Camping Trip [Party Post]

Sep 25, 2010 13:36

[OOC: I'm sorry for the delay! This does take place Friday evening. This is a PARTY POST, which means feel free to tag around as much and as often as you like. Make multiple threads or tag into multiple threads would be better. The entire time slot from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon is open to play in. Etc.]

The camping trip has gone off without a hitch. On Friday, they left only ten minutes past the scheduled time. Martha may be frightening when she drives a giant bus, because they manage to make a 1 hour 30 minute trip in 1 hour 20 minutes... even with making a stop for pizza. Apologies to all those who feared for their lives along the way.

They arrive in Wisconsin by a beautiful lake teaming with fish for those who want to rent a pole. The nearest town is twenty minutes away. This is the wilderness, folks, or as close as many would be willing to get to Real Wilderness.

For anyone who needs it, there are tents and sleeping bags provided. All the tents need to be set up as well so good luck to those who've never had to put together a tent before. In addition, for those that have money, a cabin can be rented, which provides the renter with a bed (or bunk beds) and a small kitchen area. Every camp site (every two tents and every one cabin) comes with a fire pit if anyone is savvy enough to put together a fire for those they're staying with.

The entire camping area has been rented out to their party so they won't have to worry about running into a human except for the ones who are running the rec room and small store that sells firewood, marshmallows, and other necessary items. One of the tents has been set up as a medical tent, because Martha will be prepared in case there are injuries.

At the camping site, there is plenty to do. There are trails that need to be hiked. There is wildlife to see. Fish to be caught! There's a rec room that has bowling, wall climbing, volleyball, and a put-put course. Small paddle boats and kayaks can be rented for use on the lake. If one goes walks far enough on one trail, they'll see a small waterfall and stream of cool, clean water. Early afternoon on Saturday, boardgames and decks of cards will be available in the picnic area for those who want to play.

Friday evening at nine, there will be a large bonfire with s'more ingredients provided. Dinner, breakfast, and lunch are also provided. Dinner is pizza, which had been bought on the drive and enjoyed in the bus. Breakfast is pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Lunch will be sandwiches before everyone has to pack up to go.

Enjoy, Chicagoans!

martha jones, community building event, doyle, saul garamond, rachel dawes, harry potter, wes gannon, ray kowalski, cassie riddle, jack o'neill, rain, lola hernandez, iris fortner, ariadne, arthur, anne hamilton, robin rice, ianto jones, phoebe donovan, kenzie douglas, david hansen, robert capa, just rafe

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