Feb 03, 2013 03:57
Before i begin this pointless exercise i want to acknowledge 3 truths. One, when i start rambling on about anything my ability to spell drops significantly and it makes my arguments, no matter how well thought out or rational, seem childish and are thus easily dismisses, do so at your own peril. Two, im writing this fully assured that no other human being will ever read my words, i had people in the past stumble of my little corner of the void and usualy i cant thier attention for more than a day, that being said if you are reading this and are not multiple personality of myself or me with amniesia yhen that makes you one of the stumblers ", feel free to rant, argue, belittle, hate,love,curse me for my overuse of commas or add to any statement ive made in te past or will make in the future, cant promise ill reply in a timely manner but i will eventually wander back here and stumble across whatever you have seen fit to leave behind, ohh and fuck facebook, myspace or any form of socail networking anyobe who participates in such trivial and dangerous websites deserve the rfid chip uncle sam wants to shove up your ass, sadly e doesnt need to chip you because your dumbass uses twitter to state where you are and what you are doing everymoment of every day, may you rot in a F.E.M.A. camp you narcicissitic shell of a human. And finally third ( my fucking page i'll start my sentence with "and" if i fucking want to) in case you are wondering, yes i am fully aware of how bat shit crazy most of what i say is, no im not a socialpath, yes i am a psychopath, yes when i say i think a person or group of person should die i realy do mean i think they should die ( at the moment that i write it, later i may decide against death and instead opt to said person or group of persons as, but not limited to, cheap labor, slave labor, lab rats, a toy to entertain myself with, a puzzle to pass the time with, a door stop, a tooth brush, a scapegoat or a project ( maybe socail science or maybe finger paint depending on my assumption of the subjects ability to reform and become more than they currently are or if i run out of red finger paint or any color derived from red such as purple)), yes i am aware that so many wild theories are floating around the web that its like wading knee high into a bog composed of JFK's brain matter and the ash of those folks too scared to jump off the twin towers and instead dexided to sit there and burn/melt/choke to death, yes i do sometimes purposefully attempt to piss of my non existant reader base and finally, yes i am aware how fucking crazy/retard my next statement is.
The government, or more precisly the organization that controls our pupet theater of a government, was responsible for the last school shooting and is somehow connected with that alabama nut job holed up in his doomsday shelter with the autistic kid. Like i said fucking crazy retarded insainty smothered with hysteria on whole wheat what the fuck. Hear me out, the timibg is just too fucking perfect, just before the second inaguration of our latest pupet king gun control becomes the major issue in america? What in the fuck people? Let me bring you in on a little secret THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ADD!!!!! you jackasses need to fucking pay attention, let check the board shall we? We have invaded 3 forieghn nations each with its own unique lie behind it, have lost nearly as many us military personel as we did in korea, are poised to launch yet another invasion upon a nation that is trying to develop nuculear weapons (not with intent to use it but to force a cold war era stand off, seeing as how they are out manned and out gunned its a logical deffensive move to say get the duck away or i take us both to hell), have placed a constitutionaly protected whistleblower into prison without a public trial or military hearing and physically and psychologicaly tortured him for the sheer sake of malice for close to a year, lets read that again in caps so stupid people will realize something important was just said(((( WE HAVE WRONGFULLY IMPRISONED A US CITIZEN WITH OUT A TRAIL AND TORTURED HIM FOR NEARLY A YEAR BECAUSE SOME DICKS WERE COMMITING CRIMES AND THIS YOUNG MARINE DID THE RIGHT THING LETTING THE PUBLIC KNOW ABOUT IT, SO THE DICKS GOT A SLAP ON THE WRIST AND BRADLY MANNING IS STILL IN FUCKING JAIL,WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT)))
I could go on but whats the fucking point, if your not pissed already its only cause you got uncle sam's cock in you mouth while the republicans and democrats double team your asshole. Your a fucking media whore, to you life is one big popularity contest. You work 9 to 5 with no greater goal in mind than trying to show off in front of the other whores while simultaneouly filling the empty void in your soul. There is a reason why politicains are just as recognizable and envied as movie stars are, its the same fucking job you dolts. Why do you think so many stars go into politics. Its easy, you get a acript you rehearse you get te job the director tells you want he wants to see you do untill it wraps get you pay check and get the fuck out. Hell the terminator was govenor of my state and he dis so terrible the retards here re elected jerry brown. So now its this new issue, hun control. No they wont go for the throat and try to ban guns, you fucking idiots would have to notice that, no itll happen over the course of 4 to 6 years. A snip here a snip there and youll be the last one To notice that its almost imposible to find a legal means of defensing yourself from the police state that is right around the next bend. Sure that assesment is a little melodramatic but this isnt a disney movie folks, bad shit doesnt just fall out of the sky and bam your a jew in naziland. Nope its a slow creep like the first climb on a roller coaster, slowing slowing crawling as you get near the top all the warning signs are behind you now as you hear that last click. Calm silence as you enter and exit the eye of the stoem and down we go 0 to 60 quicker than you can blink and welcome to aushwitz enjoy your complemetary shower. Even if tjere is no funny buisness with the last shooting or the next one it doesnt change the fact that the powers that be will take whatever tragedy they can get thier unethical little paws on and twist every facet of it to support thier point of view and convince you that you never wanted freedom, all youever wanted was to suck mommy's tits and have every portion of your life regulated controlled sterile amd stale.
I formly declare my intent to one day gain complete control over this mess of a country, reatore and update the constitution in order to permanently cement our rights as americans, ensure that our governing body lives in constant fear of its constituants so much so that senators die of ulcers at the age of 40, make law such an integral part of high school that no one will ever need a lawyer and cops would clear understand what is ans isnt in thier authority( sure as shit wouldnt violate a person's rights with 20 lawyers watching would they?) and most importantly investigate and arrest every person responible for our country's economic problems, confiscate all thier belongings and vast wealth, use that to pay off the debt, round up the whole lot of them ob the white house lawn, try them
for treason against the union and her people and then execute them like thomas jefferson did. One bullet each and send thier families the bill for my time and the cost of ammunition.
Wake up, strap up, we have had enough with sanity and hope and cheesy disney happily ever after bullshit.
A vote for me is a vote for INSANITY, RETRIBUTION & REALITY
Vote for me, i will personaly execute each one of them. Not a firing squad. Me.
Vote for me, because i dont want to have to start a revolution if i dont have to.
Vote for me because i will start a revolution if it comes to that, hell i'll even do it with a smile.
Vote for me and help me choke the living shit out of the federal reserve.
Vote for me because im not a politicain, im an american.
Here is me hoping to buddah that i will
Catch you on the flip side.