And now you find yourself in '82. The disco hot spots hold no charm for you.

Jan 01, 2010 03:33

Chicago has a thing by now about chiming midnight and doom cometh.

Thankfully, Chicago chimes midnight, rings in 2010, and nothing really spectacular happens, so no one really has much to concern themselves with and can go on partying like it's not 2009 anymore. It's not really until the wee hours of the morning, the Hour of the Wolf, if you will, that things start getting... Kinda weird, but it's not like anyone's still awake (or sober enough to care) to see the Rift spit out an agitated Angel of the Lord/Trickster God (depending on what mood you catch him in).... Nor are they probably awake enough to hear him spend about thirty minutes CURSING AT THE THING, before vanishing inexplicably with a snap of his fingers.

And who is really going to be around to notice a barbed wire fence suddenly appearing in the middle of the park, seemingly stretching forever with no rhyme or reason or any indication as to what it's keeping in or out? No one, that's who, but if you try to cross it, just be aware that you might wind up in a random pocket dimension for a little while. The pocket dimensions could be anything and they're different for every person... Although, at least one person will wind up in Normandy during the Allied invasion. That person either has the worst pocket dimension or the most badass.

And no one is stupid enough to go out walking after midnight in the park, only to find there's a section where the park drops off into a steep cliff, but if you are that stupid (or stupid enough to do it later), at least take comfort in the fact that if you fall off the cliff, you'll just bounce when you hit the ground.

Morning will come to Chicago and the rest of this week will progress in relative weirdness, because this is how Chicago rings in a new year and a new decade- through messing with the potent reality bending powers of riftbound demigods. You're welcome, denizens of Chicago.

And for most of the first day of his riftbound fate, the aforementioned (and very grumpy) demigod will be in a diner, eating pancakes, and wondering what the fuck just happened here.

[[OOC: WELCOME TO TRICKSTER WEEK. Consider this a party-post. You are not limited to any of the areas mentioned in this post and those two things are probably not the only random additions- they're just the ones I already got mod approval for. XD This is mostly just a kick-off. Those of you have decided to curse your characters can post your characters' initial discoveries of said curses here... Or you can have them examine the fence... Or fall off the cliff. EITHER WAY. In case you missed the OOC Comm post about this plot, it's here.]]

peter petrelli, cara quinn, cy, captain jack harkness, plot: trickster week, dean winchester, rachel conway, topher brink, toshiko sato, mat wallace, tay barnam, owen harper, kittentits, winny carpenter, karrin murphy, suou pavlichenko, glen barrett, the trickster, npc, daniel faraday

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