Title: The Secret Life of Bubbles
Genre: Fluff? General?
Pairing: Slight Ami/Zoi, if you squint
Rating: G
A/N: A different story arc.
Mizuno Ami had a secret. It didn’t alter the fate of the world, nor would it change the way her friends felt about her, in fact, she was pretty sure Usagi-chan suspected. But she would never tell. It was something that Ami felt was hers and hers alone.
Sitting in a mostly hidden glade off one of the slightly less beaten paths in Juuban Park, Ami held up her secret: a bottle of soap. This was no ordinary bottle of soap, though. This was soap for bubbles. Ami had always loved bubbles. As a child, her father and mother would take her out on days like today, to this very spot, and they all would blow bubbles until the air was so full of them that Ami would jump up and dance around in them. Her mother would laugh and her father would sketch his “Bubble Fairy”, as he called her.
Ever since she had become a senshi, she had been drawn to this glade with an increasing amount of demand. This was odd, since she had avoided the spot ever since her parents split up: she didn’t want to remember how perfect it had felt then. What surprised her after she had finally given in to that initial urge was that it still felt perfect.
Now, she comes here to clear her head: no books or computers allowed. No youma or thoughts of her princess or even thoughts of him disturbed the peace this place brought her. She had started bringing bubbles shortly after her return because the place seemed incomplete without them. She would sit and relax, only tracking the hours with the movement of shadows, and blow bubbles.
Ami had another secret: her bubbles didn’t pop, they just bounced off leaves and brambles harmlessly and went floating around the glade. Ami did not know how it worked, and for once she was content to leave it so. She would get so many floating around the glade that sometimes she would jump up and be the Bubble Fairy again, humming a half-remembered tune from thousands of years ago. She would spin and dance with an imaginary partner that she purposely gave no face to, finally stopping when dusk had well fallen and it was time for a meeting at the temple.
As she snuck back out of the glade, she would always take one glace back, to see the bubbles still floating around in the remnants of sunlight, making dark rainbows on their sides. Having figured out that the bubbles would disappear once she left the park, Ami loved looking at them dance in the mournfully content way that recognizes that their time is almost up. Smiling to herself, she leaves them and the glade behind, unaware that one bubble, seemingly with a mind of its own, follows her out of the park, finally popping once she has left its motherly clutches.