what once was mine.

Oct 18, 2011 18:41

Lena Austen has been turned into her six-year-old self. It was a shock to wake up and discover she was no longer a woman in her twenties and instead, the child version of her. She's retained enough memories to recognize people from her adult life, but her mannerisms and her way of thinking are now that of a six-year-old. It's quite a dilemma. That' ( Read more... )

sarah monroe, don flack, nick andros, georgia mason, lena austen, harry potter, abigail eddings, shawn spencer, mark barnes, cassie riddle, rachel banks, charlie wellman, jeremy gilbert, jessica ryan, john callahan, lucky spencer, david hansen, seth miller, bela talbot, sonny

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shellbreaking October 19 2011, 02:00:40 UTC
Mark has been chasing after a WALL-E for over a day now. Sadly, the WALL-E chose someone else and he is all alone in his grief and misery. Okay, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but he misses that little robot. He can think of all the very AWESOME things they could have done together.

So now he is sitting on some steps with his head in his hands, going WOE.

"Why didn't he want me?"

That could be taken so many different ways, Mark.

He doesn't even see the approaching Little Lena though he did get a text from Lucky Spencer that said that Lena was six years old. So it won't come as too much of a shock even if he's not expecting it.


nowgoandgether October 19 2011, 05:14:13 UTC
Mark may not have noticed her, so busy is he feeling the loss of what could've been a great friendship between himself and a robot, but Lena notices him and recognizes him immediately. He is Mark, after all, and she has known him for years, and he is sad.

That makes her sad, too.

With a sigh, she goes over and sits next to him, tiny legs crossed over each other.

"Maybe he doesn't like boys?" Lena offers in consolation, patting him on the back.

She twirls her wand in place, the act itself making her hand tingle.


shellbreaking October 19 2011, 06:02:13 UTC
Mark only looks up when he hears someone near him. She's a small girl. There are probably countless children in this city, but those eyes are very familiar and he already prepared himself for the potential of running into tiny Lena.

He hears her sigh, hears her moving to sit beside him.

"No, I think he does, because he chose another boy instead of me." WOE.

And then he looks at her, at her size, at the wand.

"Little Lena, is that you?"


nowgoandgether October 19 2011, 07:37:18 UTC
Oh. Well, she can't use that excuse anymore, and frowning, she looks down at the ground as they both side there, contemplating his woe. It would suck if a robot chose someone else over you. A robot. There is just nothing to say in that respect when you're a six-year-old. It flat out sucks.

"'Tis me, Marky Mark!" she says with a beam, waving her wand at him.

"What will make you happy?" she asks. "My wand will give it to you."

She is not even joking, Mark.

She has been making dreams come true the whole day.


shellbreaking October 19 2011, 09:47:01 UTC
It would suck so much. It does suck so much especially since he has been wanting this robot to be his pal for... forever. WHY and woe. WOE. There is all the woe.

"Tis you. I knew it. Your eyes still look the same, similar facial shape and expressions," Mark says, grinning back at her happy that he figured it out. "I must say it is awesome to meet you in your tiny form, L.L."

His mouth drops open at this question.

"...seriously? You're made tiny and given a wand that can give anything?"


"...can you get me a robot of my own? One that will love me?"

That would make him the happiest in the land, Little Lena.


nowgoandgether October 19 2011, 21:24:57 UTC
"Now if only everyone else could be tiny so I don't stand out here." Lena finds it pretty awesome herself.

Once Lucky talked her down from her tantrum and she stewed in the confusion, she gave into the persistent feeling of wanting to just be a kid. Everything is simpler when you're six. Problems and feelings and everything in general is condensed into something uncomplicated.

Plus, she has a wand.

It's an awesome WAND.

"... Duh," she says, looking almost offended he's questioning the power of her magic wand.

And then she beams. Because yes, she can do that. "Just watch and learn."

Lena closes her eyes, flicks her wrist to circle the wand around him, and voila! Another WALL-E appears right before him. One that is not running away from him and instead, staying right beside him.


shellbreaking October 19 2011, 21:26:42 UTC
"You are adorable," Mark says simply as he looks at her, grinning, because i'ts true. "You wouldn't want to meet tiny-me. I cried a lot and I wanted everyone to love me all. the. time."

She's all lighthearted and innocent, and it's adorable. It's adorable in a button like fashion like cute as a button kind of adorable here, and he can't stop smiling.

If nothing else, the Little Lena has cheered him up before she's even waved her magic wand about.

It is a very awesome wand.

"Oh, sorry," Mark says, lifting his hands up on either side of himself. "I didn't realize how all powerful your wand was."

He smiles at her as he watches and learns, gasping in surprise as a WALL-E who isn't running from him stands right beside him.

"Oh my-- My God..." He stares at the robot in the... metal right beside him, woah, and then grins at Lena. "You're the BEST, Little Lena! Thank you so much! He's just like I always wanted him to be ( ... )


nowgoandgether October 20 2011, 05:10:12 UTC
"I am," Lena says primly, nodding and tugging her skirt down. She has no modesty at her age either, apparently. That is not adorable, Lena. She giggles a little at what he says. "Yes I would! I would have loved you all the time so you wouldn't cry and we would play."

Daw, Mark! You are adorable in a button-like fashion in your adult years, so that's quite a feat in and of itself.

