A bit more than an existential crisis.

Apr 30, 2008 12:10

The TARDIS exists.

This would not normally be worthy of note, except that for an indeterminate amount of time... she didn't. And not in the usual not-extant-at-these-temporal-coordinates way, because that's perfectly normal for her, but in the ceased to exist way.

And this terrifies her, because there's not much that goes on in Time and Space that she doesn't understand.

So she's in the basement lobby, frantically testing every system across ten diagnostics, doing the TARDIS equivalent of screaming, flailing, and running in circles. For her, this translates as propelling herself around the room in hops and bounds, shifting through every physical form in her databanks, and exuding a constant stream of psychic machine code.

It's more than a little unsettling.

!tardis, donna noble, liz shaw

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