(no subject)

Dec 20, 2005 14:13


Alisa McNerney
2nd hour

Do you find your
happiness in money?

Money isn’t all its cracked up to be. Close your eyes and think about something. You walk into a room with a giant Christmas tree, one that reaches the top of the ceiling and happened to be so big that your father had to cut off the top. The branches are filled with beautiful ornaments and the star at the top is like something you have never seen before. Under the tree is filled with Christmas presents, more then 50 with your name on them. As you walk into the Kitchen you are filled with the many smells of all the different foods that cover the table. Though the table is filled with many yummy foods, all your favorites in fact, as the day goes on you spend Christmas with only your mom and dad all of the rest of your family are to stuck on their houses and their food to come see you. All of your grandparents had passes away leaving this Christmas to be extremely lonesome. You have all the things for Christmas that money could buy you, but there is just something missing. A Christmas with out love, and in exchange replaced with money, is no Christmas at all.
Christmas is closing in fast. All the hustle and bustle of Christmas can almost drives a person nuts. Working hard to make money only to go shopping and get pushed around by a bunch of people who are just worried about getting what they want for the money they have. The whole meaning of Christmas is just completely and totally destroyed as time goes on. Money corrupts the things of this life that were once wonderful.
You’re used to Christmas being similar every year and it’s exciting just the way it is, never changing, something of consistency. But what happens when the regularity of Christmas is destroyed? When someone in your life passes away? Christmas becomes a time of morning, I time where you miss your loved ones most. Getting gifts and receiving gifts gets pushed aside, spending all of that money that you’ve saved for so long just doesn’t seem such a big deal. Spending time with the loved ones that feel your pain takes a step up on your list of priorities. Money doesn’t happen to be the most important thing because the time becomes more important rather then the work and the money you make.
My grandpa die about 2 weeks ago. As Christmas comes closer and closer I start to realize how getting a gifts this year isn’t all that important. All the things I have asked for, everything that my parents have saved up money to get me just doesn’t level up to spending time with my family in this hard moment of our lives. Your priorities start to change as you realize that life is a lot shorter then you can even imagine. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would getting everything you wanted, buying all the things in life that you have on your wish list, would it be as important as the sentimental things, such as the time you spend with people? It’s just something to think about I guess, but really, what would be important?
I have a job and until my grandpa got sick I didn’t want to take time off for anything. I wanted to make money and if I took time off it took away from the hours that I got in, and the 7 dollars that I got paid for every hour I worked. There are things that I would like to have or places I would love to go and I was willing to give everything and anything up to raise the money for those things until that dreadful day that I found out about my grandpa having cancer.
Money seems that much small and the things I want, the things I will get if I continue to save, just aren’t that big of a deal any more. My grandpa doesn’t even have money anymore; he isn’t even going to be here for Christmas and trips, food and material things aren’t an option for him because he is dead. It’s unfair for me to want, want, and want when my grandma is with out a husband, her soul mate.
You have to place yourself into a situation that will cause you to think differently. You need to look around and realize that Christmas isn’t all about money; in fact it’s not about money at all. Jesus, Gods son, was born to save us from our sins so that people, like my grandpa, will go to heaven after passing away. It’s the celebration of his birth and what God has given us.
Life is important! Your relationships, and the way people perceive you are what lasts not money. Money doesn’t bring you happiness and a lot of people think that it does. Even in movies, people buy and buy trying to cover up the things that cause them to hurt. In reality, the people who love you and the compliments you receive because of that love, is what truly makes your heart fill with joy.
My gramps is looking down on me from heaven, he is extremely happy where he is now and it didn’t require money to get there. So here’s a little advice while the Christmas still moves its way closer and closer: give to others, and don’t make happiness out of money. Like I said before, Christmas is supposed to be a time of celebration, so when you’re in the store and the lines are huge let someone go ahead of you. If someone drops some money on the ground, don’t pick it up and pocket it, do your best to give it back. Money is something we need to survive, that’s for sure, but its defiantly not a means of happiness and those who try and find happiness from money will never know happiness in its truest state. Thus proving my point all along, Money is not all its cracked up to be, whether its Christmas time or not. Merry Christmas!

This is a little guide to your gift. Just remember not to take any of it serious. It’s a huge joke only because you say you are emo so much. I am not making fun on you, just emo people. Laugh! Cause I know I will.

This box is your EMO survival kit. Have fun!

