Luka Petrovic is in Grant Park, fighting an
owlbear that the Rift spat out. She's bleeding from several gashes from the owlbear's claws, but she doesn't much care. With Arlin still in Moscow, the fight is the only thing she really lives for at the moment.
Luka shoots a cluster of four bullets from her gun. Unfortunately, it does little but enrage
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She really doesn't approve of talking animals, especially chipper ones. Those are the ones that want to eat your brains. "I WILL SEND YOU BACK FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!" she declares, steeling herself and letting off a couple of blasts in Mio's general direction.
Eh, the fire might hit Mio as well, but as long as it gets rid of the vile insects, she will be a proud martyr.
The birds and the butterflies, however, are not so quick to react. Bullets go tearing through the flock. A good dozen butterflies fall to the ground, and one or two birds as well.
Mio pulls her gun out of her purse and points it at Sunshine as she gets back up. It's not an impressive gun, just a basic 9mm H&K P2000, but she wields it with authority.
"Put the shotgun down, NOW," Mio barks at Sunshine, backing up her words with a good kick from her powers. She wants you to understand she is deadly serious about what she says, and she'll have no qualms about shooting you if you don't comply.
This, is apparently a very good excuse.
See, if Mio had been taking care of the problem in the first place, Sunshine wouldn't have to come in, shotgun blazing. Stupid people not understanding.
"PUT DOWN THE SHOTGUN," Mio says with more force. "The butterflies are not harming me, and I am perfectly capable of defending myself against brain-eating attacks."
Mio slowly steps towards Sunshine so she can attempt to disarm Sunshine if she continues to refuse to drop the shotgun.
And then there was an owlbear.
The girl fighting it seems to have an impressive aim, but Jo gets that the gun won't be enough to take it down.
She shifts into position, and this is remarkably easy. She doesn't notice the weight of the rifle anymore. She doesn't recoil. She aims and she shoots without a second thought, hoping that slows it down.
"Thanks!" Luka yells to whoever it is that's out there. She doesn't want to take her attention off the owlbear. It may be partially disabled now, but it is still dangerous.
Luka ejects the now-empty magazine on her gun and reloads with her spare. While she does this, she backs up towards a tree. The fact that she has an ally out there now means that there are more options available to her.
"Cover me!" she yells, as she reaches to the nearest branch and pulls herself up. If only she can get a little bit further up, she can get a good vantage point to shoot the thing through the eye and into the brain...
That's why she's holding a SUV in her hands, up over her head. It's a pretty green one, and she's a bit sad about what she's about to do.
"Hey, darlin'," she says in a friendly voice. "Mr. Grumpy Pants seems to be in a lousy mood." Not that he's wearing any pants. She'll chuck the SUV in the owlbear's direction, hoping it hits him between the eyes ( ... )
"He's not wearing any pants!" Luka yells back. She's always been a little bit on the literal side. "But yeah, lousy mood."
The sheer force of the vehicle crashing into the owlbear has knocked it back several feet. Luka takes a chance to breathe and assess the situation. She's hurt, and she doesn't think she can continue this fight for very much longer--but she's got an ally now.
"'m Luka," she pants.
The owlbear has dropped onto four legs and is limping now. That's a good thing. It brings down the head so she can get a better aim at it. She lets off another round of bullets aimed at it's face. Hopefully one of those will hit it in the eye and go through to the brain, but her vantage point is still not the best. Even on four legs, owlbears are still damn
"Hi, Luka." She says this in a friendly voice, though she doesn't take her eyes away from the owlbear.
She watches closely while bullets hit the critter on the head. It's bloody and messy as hell, and the thing drops. It looks dead, and it's not breathing, from what she can tell. As this is Chicago, of course, she's still suspicious.
At least it's down, she thinks. She waits until the bullets have stopped flying to walk over to the giant mound of dead-looking owlbear and she places her foot on the back of it's neck, then pushes down.
It's not until she hears a crack (that she presumes is the neck) that she finally looks over at Luka. She tilts her head to the side, worry creeping in. "You look like you could use some medical somethin'-or-other, darlin'."
The is Rogue's way of saying that it doesn't look like a band-aid's going to cover it.
"A little bit of antiseptic and some bandages should be all I need," Luka says. "Well, and a new shirt." She pokes a finger through one of the holes in the front. "I got all that back at my apartment, but that's kind of a ways away from here..."
They also have all that at the O's headquarters, which are much closer, but if she went there she'd have to see one of their doctors. Despite the fact that her arm could probably use stitches, she'd really rather not see a doctor. Too many bad memories. If Arlin was here to tell her to go she'd comply, of course, but Arlin's in Moscow.
"By the way, it's nice to meet you Rogue. I've never met someone who could throw cars before."
By now he's not much surprised to see anyone firing a weapon. It's Chicago. But it's what the little waif woman's firing at that makes him stop and stare. What the hell is that thing? "Jesus Christ." And it's real, not some geezer on stilts in a suit. He can smell it. As soon as the owly scent hits his nostrils, some instinct wakes up, and reason starts to splinter away. Hollow narration from something watched long ago bounces in his head: The owl lands right on top of the rat, outstretched talons first, then breaks its neck with a twist of the beak. He doesn't understand what those words mean anymore, but they ( ... )
With his teeth he can chew through mason if he wants to. Right now, what he really wants is to chew this birdthing to pieces. So he spits out feathers and keeps at it, even when he reaches the soft tissue beneath.
Both Luka and the owlbear are bleeding profusely now. She can't even tell which of the blood on her is her own any more. But her injuries don't matter. Only the fight matters. She keeps slicing away until the owlbear's arm is completely useless. Now to think about how to make the finishing move...
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