[backdated to Christmas, locked] something that you said will stay with you

Dec 30, 2009 12:28

Huck is prowling the Kashtta. She was hanging out with the TV and what's left of her Pack in the room they took over in the Tower, and she knew she shouldn't have checked the journals even if the creepiness of the place sets her on edge. But she did, and apparently Jason was being an idiot. So she left Jon and Billy in the room with very little explanation. Once she actually knows what's going on, she might explain a little more to them.

Right now, though, she's prowling the Kashtta in wolf form -- the journal entry made it seem like human rationality wouldn't work too well -- looking for a certain rottweiler. Or maybe a certain rottweiler's Guardian angel, who can lead her to a certain rottweiler so she can give him some smackdown or...something. She's not actually sure what she's going to do when she finds him, because she's never really dealt with this much crazy before, but her Pack's her responsibility, and everyone involved is just going to have to deal with that.

huck freak, captain jack harkness, suzie costello

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