[Open] It's always darkest before the dawn.

Sep 28, 2011 03:41

Cassie Riddle was having a rather good day. Well as good as she could be, considering everything that's happened lately. She was just enjoying a walk in the park in the autumn sunshine when suddenly, the Rift decided it would be a very good idea to give her deer antlers. And then… they got a little itchy, and she had the instinct to go and rub them ( Read more... )

theta, don flack, jonathan crane, castiel, luna lovegood, peter burke, jessica ryan, buffy summers, abigail eddings, ben casey, sara ellis, cassie riddle, remus lupin, robert capa, scarlett langford

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Comments 139

and_dontgetcute September 28 2011, 18:30:21 UTC
Flack's seen a lot of weird things in the course of his time in Chicago. Chicago is pretty much the epicenter for weird. Between the Rifts and the people it brings there, strange things happen all the time, and while he's seen a lot of it, he's still getting used to it.

One thing he's never seen before, is a guy running away from a crowd of women wanting his attention. In fact, he wouldn't have seen that back home either. So for the moment, he's just going to stand there and stare as Capa is running towards him, a bit stunned as to what to do.


i_robert_capa September 28 2011, 19:02:49 UTC
Capa isn't aware of Flack's staring. Most people are staring at the lone man being chased by a horde of women. If he had the time to care, he'd be mortified at all this attention being drawn to him.

Dodging through the crowds, he's managed to get a good way away from the women as he stumbles into Flack. He almost falls over, completely exhausted and very much scared of being made out with again within an inch of his life.

Grabbing onto his arm, he shakes him slightly, "Please, you gotta hide me. They've gone mad!" he pants, getting ready to run again, "They won't leave me alone!"


and_dontgetcute September 28 2011, 20:28:05 UTC
The man grabbing onto him is enough to snap him out of it, before glancing around and nodding towards the door of a nearby building. "Come on."

He leads him through the door, pushing the man in ahead of him, closing the door behind him and flicking the deadbolt. He isn't sure what kind of building they're in, but it'll do for right now, so long as the door stays closed.

"You okay?"


i_robert_capa September 28 2011, 20:55:56 UTC
Capa almost falls into the building and hunches over. He's quiet for a while, trying to catch his breath again. He waves a hand in dismissal and coughs, he's never had to run so hard in a long, long time. His body's not used to it.

"Fine," he gasps. "I just-- Christ,"

Capa looks up and towards the man. He can hear women slapping their hands on the door, calling out declarations of longing and love.

"This city never ceases to amaze," he says, "Thanks,"


/finally gets a chance to use this icon sitherequietly September 28 2011, 18:45:08 UTC
Castiel did not hear Scarlett's argument with her mother. He was not close enough to at the time.

What he does here, however, are her cries for help, and that has him there in an instant. He appears suddenly between the girl in question, and the monster, disposing of it quickly, before turning back to face her. It's a daily occurrence in Chicago no matter what they try to do to stop them. More always come.

It's almost like home that way.

He turns to face her once the deed is done, before turning and extending a hand to her.

"Are you alright?"


YAY! :D Also... I'm so sorry Cas about Scarlett :x shethrewstones September 28 2011, 18:57:22 UTC
Scarlett manages to stop running and stands, staring at the man, panting heavily. He just killed that… thing. She stares for a long time. What on earth is he? Another monster? Some kind of fucked up monster in a bloody trench coat?!

And because it’s the best emotion she knows when it comes to dealing with most things, there’s anger in her voice as well as fear. She doesn’t like being afraid. People are meant to be afraid of her, not the other way round.

“What the fuck did you just do?!” she cries, “What the fuck was that? The fuck are you?”

… so she throws her phone at him.

“You’re not going to eat me; nothing is going to fucking eat me. What the fuck is with this stupid city?!”

The narration is very, very sorry, Cas.


lmao it's okay. he can take it. =D sitherequietly September 28 2011, 20:33:18 UTC
Surprisingly, Castiel is not unaccustomed to people having a bad reaction to him saving them. He's unphased as she starts to panic, and doesn't even blink when the phone is thrown at him. It bounces off his chest and then back down to the ground, before looking up at her in confusion.

This is the first time he's given someone the impression that he was going to eat them.

"I do not consume human flesh. My intention was never to eat you."


xD! shethrewstones September 28 2011, 20:48:35 UTC
Scarlett hunches, angry that she didn't have a better throw and could've smacked him in the face with her phone instead of his chest. She glares at him, arms poker-straight at her sides and hands curled into fists. She doesn't like him. But it's not personal, she never likes anyone. She'll ignore the fact he's just saved her.

"Whatever the hell that was, was gonna. Who's to say you're not a monster who eats people too?" she says, still wary of him.

He's one of those different ones, she reads. Wanderer, that's what they were called - wasn't it? She's not had much experience with them, not sure how they work. So she's wary, it's just a matter of time before she works them all out.

"Then what the fuck are you?" she asks moodily.


tornadoinheels September 28 2011, 18:56:56 UTC
Sara's world is slowly expanding, the more time she spends in Chicago, and she's rolling with it as best she can. She can't say she understands it any more than she did before, but there's a small level of acceptance that's keeping her from feeling like she's going to get locked up in a looney bin at any moment.

It will take time for it to be more than that, but apparently, all that she has at the moment is time.

