May 14, 2006 14:12
I got a shit load of homework to lot.
so that's my plans today, almost forgot about mothers' mom lives so far away I don't really get to see her.
here we go...I called all my sisters, my mom & my grandmothers to wish them a happy mothers day.
I call my sister Teesha, this is her morning:
She woke up to screaming kids, her husband tried to get them to calm down, the girls (11 & 7) made a *wonderful* breakfast...which really means crap...then it was time for mom to open her presents.
Zack (3 or 4) runs down the hall banging his present on all the walls yelling "MOM, MOM, I GOT YOU A TOASTER!" She said, now don't tell me what you got, "but mom, I got you a toaster"
Then her husband & oldest son (15) cleaned the house *which she was happy about when she woke up this morning*, the 7 year old daughter made a jewelry box at school and bought her a ring with lots of diamonds and a FAT pink stone on the top and INSISTED that mom wore it all sisters' finger is green and itchy (she's allergic to anything but real gold). Then the 11 year old daughter bought her mom a g-string.
My sister said it was an interesting morning.
Then, her husband gets on the phone and says "Happy Mother's Day Lu" and then laughed and said, "I bet you didn't get a g-string for mother's day"
yea, my sister and I reminded him that I'm not a mother. He laughed and said he would get me a g-string for mother's day next year...that leaves me like 12 months...9 months of it would be a pregnancy, so I got 3 months to get pregnant.
It was an interesting morning, more for her, but she made my day, haha
That's it really. Now I have three online postings I want to get done today (due tomorrow), an interview to figure out (because I forgot), a workbook that was due last Thursday, and to start a project for geology as well as start reading a book for a book report that is due in two weeks.
Other aspects of my life:
Living Arrangements: working out well, I really enjoy it. Steve & Arron are funny as hell. We watched this 1970's musical alice in wonderland "adult film"...fuckin hilarious.
Friends: doing well, don't see them as much as I would like, but it's a busy time of year with graduation, finals comin up, etc
Love life: I told Dustin that I liked him, and it went into this conversation of commitment, and I told him I don't want to get married, I just want to know that it's me & you, not me & you and the bitch down the street (yea, those are my exact words).
I'm kind of confused. I really don't want to scare him off, but at the same time, I don't want to be led on, or put myself in a situation like the last one, where he ended up sleepin with some girl before he even told me, so yea. I don't know. I really want to talk to him, not text msg stuff...I guess I feel like that conversation wasn't really over. Haven't seen him this week, so I really think I made things awkward, but then he wanted to hang out last night but I was in Fremont visiting Jackie & Chrissy (they bought me a present :) yeay!)
So we'll see. That's my life. School is just a lot of work right now, and I should really just focus on it. Wow, I am craving some tacos...I think I'll go get lunch, then come back and do some homework...yeay!
until next time.