[open] you say goodbye and i say hello

Apr 30, 2011 23:43

[originally, I was going to have actual situations set up so that people could interact with my characters and say goodbye. now, I'm thinking it's a better idea to have some situations, but if you want to have a personal, private goodbye with a character (like Josef and Kat, for example), just IM/PM me and we can figure out the logistics of the ( Read more... )

jessi jackson/lily fuchizaki, martha jones, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, katherine kirschenbaum, josef soltini, elena gilbert, kim whitmore, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, david hansen, molly satomi fuchizaki

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Comments 23

smithnjones May 2 2011, 02:40:39 UTC
Martha wanders into the party at some point. She hasn't felt much like parties lately, but maybe that's all the more reason to go.

She takes a beer for herself even though she's never been a huge fan of the stuff. It reminds her of her brother though this beer's nothing like what they had in London. After she has one in hand, she seeks out Sunshine afterward. For whatever reason, she's having some trouble opening her beer. It's stuck, and she doesn't have one of those fancy bottle cap openers on hand.

"This is quite the party you're throwing," she says to Sunshine once she's found her, still trying to open that bloody bottle.


consumesflesh May 2 2011, 04:52:33 UTC
Sunshine takes the bottle from Martha, opening it with her teeth and then handing it back. "Sold off the last of the shit I've got left. Not like I'm gonna need it, where I'm going. Probably Canada. Don't know how I'll get across the border yet, but we'll see."

She reaches out, pinching Martha's cheek. "It'll be a pity, leaving you behind, what with your cute ass and all, but Sunshine's gotta roll out at some point or another, and I figured I'd do it with a bang."


smithnjones May 2 2011, 23:25:09 UTC
Martha might be staring at Sunshine with something like awe when she opens the cap with her teeth. "Canada," she repeats with a small smile. "Why Canada?"

There is a part of her that already has an answer. Why not?

Why not anywhere but Chicago?

She laughs a little at the cheek pinching. "It's sad to see you leave. It is though I am grateful... you're leaving of your own choice and not... It is sad to see you off though," Martha says, sincerely, drinking down the beer as a sort of farewell to her on her journey whether Martha likes the stuff or not. "This is certainly a bang, the kind that the city can use more of as opposed to the kind that it gets more frequently."


consumesflesh May 7 2011, 20:38:38 UTC
"Don't have any outstanding warrants in Canada," Sunshine says with a shrug. "Though I doubt I'll be able to keep that record up for long, once I get there."

She knocks back her own beer, thinking about Martha's words. "Yeah, I figure people deserve a party, especially after what happened lately. Reason to enjoy themselves, rather than cower in fear. I'd stay if I could, help out, but I've got to keep on moving."


blazetodefine May 2 2011, 02:58:51 UTC
David never looks anyone in the eyes. In fact, he tends to not look directly at anyone's face. What he does see of Kim, David reads as male. He is on his way out of the Tower in time to notice the Ipod's fall to the floor.

He winces at the sight of the fall. It didn't sound good when it hit the floor. While electronics these days can stand up to quite a bit of damage, they all have their limits.

"Hey, is your... is it okay? The Ipod, I mean, I saw it drop."


butyouresocute May 2 2011, 04:55:12 UTC
"Um, kind of," Kim mutters, glancing up at David. He very carefully avoids the other angel's face as well, not really wanting to make eye contact for completely different reasons. His heart rate is going back up and he really doesn't need a stranger's help, but he's also frozen to the spot, not able to pull away and just go. Like he could without his music anyway.

The LCD is still fritzing and he pushes a few buttons, trying to get it to respond. Which it's not doing. He really hopes that it's lag because if it's not, this is a serious fucking problem.


blazetodefine May 2 2011, 23:32:09 UTC
David doesn't want to touch the Ipod, because he definitely would not know how to fix it and he doesn't want to somehow make it worse. It is not like he knows anything about mp3 players though he has one himself somewhere in his room.

The one he has isn't an Ipod.

"It might need a rest or a reset. When computers mess up, I just... usually restart it like turn off the power. It's not really a solution but it's..." He scratches the back of his head. "It might help."


butyouresocute May 7 2011, 20:36:36 UTC
A reset might do the trick, Kim thinks, and presses the two buttons. And holds them. Still not responding. He shakes his head, his entire body starting to tremble. "It's not --" He takes in a deep breath, trying to remind himself that he's safe, that there's no need to freak out.

Backing up, he finds a corner and flomps down in it. There's no way he's going to be able to go out without getting it working. He needs to compose himself. Figure out what to do.


descendent May 11 2011, 06:10:29 UTC
Elena lives at the Tower. She can't call it home, and she doesn't think she ever will, but she can't be ungrateful for it, either. She has a roof over her head and anything she needs for sustenance and that's--well, it's something. She'd prefer if she could go home, but she's not holding her breath.

She bends over to pick up the iPod for Kim, since she'd been walking by, and she isn't the sort to just keep on walking.

"Oop," Elena says under her breath, starting to stand when Kim gets to it before she does. "Everything okay?"


butyouresocute May 13 2011, 00:54:53 UTC
Really, Kim didn't expect to run into anyone in the lobby. Well, anyone who was going to pay attention to him at least. Elena gets a bit too close, and he can almost feel her when she starts to stand up again, so he backs up, giving her an awkward smile while avoiding her gaze at the same time.

"Everything's -- fine," he says, trying to sound normal, but completely fails at it. He's already starting to panic, considering he can't get the music to start, the iPod isn't responding, and he's fucked up the LCD.


descendent May 13 2011, 18:24:08 UTC
"Are you sure?" Elena takes a step back when Kim does, and while she doesn't set out to avoid Kim's gaze, and notices she does with hers. The smile she gives in return is warm and encouraging, but she's already vaguely concerned.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." her voice trails off, since she doesn't exactly know what's going on here. She wants to make something better, and she's frustrated with herself when even a seemingly innocuous incident has her already jumping to the worst conclusions.

To be fair, her life tends to end up happening based on worst conclusions.


destroytheother May 11 2011, 06:14:09 UTC
It is near the Organization Kat will find Josef. He isn't sure how to feel about this recent turn of events. On the one hand, acknowledging that he has feelings and he'll miss her isn't something he's keen on doing, even if that's obvious. On the other, it's Kat and it's his biffle and... yeah.

There are feelings.

"So." He's tapping his hand against his pack of cigarettes. One of them slides out and he slides it into his mouth. "You're leaving me."

He's not a brat at all, no.


diatomic_life May 13 2011, 01:03:42 UTC
"I'm being transferred to Russia for a bit, so I can live with my girlfriend," Kat says, raising an eyebrow at him. "It's not like I'm breaking up with you or anything. I'll be back. I swear."

Or at least she better be. Otherwise she'll have some serious words with Katja. Chicago may not be the best place in the world, but her family isn't taking her move to Russia very well either. Of course, her family wouldn't probably take it too well if she divulged the fact that she was working for a terrorist organization, either.

They never are any fun.


destroytheother May 13 2011, 18:27:59 UTC
"You better be coming back." Josef makes a face at the thought of living in Russia. What's so great about Russia, anyway? He supposes it's the whole living with her girlfriend thing that motivates it, and he can understand that. Maybe. He'd go live somewhere else if Elizabeth was moving (not that she ever would), but still.

"How long's this transfer supposed to be for, anyway?" he says, lighting up that smoke. Look at him being totally unaffected or upset about this.


Greatness is often misunderstood. It's rather unfair.


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