s shoulder, who quickly reacted by smacking it away, moving his shoulder out of reach.

“Don’t fucking touch me. Don’t you dare fucking touch me.”

“C’mon. You have nowhere to stay. Just come over.”

“I-I’m not…I’m not going to make the same mistake.” Takahisa felt his whole body shudder, his eyes threatening to burst out his pained feelings in liquid form. He started to sprint in the direction opposite of where Shigeaki and Hironori walked towards, not looking back whether Jin was following him or not.

He had no idea where he was going. But he just wanted to be away from Jin. He needed to be away from Jin. He had to go find a hotel. Somewhere he can hide and think things through.

As he ran, he had his left hand tightly clenched in a fist, feeling the ring making a circular imprint on his hand. It was as if he was trying to channel the pain in his hand to distract himself from the feeling in his heart.

But this proved to be impossible. He could have been stabbed in the arm a hundred times. Takahisa still wouldn’t have felt it.


“Shigeaki, I think we need to get you home. Or inside…o-or something.” Hironori tried lifting the limp Shigeaki off the grass in a park, but was unsuccessful. It seemed Shigeaki didn’t want to put any effort into getting up at all.

“I just want to stay here and die.” Shigeaki said bitterly, hiding his face. He laid on his side in the middle of the park, couples having an evening walk staring as they passed by.

“It’s getting cold. Let me at least take you somewhere warm.”

“I…I took off the ring. I took off my ring. I…I have never. Never ever. Since Takahisa and I got them. Never.” Shigeaki felt like just that one little thin strip of skin where his ring was supposed sit, felt the coldest during this late autumn season of October.

“I need to take you somewhere warm. You’re going to get sick, Shigeaki.” Hironori pleaded. He was sincerely concerned. He really wanted to help. That episode at the restaurant was something he would pay to never see again.

Shigeaki still didn’t get up. But Hironori heard him sob. It was very faint, as if he didn’t want to be loud about it, but only a deaf person wouldn’t have been able to notice it.

Hironori knew he lost this battle, and Shigeaki was obviously not going to get up anytime soon. So he did the only thing he knew how to do.

His arms closed around the thin, cold body laying on the chilly, October grass.


Ka-chink. The keys in the hotel vending machine fell in the slot, and Takahisa pulled it out.

He didn’t have much money on him, so he ended up going to a love hotel, which are the cheapest. Not to mention he didn’t have to deal with anyone at the front desk, since you can check in using those key vending machines.

After reaching the 3rd floor, he found his room, and turned on the light. Well…turned on something. It was so dimly lit, it was like he didn’t even turn the lights on at all.

“Argh.” Takahisa growled, remembering he was in a love hotel. “These places are irritating…”

He slumped onto the bed, turning to his side, putting Shigeaki’s ring on one of the pillows. He took his own off and put it beside its twin, laying his chin on his flat hands, practically crossing his eyes to stare at the gold bands side by side.

He observed them closely and gazed at the engraved, English cursive writing. Shigeaki, his ring said. Takahisa, Shigeaki’s ring answered.

Takahisa sighed heavily, thinking about the day they got those rings. The person that had to do the engraving was suspicious about the names being engraved, and probably knew that Shigeaki and Takahisa were together.

One thought shot right through his heart. Dead painfully, too. He just realized, before Jin, there wasn’t a time where he had ever taken the ring off his left ring finger. Not once. Ever.

Jin. Jin took it off for the first time.

That was it. That was all Takahisa could take.

First thing tomorrow, he was going to end it once and for all.


So. I'm seriously way too tired to really say anything.

Other than that. I have a surprise for you. Well. Only if you can stand blood. And a bit of gore. And violence. It's not AS violent as I wanted it to be. But violent nonetheless.

You know the showdown in the restaurant? Well it was obviously not a showdown. But I WANTED a showdown. So here you go folks.


It has nothing to do with the story, really. It was just a silly thing I wanted to do for fun. So you don't want to read it if you don't want to.

It's deadly unrealistic, and written for the entertainment of writing it. I can do more violent things, but frankly, I'm deadly tired, and I'm up at 5:30 am tomorrow morning.

Thanks guys!!! LOVE YOU. Hope you read this violent thing anyway. I think it's really funny.