At the moment, she has no monsters chasing her, no weird tricks by the Rift happening to her. But she does have an umbrella. And she is nothing if not a practical girl.

When she happens to stumble on Luna, getting rained on by a lone rain cloud, she doesn't have the heart to keep on walking by. She smiles softly, before making her way closer, and extending the handle of the umbrella to her.

"Here," she says. "It might help."


magicandpudding September 28 2011, 19:12:28 UTC
Luna smiles dreamily at the woman, taking the umbrella with a little curtsy and putting it up. "Oh, thank you," she says happily, "I've tried all sorts of magic, but nothing seems to stop it,"

She points her wand up once more, uttering a gentle, "Finite!" But nothing happens.

Instead, the rain cloud her grumbles in defiance, unhappy it's being stopped by the umbrella and tries to rain harder on her.

"... How strange, I think it's angry," she murumurs.


tornadoinheels September 28 2011, 20:37:25 UTC
"A sentient rain cloud," Sara replies as she follows the girls eyes up, looking at the rain cloud that seems to be getting angrier. "I guess this city really is the place where you see everything."


magicandpudding September 28 2011, 21:00:59 UTC
Luna nods in agreement, "It certainly is," she says, "It's all rather fascinating, really. I've never met a rain cloud with feelings before,"

The rain cloud grumbles once more in reply.

She smiles, "Life could never be boring here," she says, tilting her head to the side. "You're new in Chicago?"


isaywe_party September 28 2011, 19:19:33 UTC
Buffy is on her way back to the Kashtta from school, and really has no interest in patrolling. Which is good, considering Cassie isn't the one getting chased by a monster today. She does seem pretty stuck, though, and Buffy sympathizes. Somehow.

Granted, she's never had antlers and gotten herself attached to a tree, but she did go caveman once. That should count for something.

Adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she starts to make her way closer, looking over the situation before trying to meet Cassie's eyes. "Need a hand?"


starryeyed_cass September 28 2011, 19:38:24 UTC
Her neck's starting to ache by the time Buffy comes along. She wishes she would stop making deer noises, but it's almost like the antlers are sinking into her brain and making her think more like a deer.

Cassie's startled at first, making a high-pitched shriek and trying to back away. The deer in her shouting: Human! Human! Run away! Flee! But the Human side of her brain fights for control to calm down and she blinks, grunting, fed up.

She recognizes Buffy from school, although she's not had a chance to talk to her yet. Part of her wishes it would have been a time when she didn't have antlers, but oh well.

With a sigh, she tries to nod her head. "Please," she pulls her head, but it's no use - she can't free herself, "I'd appreciate it,"


isaywe_party September 28 2011, 20:22:58 UTC
"No problem," she says, placing her bag down as she gets closer and peering at the way the girl has herself tangled. It takes a bit of twisting, but a few broken branches later, the girl is freed -- covered in leaves, but free.

"There. No harm done -- well, except to the tree."


starryeyed_cass September 28 2011, 20:36:59 UTC
Cassie snorts and shakes to rid the leaves from her before tilting her head to retrieve a small twig hanging from her antlers. She sighs, she would like to stop acting like a deer now. Well, if she's going to be stuck with these antlers, she might as well keep them clear.

She stomps the floor cautiously, "Thanks, I'm pretty sure the tree'll survive," she says with an awkward smile, rubbing her neck, "That was seriously starting to do my neck in,"

Fighting any urge to rub herself against the bark again, she smiles a little more brightly, "I've seen you around school, Looney High? You're the new Guidance Councillor, right?"


darkgathersin September 29 2011, 20:10:59 UTC
Theta is walking down the street, even though he shouldn't be, even though he's starting to get tired and should probably be conserving his energy. He's still out though, still exploring the city and trying to make sure he remembers to go home.

He sees Luna and tilts his head. That's different. At least on Earth it is.

"Are you supposed to be wet, he questions her, one hand reaching out to get his hand wet. Theta likes the rain, so if he had a raincloud following him, he wouldn't really mind.


magicandpudding September 29 2011, 20:30:26 UTC
Luna looks up at the tall, skinny man and smiles warmly. "It would be a very peculiar thing if I wasn't, wouldn't you think?"

She pauses briefly in thought, "But then I suppose in Chicago, it wouldn't be that peculiar if a rain cloud rained on you and didn't get you wet," she adds, still smiling.

"That being said, it's very refreshing," she says, "You're welcome to share it with me,"


darkgathersin September 29 2011, 20:40:40 UTC
"Not necessarily," he points out. "Some species have an aversion to water. It rolls right off of them and they don't get wet." Then he pauses. "But you're not one of those types. They're bigger. And blue."

He looks absolutely thrilled when she offers to share her cloud and he darts underneath it immediately. "Thank you!" He stretches his arms upward and tilts his head back, grinning wide.

"It's goodgoodgood. I like the rain. "


magicandpudding September 29 2011, 20:51:42 UTC
"Ohhh!" Luna blinks owlishly at him, utterly fascinated at such a creature. She's very excited and wonders if this man looks for strange and magic creatures like she does, "Have you met such a creature?" she asks excitedly, "That sounds so nice!"

She giggles, "No, I'm very much Human," she agrees with a nod, "A Witch, but Human,"

"You're most welcome," she says with a warm smile, as she watches him, "I like it too, I always like being outside,"

She tilts her head to the side, "I'm Luna,"


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