[open-with-caveats: see OOC note] swap your mind for a mirror-search & shake until the break of day

Feb 10, 2011 18:35

Isolation room three, the current temporary home of one Iris Fortner, is now open to visitors.

Well, sort of open. Jack Harkness has someone standing by at all times-- himself, Ianto, or Mio-- to vet visitors and ensure she isn't overwhelmed, and they're only letting people in one at a time. Anyone Iris doesn't want to see will be kindly redirected to the exit, and those who try to teleport in without warning-- as Castiel has found-- will receive similar treatment.

But if you do manage to make it in, you'll find her there in bed, idly flipping through tracks on her iPod, her earbuds firmly stuffed into her ears. She's hunched over, half-reclining, her one wing curled in front of her in a defensive sort of arch. In fact, as you walk in through the door, it might be the first thing you see: ten-and-a-half feet of feather, white and brown gradiented, shielding her face from your eyes.

If you do meet her eyes, the reaction you're most likely to receive is a dead, blank stare. Even if she wants to see you. She's just not up to anything more, right now. Although Aurora, and Aurora alone, may be treated to the response one level above that: a slight urgency, a glaze of hope, in those otherwise empty eyes.

[OOC note: If you are Cassie, Roxis, Sunshine or Aurora, you're already one of the people Iris has approved. If you're anyone else, drop me a brief IM -- execharmonious, I'm usually on but invis -- or email, to see if she's willing to let you in. She'll probably see most of her friends, but... she's being super-touchy right now, and she may have complex and irrational reasons for not seeing certain people, and. Yeah. Stuff. Please forgive my tetchy character. :<]

iris fortner, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, roxis rosenkrantz, cassie riddle, aurora, mio hongo, ianto jones

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