“Don’t you dare call Shige an ugly bitch.” Takahisa got up from the ground and wiped his tears. “Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare.”

And at a lightning fast motion that could hardly be seen by the naked eye, Takahisa’s fist collided with Jin’s jaw, a nasty crack erupting into the air.

Jin lay on the ground for a moment, his face turned the other way, his breaths heavy and ragged. He slowly got up, staggering and stumbling a bit. To everyone’s surprise, there was a sneer playing upon his lips.

Jin didn’t say anything for a bit, finally spitting blood on Takahisa’s shirt. “Takahisa. You’re sexy when you’re mad.”

Shigeaki snarled, ready to finish Takahisa’s job, diving forward. He was within grabbing reach of Jin’s collar when Hironori yanked his arms behind his back, preventing him to go any further.

“Let me go, Hironori!” Shigeaki struggled, but seemed to be no match.

“Let go of my fucking boyfriend!” Takahisa bellowed, snatching a handful of Hironori’s hair, snapping his head backwards, causing him to let go of Shigeaki.

And like a lion that targeted a particularly fat zebra, Shigeaki dived on Jin, not forgetting to grab whatever utensils that were within his reach.

“AAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!” Jin’s screams of agony almost literally rattling the entire restaurant, if not the whole block it was on. He looked down at his arm, where Shigeaki planted, not to mention deeply, a slender, silver fork.

“Not enough for you, pretty boy?” Shigeaki said, rather hungrily. He raised his arm, holding, to Jin’s complete horror, a steak knife, and another fork and jammed them in the other arm.

The warm blood transformed both his white sleeves into a deep hue of red, instantly staining the hardwood floor.

“My oak! My sweet oak!” Tadayoshi screeched, snatching a chair, which he threw the person sitting on it off, and swinging it right towards Shigeaki’s head, a malevolent crack filling the air.

Shigeaki collapsed off of Jin, banging unconsciously onto the floor.

“How dare you! We are your best customers!” Takahisa yelled, using his fists of iron as a weapon to make contact with Tadayoshi’s face.

Tadayoshi dropped the chair, staggering to the floor from the forceful punch.

Jin was struggling to get up from the floor, his arms, which were just stabbed at by two forks and a steak knife, proved to be completely useless, drenched in blood.

“STAY DOWN MOTHER FUCKER!” It seemed Shigeaki had gained consciousness. With, not to mention, the most enormous growth on the side of his head where Tadayoshi made contact with the chair.

Shigeaki, who grabbed the two back legs of again, another occupied chair, yanked them backwards, the aging, old woman literally flying off. He was about to veer it to Jin’s face when, to his surprise, Jin caught it with quite the bloody hand.

“I’m not staying down unless your boyfriend is on top of me.” Jin said, flashing his teeth widely, just to piss Shigeaki off. He jerked the chair out of Shigeaki’s hands and stood up, ready to hurl it down to the man below him, off guard.

That’s when Hironori stepped in, almost literally making Jin fly with a single punch, the chair dropping on the floor with a loud ‘thud’, the wood that was meant to be strong, splitting in two.

Shigeaki snatched a butter knife from one of the tables and met his shoe with Jin’s jaw, knocking his face right into the wood. He grabbed a handful of Jin’s soft, wavy locks, and with great strength, pierced the butter knife right through Jin’s lips.

A large grotesque portion of the top lip plummeted onto the ground.

“STOP. RUINING. MY. FUCKING. RESTAURANT.” Tadayoshi barked. And with that, four, very precise gunshots reached their destinations, and four bodies dropped to the floor in a bloody heap.

The customers sitting at their tables were frozen in their seats, not daring to move as Tadayoshi pulled a cell phone out and dialed a three digit number.

“Yes. Hello. This is the owner of “Khublai Klan”. It would be great if you could come over to the restaurant and clean up a bit. And bring handcuffs. You’ll need them.”


Oh yeah. I forgot to mention it's deadly short.

But again. I was lazy.

Ok. But that was long overall including the chapter. SO NOW YOU CAN GO COMMENT. YAY.

Oh yeah. And do you love how Shige cut Jin's lips off. Yum. Sexy. My sweet lovely friend, chinnakadhal wanted SO badly for Jin's lips to be cut off.

There you go, Jan. There you go.

kat-tun, nc-17, news, r

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