She will be very happy she was able to cheer him up.

With and without the robot.

"I forgive you," she says with a serious nod, twirling the wand in her hand. "It's super powerful. It can do anything."

Okay, so it can't do anything, but it can certainly give him a robot.

Lena folds her arms across her chest smugly, wand still in her hand, as she watches Mark reunite with his very own WALL-E. She lets out a small Eee as she is hugged.

Mark does give the best hugs, and she all but climbs on his back once he's finished hugging her. "Are you gonna name him WALL-E or are you gonna give him his own name?" she asks in a whisper, staring at the robot.


shellbreaking October 20 2011, 06:10:40 UTC
EVERYTHING is adorable at that age, in that adorable package that is the tiny girl in front of him. In Mark's opinion, there's nothing she could do that he wouldn't go Awwww about right about now. Like right now, his reaction is to say, "Awwwww! You're so sweet, Little Lena! I never would have cried with you loving me all the time and playing with me all the time."

There would have been no tiny!Mark tears, and now the narration wants to find the tiny version of him just for reference sake.

DAW, Mark says thank you at being called adorable in his adult years. He appreciates it though he doesn't think he's button-like adorable like she is, but that's okay ( ... )


nowgoandgether October 20 2011, 15:46:57 UTC
"I try," she says grandly. She has trouble pronouncing her Rs at times, as has been stated, so the 'try' sounds funny, or well, it sounds the way it would when a tiny person is saying it.

The narration fully encourages finding tiny versions of any and all characters.

For the sake of reference, of course.

"It just appeared!" she explains, using both hands to demonstrate how it appeared with a sort of poof, making sound effect noises for a proper demonstration. "I picked it up and it began to glow like a night light and then I wanted a crown and it just gave one to me. See?"

She's wearing a princess-like tiara with tiny ruby jewels encrusted around it.

Ever since she's been going through the city, granting wishes. People are more susceptible to asking for their heart's desire this week, and the magic wand--and Lena--is only too happy to oblige, if it's within the realm of possibility. And let us tell you something, being the city's fairy godmother for a week?

Exhausting. Her tiny feet will need a break at some point ( ... )


shellbreaking October 20 2011, 19:18:08 UTC
"You succeed," Mark assures her with a smile at the way that she pronounces the R in try. It is adorable. It is all very adorable, and tiny her is an awesome adorable ( ... )


nowgoandgether October 20 2011, 23:19:40 UTC
It just appeared is a completely acceptable answer in Chicago. Lena has not been affected by it so much, she thinks mostly because she is difficult to embarrass on even the worst of days, but she is affected now and she can't say she minds at all.

She's been changed back into a human girl and she's been given an awesome wand to boot.

"I would like to rule my people. You should have a crown, too," Lena decides firmly, and with another twirl of her wand, voila! Mark has a crown. It's shaped kind of like the ones they hand out at Burger King, only it's a real crown with real jewels, a very proper crown for a King, okay.

She studies it and decides she is pleased with how it looks.

"I lost count! At least a hundred," she says, and coming from a child, it might be an exaggeration but in this case, it most certainly is not. Lena has legit granted at least a hundred wishes today, and she certainly finds this rewarding but exhausting.

Being a powerful princess-slash-fairy godmother is hard, yo.

There has been so much mischief, Mark ( ... )


shellbreaking October 21 2011, 04:07:40 UTC
It is a completely acceptable answer in Chicago. It is something that frequently happens in Chicago.

Things appear out of thin air to play havoc with people or to just exist. Mark has studied the Rift for a long time, but there's just not a whole lot of sense to be found in it or what it does. He has researched ( ... )


nowgoandgether October 21 2011, 07:36:58 UTC
"I was born like that!" she says with a grin, baring her teeth--or well, some of them. She is lacking the front teeth and it makes for the sort of grin that comes with those that are learning about the tooth fairy. She knows Mark is the kind of person that won't care about what people think of him wearing a crown.

It makes him absolutely awesome in her eyes, at whatever age, and he deserves an awesome crown, fitting of his awesomeness.

"I dunno. I stopped to rest and gave myself time outs--" and she cuts herself off and squeals and starts wriggling around in place, bursting into peals of laughter. She is ticklish, Mark, especially around the feet. It is not common knowledge, but it would be impossible to conceal now ( ... )


shellbreaking October 21 2011, 09:30:33 UTC
"You were born like that?" Mark grins at her, because that is an absolutely adorable grin of hers, okay? Even if she is lacking her front teeth. She doesn't need front teeth to have an adorable smile. "I had no idea, but now I know. I understand completely. You were born that way."

BAW, LENA. He thinks she is absolutely awesome for many reasons in both tiny form and in older form. Mark loves her very much.

"Well, I'm glad you stopped to rest and give yourself time outs, but you are still so tiny and that is a lot of places to go during one day and you are ticklish on your feet," Mark says with a grin as he watches her squeal and break into peals of laughter as he plays with her feet ( ... )


nowgoandgether October 21 2011, 23:41:25 UTC
"I am not that tiny!" Lena protests almost breathless, but the protest itself will be drowned out by the laughter and squealing as she half-struggles to get her feet away from his hands because she is ticklish and it leads to a lot of squirming she can't quite control. "Just don't tell anybody ( ... )


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