He did the monster mash! [party thread]

Oct 29, 2010 16:24

[OOC: I know there have been a lot of posts lately, but this one can be tagged from now until whenever. I just wanted to get it up this weekend. It technically happens Sunday evening. There has been advertisements up in the journal and around the Kashtta. Non-Kashtta residents can come too! Costume is not required though remember, you can feel free ( Read more... )

community building event, lena austen, rachel dawes, captain jack harkness, matoi tsunetsuki, gwen cooper, dmitri lang, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, ran connolly, conway rankin, flauros, iris fortner, owen harper, parker, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, kaden minoru fuchizaki, babel, ianto jones, phoebe donovan, lucky spencer, kenzie douglas, keilidh sixgriffe, csp-04, mio hongo

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sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 01:19:26 UTC
Iris is one of those who woke up this morning in her costume. And couldn't figure out how to take it off. So she decided to try and track down that Halloween costume party thing that Phoebe was talking about, because if there's one place she won't actually look out of place in this getup, it's there.

She's dressed as Halloween Town Sora, by the way, if you were wondering. Although the Keyblade she's carrying, which she can set down but never quite seem to get rid of, is the Way to the Dawn.

She's sure the universe is trying to be funny, with all those wings. The outfit's starting to grow on her, though, even if one of her "wingtips" is bent from having been lying on it in her sleep.

Currently, she's hanging out on one of the couches with a candy apple in her hand, checking out a movie. Because she really just couldn't say no to candy apples.

...So this is what zombies are, she thinks, mildly alarmed and mildly intrigued.


allmydiredreams October 30 2010, 05:52:08 UTC
Babel can never pass up a party, especially now that she's not being a gibbering mess in the streets anymore. And this is an excellent time to catch up on things, right? A big community event like this?

Oh, who are we kidding? She's been glued to the candy buffet since she got there.

So now there's a small, flitty zombie in a torn Smiths t-shirt and a skirt full of safety pins running around like a hamster hopped up on crack. Or a Babel hopped up on sugar. The sheer amount of candy corn (and candy pumpkins) this girl has consumed is enough to make the rest of the room sick.

And she's just discovered the candy apples as well. Though she's putting even more candy on top of the sticky stuff covering said apple, mostly because she grabbed the apple while she still had a handful of candy, and then needed a hand to do something, so she plopped all the candy on the apple ( ... )


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 06:00:52 UTC

Iris almost jumped out of her skin, Babel. One minute she was watching that poor guy's sister get eaten by a zombie on-screen-- she's just about used to the fact that movies aren't real, but she can't imagine how they could have faked that one-- and the next, you threw yourself down next to her, covered in what Iris dearly hopes is fake blood and looking like, well, death.

She stares at the girl dumbly for a moment before the familiar energy crashes over her, and she works out what's going on. "...Babel?"

She's still wide-eyed and clutching her heart, even after she gets a sense of her. None of the costumes here so far have been particularly scary, and admittedly at this point she's sort of expecting them, but it's always a shock to be interrupted by a zombie when you're watching a zombie movie.

"Please don't eat wings," she says, looking alarmed at the very thought. Her back muscles twitch, as if she can pull the fake ones in, away from the possibility of hungry Babelmouth.


allmydiredreams October 30 2010, 06:05:48 UTC
Babel giggles, flopping the rest of the way onto the couch. It's a very undignified process, involving a bit of flailing when she remembers she's wearing a very short skirt and is currently upside down, as well as a bit of nearly kicking Iris and a random partygoer passing by in the head to right herself. She just grins in place of an apology, and takes another bite of double-candy apple. She may or may not be bouncing, kicking her very-worn-and-safety-pinned combat boots out in front of her.

"I have never run across zombies that go for wings," she says. "Brains are the usual delicacy." She headtilts at Iris for a moment, still chewing. "Though sometimes shoulders are fine too."

And now she is going to pretend to nom Iris's shoulder. As a proper zombie should.


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 06:17:17 UTC
Iris ducks and weaves around Babel's kicking like a somewhat inept and tiny prizefighter, narrowly dodging a boot to the head. She's almost considering pulling the mask over her face just to protect herself from damage, when Babel finally rights herself, plopping down next to her with a grin and a chomp.

"So I hear," she says, with a shaky sort of smile that's gradually growing firmer. She does like Babel, an awful lot, and she's really glad to see her again, even if she did just give her the fright of her life. "About the brains, I mean. Not that I've ever run across any actual-- eep!"