1. Razors, what would you do if you couldn’t take your depression out on yourself?
(Not that you really do its just a joke!)
2. Vizien to form tears after you have cried so much that there is no more liquid that can come out of your tear ducts and your eyes are so dry.
3. These hearts are to where on your sleeve and safety pins to pin them onto your sleeve. Since those darn emo kids can never hide how they are feeling, you where your heart on your sleeve.
4. There is also a pair of scissors so that when ever you have a broken heart you can cut the one on your sleeve and replace it with a new one. I have made a lot of hearts because I figure with your emotional problems you will be using the scissors a lot.
(even though you may have an urge to cut yourself with the scissors make sure you don’t, that’s what the razors are for!)
5. There is some black nail polish in here as well. There are days when sometimes you feel like you are getting over your pain and you want to take it off, but then you have to add another layer on top of your black nail polish because you’ll have to use those scissors, for someone has once again broken your heart. Hang in there everything will be okay!
6. Here is a pad of paper and a pen! This is to write down all of your feelings so that you can vent about your emotions. I know your very emotional so just keep writing and maybe someday you will write your own album.
7. The black markers are to write all over your jeans and what not. Make sure you keep the writing to your pants though, just a little reminder, when you write on your skin, they are PERMANENT markers; you don’t want to be tattooed with your emotions do you? Wait maybe you do.
8. The old jeans are to carry around so that when you run out of space on your jeans you can use these to doodle with. I have written some things on there to start you off.
9. Here is a sign to hang on your doorknob so that no one will disturb you while you are trying to take your emotions out on yourself. On the other side is for your every day attire. (Trying to kill myself, I’ll be out when I am unsuccessful! - It’s a normal day for me, I am balling my eyes out!)
10. Here are some chocolates so that when you are super emotional they can make you feel better. There aren’t a lot of them so use them wisely, don’t think that every day is a super bad day, CAUSE IT ISN’T, you will survive I promise.
11. The piece of paper you can hang up in your locker to indicate what mood you are in today. And there is also a mood detector that can help you determine whether you are really upset or you are just having a bad day.
12. Last but not least there is a CD. This is to listen to while crying, or to sing at the top of your lungs to try and relieve some of your stress. And this is also to remind you that, you are not alone. All of these people are emo just like you!

In the first chapter, pg. 3 between the 3rd and 4th paragraph, this music would start. Photograph written by Nickel Back would fit perfect here. The narrator is reminiscing about where he went to school and things he did, how it looked, and his feelings. This song is out class song this year because it reminisces, talks about the future and talks about looking back at the past. That’s a lot to do with this whole chapter, but especially right here on pg. 3.

In the second chapter, pg.24 between the 2nd and 3rd paragraph, the music would start. Lets get it started by Black eyed peas fits here because they are preparing to jump off the tree and this is where they start their club. This club is called the Super Suicide society of the summer session. The lyrics kind of explain themselves when saying, “Lets get it started!” It also reminds me of sports or something active and jumping from the tree is defiantly active.

In the third chapter, pg. 30 right after the first sentence, the music in my mind would start. We will rock you written by Queen seemed like a good song for this chapter. Here they start to play the game they invented, Blitzkrieg. This song just reminds me of getting roughed up and in this game they play they get roughed up and become extremely competitive.

In the forth chapter, pg 42 at the beginning of the chapter music starts to fade in. Ocean Avenue by Yellow Card would fit in a weird kind of way. It reminded me of this chapter right away because they are waking up on the beach and he’s describing what it looks like. I think I choose this solely on the title. It was the first song to pop in my head.

In the fifth chapter, pg. 55 between the 9th and 10th paragraph, here is where the music begins. Classical music by . This is a sad scene. Gene realizes the effects of the fall and starts to cry. I choose this because the slow and mellowness of the music just fits in a situation like this. In movies it seems like the mellow music is used behind a lot of scenes like this.

In the sixth chapter at the very beginning of the chapter, it only seems right to play the National Anthem and my favorite person who sings it is LeAnn Rimes. A lot of the teachers at the beginning of this chapter go off to war. It only seems right to honor the teachers by playing this song. They should be honored for their bravery!

In the seventh chapter, pg. where the snow begins to fall. Let it snow by Joe Nichols just pops into my mind when thinking about snow falling down. I defiantly would love it if I was watching in awe like these boys where, at the snow and Let it snow started playing in the background of my life. It brings a sense of happiness to the scene, more then it already is any way!

In chapter eight, pg. , this is when the music starts. I chose Set Phasers to Stun by Taking back Sunday because the lyrics of this song remind me of how Gene thinks. In this chapter Finny says a lot of things that make Gene think about being jealous and what not. The song talks about staying up all night because of things that someone said. It’s a good song too!

In chapter nine, pg. at the time of the winter carnival is where the music should begin. I chose Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, because I wanted to put in a sports song. That seems as if its one of the most popular sports songs. It reminds me of people, or guys in particular, doing some kind of sport and at this winter carnival they have a race and this song would fit perfectly.

In chapter ten, at the moment when Finny falls from the tree is where the music begins to play. Best friends by Puff daddy plays because it shows irony. Gene is supposedly Finny’s best friend but he just pushed him off a tree, where you tumbled down breaking his leg.

In chapter twelve, when Finny dies at the very end of the chapter the music should start right when he dies. Good-bye to you by Michelle Branch is the perfect song for a time like this. Gene is saying good-bye to Finny because finny has died. Finny and Gene were best friends. Finny was pretty much the only friend Gene had, his only true friend that’s for sure. It’s a sad time and this song is slow and adds to the mood.

In chapter thirteen at the very end of the whole book the music should start. Please remember by LeAnn Rimes is a great song that describes an assortment of feelings that Gene could be saying. I know I would be. Gene is leaving Devon and says good-bye to all the memory of Finny and all the things he’s learned from Finny. He says good-bye to his home, where he grew up and matured a whole lot. It’s a time of sadness but also a time when he starts yet another beginning in his life. This song is talking about leaving but remembering, just what Gene is doing.
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