The video was posted to Youtube. It immediately got taken down for violating their Terms of Service, and the account was reported to the authorities. Most people thought it was a hoax. Some new movie or something. Others said it just felt too real. Either way, it went viral, even without Youtube's help. Then the news picked it up, and well... it
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Saul doesn't exactly understand who this video is trying to warn. He's as yet unaware that there is a faction of people so very against those who have no choice but to be here. What he sees is a group of sick fucks killing ordinary human ( ... )
He crouches down, lowering himself to the trash-strewn asphalt in front of her. "Hey. Are you okay?" The last word comes choked out of him. Are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you okay? He's asked stupid questions like this so many times in the last couple of weeks. It makes him want to laugh like it makes him want to cry, and he does neither.
It feels good to have her wings out, it makes her feel better emotionally more than anything. But she's still sobbing, seeing that poor girl.. it breaks her heart. She looks up at the sound of a voice and blinks owlishly at the boy. Well, he's probably not a boy, but he's probably a great deal younger than her, anyway, y'know? He's a Wanderer too. She seems to be meeting a lot of them here.
Sniffling, she shakes her head. "No," she utters. "I saw him kill her... I... I'm... uhh..." she bites down on her lip, looking sorrowful, "Did you see it? What that... what.. what he did?!" She clenches her fists, a flare if anger dangerously rising. "I'm going to kill him,"
"Yes. I saw it just now. I saw what he did to those people. Called himself a 'liberation force', whatever the fuck that means. Fucker's full of shit," he snarls in his low, ratty, almost-hellish vocal tones. He's nearly as angry as she is, and struggling to keep himself calm because damn it, someone has to be. "I want to kill him too. I think there's a lot of people who want that guy dead."
"I want him for what he did to the girl.." she hiccups and looks skyward. "My game with him's for that, yeah?" she sneers the next part. "Bunch of high and mighty Demons got their wings in a twist and deciding to drag the stupid little human locals in for the hell of it. All just... just cause you got stuck here ( ... )
His eyes, aphotic voids overlaid by shadows, look dead straight into hers when she gets in his face. As a creature that can often be more animal than man, the rat prince views her closeness as a challenge, and he does not flinch. Even with his many strengths he's still not the biggest badass around. He's aware of this. Yet Saul remains unafraid.
"Should I be, angel girl?" She'd known what he is, now he gets to discover if he's right about her. "What in the bloody fuck is going on here?"
And the pieces fall together as he slowly begins to register it all. "So I'm being hunted by terrorists. People who hate me for being what I am. Who hate me for my inability to go home." He laughs a little, and it's bitter. "You think I should be scared of that shit? No. Fuck no. I wouldn't give that egotistical murderer and his fantastic fascist followers the satisfaction." Suddenly some of the lines in the video are making sense to him. "Because that's what he wants. He even said it. He fucking wanks off to peoples' fear."
And the we know who you are and where you live shit doesn't make a bit of difference when you're occasionally invisible and you 'live' everywhere in the city. And you ( ... )
But the smirk disappears when she mentions the others in the city. "Yeah I know. I am worried. For all of them. And so fucking furious that they have to be scared right now."
He likes her easy violence, not necessarily for itself but because it's a sign of a person who wants to get shit done. That's exactly what he needs right now-- someone as full of rage as he is. He doesn't want to have to calm down for someone else's sake ( ... )
She tilts her head to the side, "Well.. when angels and stuff are born, we're like, born human? We don't turn into angels until our sixteenth birthday. It kinda hurts and stuff - since it changes your blood, body temperature and you get wings," she jabs a thumb over her shoulder at her wings with a grin.
"But I didn't, like, mind it. Um... the way it, like, works out, the things that happen in your life before-hand influence what kind of angel you'll be and Calling you get. Like, um, protective people become Guardian Angels or smart people become Angels of Knowledge, I guess." she shrugs, she's not entirely sure, but she thinks that's how it works anyway ( ... )
He sits back against the brick wall before answering her question. It's kind of sudden, but he's getting the impression that that's simply how conversations with this angel are. "Yeah, I'm different." He pauses, wondering how well she'll process this, whether or not she'll believe him. "Rat," he answers finally. "Half rat. And the name's Saul, by the way." Not that he's picky about the nickname, it's simply an invitation for her to give him something other than 'angel girl' to call her by.
"I like being an Arch. We're a lot stronger than other angels. Which is always super awesome," she tells him with a grin.
Well, she wasn't like, um... expecting that. She tilts her head to the side in confusion and almost curiousity with a small frown at her brow. "Well, Wanderer Boy..." she stops herself and purses her lips for a few moments. She reeeeally likes her nicknames for people; it's almost a habit and get out of calling people by them isn't very easy. It's almost a stuggle. "Saul," she nods to herself, still frowning. "That's... well, um, that's new ( ... )
When she pokes at his greasy arm, he lets his head fall back against the wall with a dull thud and closes his eyes with just a tiny bit of exasperation. Yeah, by now he's sort of half-expecting to have to explain the appearance whenever he meets someone new. Maybe someday he'll have a speech worked out and everything. Or business cards. "No, I don't. My... dad looks human too. But he's a rat. Been a rat for like a thousand years. Maybe more. Each kind of animal picks a leader from one of their own, right? And I guess over time they just. End up looking human." He shrugs, because he's not sure exactly how it works himself. "Magic shit is complicated and weird. And yeah I'm a Wanderer. It's okay, there's not that many people around who've seen anything like me before." He looks back at her and gives a reassuring smile. "Fuck, I've never seen anything like you before either. Not ( ... )
"Huh, so like... how's um, that working out for you?" she asks with an amused look. "You look a little bit on the skinny side, if you ask me," Says the stick-insect of a girl who honestly forgets to eat a great deal of the time. No, really. She actually does. It's a wonder how she's still alive, sometimes.
She giggles, "We're like, all around. And.. like... we can tell who you are, but, um, you can't tell who we are. You're bound to meet some more of us and stuff, especially um, after that video," she tells him. "We can hide these, y'know.." she indicates to her wings with a smile. That reminds her. She's probably ruined her dress now. Dammit.Dylan pouts at him and folds her arm across her chest. She doesn't take him seriously, but she's always one for being over-dramatic ( ... )
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