December 25th, very, very early morning. Just after midnight. All isn't quiet in Chicago, but then, when is it ever? There's people spilling out of bars and clubs, celebrating the coming of the day with a little too much alcohol and quite enough joy for the entire city. There are couples in Grant Park, taking a stroll to enjoy the freshly-
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Hermione spins around as Hedwig flies into Hermione's room, eager in her exploration. She lets out a breathless laugh, and this time, she does cover her face with her hands. It's all so much more than she can wrap her head around. "I do. I was just about to go to your room to show you when you knocked on the door. I'd been sleeping, or making a rather poor attempt of it, when I felt a weight at the foot of my bed. Imagine my bewilderment when it was Crookshanks, with a red bow and everything. Isn't Crookshanks still gorgeous, Harry?"
The narration understands if you can't find it in you to lie, Harry. That's quite alright. Hermione will think Crookshanks is gorgeous for all of them! No matter what!
"I've no idea how any of this is happening," she admits in her breathlessness, and she isn't bothered she doesn't have an answer this time. She is too happy that she has Crookshanks back, is even happier Harry has Hedwig. There are certain things people should be able to keep, and oh, she is just so happy.
She has said that in narration enough times, hasn't she? "It's far too coincidental. It's so wonderful, Harry. So wonderful," she says, stepping forward to give him a brief and tight hug.
He is quite happy to see him here, however, especially happy when he notices that joy on her face. It's been an incredibly difficult week... month for her even, and he's happy that they get to share in something that's so good.
"Crookshanks is... I wouldn't say gorgeous, Hermione, but he does have a look about him that's... unforgettable and that I truly am happy to see again," Harry says.
Yes, he navigated his answer to that question quite well, he feels without lying or outwardly calling the cat ugly.
"Do you think because it's... Christmas? It's some kind of Chicago, Christmas miracle," Harry murmurs, and as soon as he's said it, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. He looks more than a bit sheepish. "Or I don't know. Something or other."
She can never say that in narration enough! GLASS CASE. Harry hugs her back as tight as he can, and when he pulls back, he's smiling brightly. Hedwig lands on Hermione's bedpost, and Harry runs his fingers down her feathers again. "I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep. Do you want to find them food in the cafeteria? Maybe find something for us as well?"
Her eyes narrow at Harry as she walks over to them and picks up the cat again.
"Oh, honestly! Don't listen to him, Crookshanks, you are absolutely gorgeous. And clever, aren't you?" she whispers, but she doesn't sound the least bit upset. The wide smile on her face might give her away. It is so good to carry Crookshanks again, to see the ginger-colored fur and the bottlebrush tail.
He navigated it so well! The narration is doubly impressed.
Hermione looks at him with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I can't say. What I've read so far--" is anyone surprised she's already been researching? "--does not touch upon anything of the sort, nothing conclusive, in any matter. I suppose we could ask around when the others have awoken."
Whatever it is, she certainly isn't about to complain. "Goodness, no, I couldn't possible go back to sleep myself. That sounds lovely, Harry. We may not be home but it is Christmas and we shall be celebrating."
The thought is almost too much to take, and there isn't any way to know for certain so he doesn't allow himself to linger on the thought.
"I will absolutley admit to Crookshanks' cleverness. I've never met a more clever cat," Harry says with a wide smile of his own. "I can't exactly call him gorgeous. However, I do believe you find him gorgeous and that's... what's important, isn't it?
Still trying to navigate those waters! He has yet to mention the ugly mug but narrowly walked around all while being honest. It is quite impressive.
Harry smiles fondly when she mentions what she's read so far. No, he isn't surprised and he's probably seen her reading. "There are people who've been here for much longer. They'd likely have some idea," he agrees, and then he smiles at her, linking their arms together as they walk out of her room. "It is Christmas. I certainly wouldn't dream of not celebrating it." Especially since she is here. There's plenty to celebrate. "Happy Christmas, Hermione."
Hedwig follows them, of course. She has just been reunited with Harry after almost watching him die. She won't be letting him out of her sight anytime soon.
"Oh, I suppose," she accepts, not without a little encouragement. She fully knows what Harry is trying to circumnavigate there.
It really is what matters, and Hermione really does think Crookshanks is gorgeous. Whether no one else does or no one else would have bought him. It's a good thing no one thought so, or she'd have never found him!
His intelligence and loyalty was waiting for her own, clearly.
"I've no doubt we'll find some answers. There is much to be learned in someone else's experiences as much as reading," she says matter-of-factly. But then, now is not the time for that. She has relaxed a fair bit since those days at Hogwarts. Arms linked together, they head toward the kitchen in search for warm milk and cookies, most likely. "I am rather hungry."
Hermione smiles up at him, relieved once more that he is there with her. "Happy Christmas, Harry."
Crookshanks is also not to be left behind. Now that they have both found their respective masters, it is unlikely either of them will be letting go.
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