Feb 05, 2013 05:31
this is an email i sent out last night depicting the events of yestetday, tather than risk any embellishment, as all people with personal anectdotes tend to do with repeted tellings, i decided to simply copy/paste it. Or maybe its because im fucking lazy, judge me as you see fit.
******The short answer is something stupid. So par for the course ha. I have a pair of denim converse that are about 8 years old now, still look good too but i literaly walked through the souls. These shoes have more miles on them than i care to think about.i refused to give up on them so i decided to put new ones on having never tried before. So i bought genuine converse souls After about two houra i finally get them secured the way the wise and mighty internet told me to, all that was left was to get the lining glued into place. Well the glue that was sent with the kit might as well have been kidnergarden paste, it was like wet toilet paper more than glue, and there were still gaps between the side of the shoe and the bottom, the hlue for that wasnt much better. So genius that i am i grab some ruber cement and construction epoxy, stuff made for gluing steel to concrete permanently. 30 minutes later my chucks are better than brand new, the denim will rot and fall off before it seperates from the bottom but while concentrating on not making a mess of the damn things i went and got the epoxy all over my hands and i notice its atrting to get realy hard to mive my fingers. So quick as i can i grab the chemical cleaner i use to clean acrylic paint off my brushes and pour it all over my hands. For a few minutes everything is looking good. The epoxy is peeling off like skin on an ild sun burn. As i peel the junk off my hands i start read the vack of the can the brush cleaner came in. About the same same time i read the words " xontacts with skin wash immediatly" in big black letters, i realize my hands are pale white and ice cold, it felt like what i imagine shaking hands with a corpse would feel like. So i pour dish siap all over them and wash the crap out them but no matter how many times i was my hands still felt slick like they were covered in cookin oil. Finally i realize that its not my hands just the skin on a few off my finger tips are more jellly than i typicaly like my skin to be lol. On the plus side i wont have finger prints for a few months. Well while washing i started to get a headache and by the time im done im just as dizzy as if id drank a few bottles of whiskey. You the kind of drunk where the world just wonr make up its mind which way it wants to slant so it tries a couple different things untill you fall on your face in protest, that kibd of dizzy minus the pain numbing effects of alchool. I drag myself outside for some fresh air and feel better almost as soon i get to my lawn and put my breakfast on display. I go intoo clean up my mess close the can and catch sight of an evil looking skull and cross bone divure next to more im so big how the fuck can you possibly not read me letters " use only out doors or in well ventilated area while wearing a mask. If indoorS ensure you have a cross breeze. If venting is impossible then DO NOT USE" followed by another skull and a phone number for what was supposed to be poison control if i hadnt gotten cleaner on it in my earlier hurry. All in all a very eventfull exercise, even now my mouth tastes like a mix of nyquill, month old ciggerettes and really bittersweet cooking chocolate. Brushed atleast half a dozen time to no effect shouldnt be permanent though. Ive head drinking binges that killed less brain cells and disnt kick my ass this bad, not to mention were a hell of alot more fun, than this but my shoes are badass, i got a funny store im probably gonna copy/paste to my lj and im not dead, deformed or otherwise hurt at all. Totaly worth it. *****