She's squealing and laughing, now, trying to squish Babel's head between her face and her shoulder, as the girl dives in to fake-chew on her. Thankfully her shoulders are fairly heavily padded, or this would tickle an awful lot, but she's anticipating the tickle, so she squeals anyway. "It-- haha, it's-- it's good to, heh, see you, Babel. How's it, how's it going?"


allmydiredreams October 30 2010, 06:36:08 UTC
Babel doesn't quite manage to get the shoulder itself, though she does get a mouthful of cloth and makes a distinct 'om nom nom' noise before dropping it. There might be a few green and red makeup smears on it afterward, but ah well.

And then she giggles a little bit more, to match Iris's. The other girl's laughter is contagious, like the atmosphere here in general. She can feel everyone's happy -- and, of course, there are some that aren't, this being Chicago, but they are the minority -- and that plus the candy have put her into a great mood.

It's nice to feel Iris's happy, not just her broken. "It's shiny, everything is steady beats," she chirps. "Are you?"


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 06:50:17 UTC
Iris thinks it's nice, too. Being able to feel her own happy, not just her broken. It seems like forever since she's felt this at ease. But with things going pretty well with Molly, a renewed sense of confidence in her non-human nature, and the promise of change in her near future, she's managing to keep a pretty even keel these days, even with the hallucinations.

She's also glad to hear Babel sounding a bit more like herself. She'd been noticing that she was actually speaking perfectly intelligibly there, for a while, with none of her strange word choices, and was a little thrown by it. Iris likes the way Babel speaks. It's all flowy and soothing, so easy to melt into.

"Mm, I'm pretty shiny," she says, taking a bite of her own apple. "Steadier now. Found my ground." She smiles at Babel, then tilts her head briefly at the word choice. She knows she's heard her use that word before, but she doesn't think she's ever asked her to clarify. And she's curious.

"...What is it you mean? When you talk about 'beats'?"


allmydiredreams October 30 2010, 07:29:49 UTC
Babel's grin is a bit too wide and pointy, but very genuine. She's pleased as punch -- even if she hasn't actually had any -- that her newfound friend is doing better. Never mind that she could kind of feel that anyway, but there's so many people here and she has her walls up, per se, so it's hard to distinguish between people right off the bat. If she concentrates, though, or has a conversation with them, she'll get the beats for them again.

"Good good. Must keep you shined up like a penny," she says, then takes another giant chomp out of the apple.

And spends a good deal of time chewing said bite and thinking about Iris's question, afterward. Well, not so much thinking about it as avoiding answering via candy and apple nommage. But she does finally have to swallow her bite. "Can feel everyone's song, pulses through my bones," she says, tapping her sternum with the candy apple and then realizing belatedly that that was a bad idea. There's fuzz on the caramel now, which she starts to studiously pick off. "Always beats."


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 07:52:41 UTC
Iris giggles again, at the idea of her soul being polished up like a literal penny. She leans into the other girl, resting her head on her shoulder, not even thinking twice about the physical contact. Babel's a deity. Deities are for hugs and closeness. Or at least, that's what she's always experienced.

"That... that makes sense to me," she says, nodding, having to stifle another laugh at Babel's little mishap. She doesn't intend to laugh at her; it's just that it's so adorable. So like a deity, to not really understand interacting with the physical world.

"--I can feel people, too, sometimes. Like a rhythm, like you said. Like a song." She closes her eyes, fills herself up with the idea, lets it catch in her heart. "When I listen carefully."

It strikes her, just then, that Babel might know the answer to the question that's been bugging her. "...Babel, it's never real when they die in the movies, is it?"


allmydiredreams October 30 2010, 08:17:26 UTC
Babel stares at Iris for a moment, and in that moment it looks more like she's staring through Iris than at her. She remembers Iris's song, of course, but she has to check, once more, just to make sure. After all, she wouldn't put it past the clouds to disguise another like herself, make it hard for her to feel the clock in them.

But she knows it's not true; Iris isn't like her. She knows it. She just keeps hoping that maybe someday she'll meet another like herself. "It hurts," she says, sadly. "Always there, and always hurts."

And then Iris is providing a distraction! She can roll with that. "No, no," she says. "When you die in the movies you don't die in real life." She takes a contemplative bite of the apple, and then adds around the bite, "Unless it's a snuff film, but those are illegal."


sophicsulphur October 30 2010, 08:31:21 UTC
Iris' tone immediately shifts sympathetic, at Babel's admission. "What hurts?" she asks, gently. "That you feel people? Does that hurt?"

