[Locked] And I don't know how I can do without ...

Nov 21, 2010 17:38

[ooc: locked to Ruby. NC-17/smut things in comments. Also addictive blood drinking.]

One thing could be said for Sam Winchester - he is a creature of habits. A month now since he has walked through the Rift, and he still spent every day determined to find that one detail everyone had to have missed that would be the big "ah ha!" moment and he could save everyone here and get them home. He had to. Sam needs to save people, as many as he can...

Oh who is he kidding? There's no way out of this damn city, and he's just deluding himself. Part of him knows that. Hell, if Dean, Castiel, and Jo couldn't figure a damn way out of this place by now, what the hell was he going to be able to do? That depressing thought is what put the bottle of alcohol in his hand as he walks down the hallway.

And of course, he knows he's been playing the game with Ruby again that he knows he shouldn't do to her. He wants to keep her close - no, he needs to keep her close. He was truthful with Castiel when he said that he needed her in a way that no one else could mean to him. It went beyond the powers or the hunt. It was a deeper need that he has for her. And yet here he is, hiding the fact he is aware she is here from everyone - which was, you know, Dean - when he wants nothing more than to be able to actually try and introduce them with hopes that they maybe be a team this time.

He wants to be able to see her and not have this feeling of guilt in the pit of his stomach. It makes him feel he's choosing one over the other. But he's not, not really. He wants them both, greedy boy, but is sure that won't ever happen in any world.

But right now, he has other problems. The biggest being the feeling of withdrawal. He was fine for the first few weeks, but now he feels almost sick and doesn't really look any better. He knows that if he doesn't do something soon, Dean will find out. And he can't let that happen.

Plus he really just wants to be with Ruby in his full sized form with nothing else on his mind but being with someone who will just hold him. Make him feel stronger in more ways than the given. Just... be there and not judging him or looking at him like he's a freak.

It's a quarter after one, he's all alone and needs his Ruby. Which is why he is standing outside of her room, knocking carefully. He really hopes she's inside.

ruby, sam winchester

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