Jan 23, 2016 13:14
Copy the first sentence of the first entry from each month of the last year. You should end up with 12 sentences. No cheating.
Except that I realized I haven't done this is several years because there are sometimes months where I do not post. So here are the past three years, for funsies. I post about the weather and the light or the dark a lot, apparently. And because there are so many gaps, a lot of posts now are, "Let me summarize the past five months back to myself".
Things I've never really thought about before: lexicography! bilingual dictionaries! The days are getting longer, but rainier. The days here swing from 16 hours at their longest in the summer to just 8 hours of sunlight in the winter. Too sick to concentrate, so I have been rediscovering the joys of A Chorus Line. Gee, I... don't seem to write in this much anymore, do I? I have passed two dead people on my route to/from school. 1: Put on pjs. G.T.T. even though they may not exactly be rolling out the welcome mat when I get there.
guyz, i am like soooooooo bored. Sometimes change happens very suddenly. So I got some hand-me-down tango shoes to practice in. I do not trust this new "feed" at all. I have this love/hate relationship with tango. This year has been kinda turbulent so far. You guys, I have been in a ridiculously happy mood the past couple of days. "Ahoy, ahoy!"
Course evals! ...were awesome this year. Some of my friends have this picture of me that doesn't match the way I view myself. Yesterday evening involved a lot of alcohol and a lot of hand-holding, and today I have all the warm fuzzies. I have been hanging out with an amazing girl, and I have been hanging out with a really sweet boy, and I just got a postcard in the mail from Thailand from my traveling friend, and I skyped my ex and his girlfriend, and life is seriously all gay happy rainbow unicorns and kittens frolicking in meadows right now. September and October were really busy. Him: You said that Vancouver feels like home now.