She's always thought it's pretty nice to feel people, to be honest. So many interesting lives. So many interesting threads, interweaving and entangling and winding through the hearts of everyone and everything, binding them together in an eternal web. But then, Babel does feel things she can't. Maybe she feels the shadow-places in people, too.

"Ah," she says, taking a bite of her own apple and licking small sugar flakes off her lips. Covering fruit with candy really is one of the best ideas humanity has ever come up with. In the food department, at least. "That's good to know. So it's like-- like that time when I was in this weird sort of game, and I died, but I wasn't really dead?" She realises, belatedly, that Babel possibly doesn't know what she's talking about. "...Was I the only one that happened to?"


ilikeyourcake October 31 2010, 18:56:29 UTC
Molly is a sexy cowgirl. Basically, she's wearing a short pink skirt and fishnets and it's country themed and --

Yes. She looks very much like the sorority girl she pretends to be. How she's wearing this costume when it is fucking freezing outside is beyond the narration. She's also higher than usual, which is what it is.

"That's like, totally an interesting costume," she says, messing with Iris' hair. She wonders where her guardian has wandered off to. He shouldn't be hard to find, what with the cow suit she's making him wear. She did give him a choice, see. He could have been even more naked than she was.


sophicsulphur October 31 2010, 19:04:57 UTC
Iris jumps at the sudden shadow that projects itself over the movie screen. It's easy to be jumpy, when you're engrossed in a movie about the living dead, with (at least for someone of Iris' time) extremely realistic special effects.

But the shadow is not a zombie. It's a second before the energy hits her, and then she's hopping up from the couch and enveloping Molly in a tight hug, being very, very careful not to get candy apple in her hair.

Because that would just be gross.

"Molly!" she says, beaming all over her face. "I didn't know you were coming." She's about to add that she'd have dressed in something less ridiculous, but it wasn't like she got a choice in the matter.

"--Come sit down?" She jumps away and hops back on the couch herself, patting the space next to her. "You... that's, hah, wow, that's a great costume too."

By which she means a revealing costume, which is honestly fine by Iris.


ilikeyourcake October 31 2010, 19:33:37 UTC
Don't worry, there's no candy apple in her hair, and she gives Iris a hug back. Even if it's a little bit less enthusiastic, there's still some warmth there. Molly, unlike Iris, actually knows how to be subtle. How to squeeze just a bit more than the other, to convey that feeling without showing the whole room.

Of course, Molly thrives on subtle social interaction, so even where she doesn't have experience, she has knowledge.

She sits down next to Iris and playfully tosses her lasso over the girl's head. Then pauses, suddenly distracted by something somewhere else, and freezes, focusing on that. Then there's Iris again, and she's not thinking, she's just pulling her in with the rope, giving her a kiss.

Well, so much for the subtlety. Then again, she's riding that dangerous road right now, where she just has to find out the ramifications of touch. "So you like it, I take it? That's like, great. I'm--"

Focusing on something else again.


sophicsulphur October 31 2010, 19:42:15 UTC
Iris is... right on your wavelength right about now, Molly. What with that whole urge to find out the ramifications of touch.

Her eyes are wide, seeing only blurs, as she's pulled hard against Molly's lips. There might have been a whimper in there, but it's mostly muffled by the other girl's mouth.

She could easily stay like this forever, but then Molly's speaking again, her whirling mind taking a beat to catch up. She thinks the costume's fantastic, especially the lasso part, but she doesn't get a chance to comment on that before Molly trails off, staring into space.

"...You're what?" She gives the other girl a tap on the shoulder, trying to get her attention.


ilikeyourcake October 31 2010, 19:51:02 UTC
Iris is saying words, but it takes a while for Molly to hear them. Because she's hearing everything. There's a conversation about someone who ate so much candy last year that they puked in their living room. Someone talking about how they think someone put something in the punch. Someone else whispering about the kiss. Kiss? Right, she's here with Iris, and it's hard to remember that there are ramifications to her actions beyond the social circle right here. Those whispers and a slight push in the crowd.

What she could do to make them all -- no, no, no, she's not allowed to play that game, not here, not now, and besides, she doesn't have all the variables in play yet. She doesn't know how they work and Kaden is here and he is -- but she needs to know how things fit together, what the pieces do and how they work, how do they spin, how can she manipulate them -- she shouldn't be but it's all so --

Words. Iris is also saying words. She's asking a question, touching her, trying to make her


She needs to focus right now. There's ( ... )


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