after the apocalypse

Nov 06, 2009 22:07

Bean is at the Conrad, looking for room 337 and Dusty. She might not know her all that well, but at this point she doesn't care--people have been suffering way too much lately, and she's not about to let anyone suffer more, not if she can help it ( Read more... )

phoebe donovan, metis snow, tomei wolf, isabelle kozlov, dusty baker

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Comments 30

please_see_me November 7 2009, 03:55:28 UTC
Dusty is curled up in her room, on her bed with her back against the wall and her knees hugged to her chest, alternately staring at her journal and staring at the door.

Bean said she was bringing cupcakes. If Bean's real, she'll come, or she'll send a message. Right?


beanshield November 7 2009, 04:55:01 UTC
Bean has never had much of a sense of direction, but she has spent a few days at the Conrad by now, exploring the basement. It takes her about a half an hour to finally find Dusty's room number. Once there she hesitates a little, chewing on her lip. Would Dusty really want to see her? It's not like they're good friends or anything; they've only ever talked a few times.

She shakes her head after a moment. It doesn't matter. Sometimes people just need hugs. Or cupcakes.

Bean knocks on the door. "Um, hello? It's Bean. This is Dusty's room, right?"


please_see_me November 7 2009, 08:17:52 UTC
"Yes," Dusty says - she hasn't said anything pretty much all day, so her voice is a little hoarse and quiet. She clears her throat and tries again. "Y-yeah," she says, a little louder. "Come in!"

Maybe it's cupcakes. She thinks so. It sounds like Jelly Bean.


beanshield November 7 2009, 08:42:31 UTC
Bean pushes the door open. Potato goes in first to make sure the room is safe for his human and trots up to Dusty, sniffing at her. His tail wags slowly.

Bean follows him in and smiles tentatively when she spots Dusty. She stops in the doorway and waves at her.

"Hey! Um...I didn't know what flavor you liked, and I could only get yellow cake mix from the store, so...yeah. I would have gone to Swirlz cause their cupcakes are epic, but they're closed. Well, like everyone is closed right now."


marchforthedead November 8 2009, 00:06:14 UTC
Tomei is roaming the halls of the Conrad, looking for things to do. He's been up in the city all day, offering help where he can. If it's physical labor and doesn't require much beyond pointing and affirmative grunting, he's done it.

He's moved a lot of bodies today. He can't go to bed; if he does, he'll spend the hours before giving up on sleep cataloging their faces and (where they could be found) identities, walking himself through the evidence and their wounds to see what might have killed them.

The little girl and her dog--she's alone. Tomei hopes very much it's by choice.

He stops in front of her, awkwardly, and fumbles out his journal to make a little note in it.

Loked to the pink-haired girl, it says. Are you al ryt?


beanshield November 8 2009, 01:54:38 UTC
Bean has stopped along a hallway and is sort of pacing back and forth, rubbing her chin and frowning a little. She notices the tall guy near her, but figures he's just going on his way, and doesn't want to bother him. It's not until he steps in front of her that she really sees him. She blinks. He's very tall.

"Oh, um, hi." He's writing her a note now. She blinks again curiously, rather amazed at how tall he is. Potato is looking up at Tomei as if he has never quite seen anything like him.

Bean reads the note. "Oh! Um, yeah, I'm fine. Um, 'okay.'" She nods, wondering if the guy is deaf, or can't speak English. "I'm just looking"

She pats at her pockets and finally digs out a piece of paper and a pen, writing down the room number. She shows it to Tomei. "Room 337. 3-3-7?"


marchforthedead November 25 2009, 09:43:26 UTC
Ah. That makes sense. He nods and points down the hall. ...Waaaay down the hall. "Back. N... Eh."

He gives up.

Big numbrs back far


thehighestwing November 8 2009, 01:39:19 UTC
Phoebe is also nearby the Buckingham Crater, Metis. She's chewing on a twizzler and she has her camera in hand. It's not that she's morbid, exactly. She just knows sooner or later they'll rebuild and it's important to remember what happened, capture it in some way.

Or something.

She has her enlightening moments!

"Totally insane, isn't it? You kinda wonder if it was all a nightmare until you come out here and see how flucked up everything is," Phoebe says as she saunters up to him. Starting a conversation with 'hello' is for squares!

She doesn't know just yet he's the wordsmith she promised ice cream to, but that doesn't mean she won't chat with a stranger.

It is Phoebe Donovan, after all.


burnslikesnow November 8 2009, 02:04:19 UTC
Metis is off in his own world, thinking about things when Phoebe speaks. He blinks, a little startled and looks over at her. He smiles faintly.

"That's how it is with all of these things. You don't really wake up to the reality of the situation until you actually experience it. See it for yourself."

He tilts his head a little. "It's really too bad about the fountain, though. It was a nice fountain."


thehighestwing November 8 2009, 03:50:46 UTC
Phoebe is rather used to the startled reactions. She merely wrinkles her nose as she inspects the remains of said fountain, then looks up at him with a still-crinkled expression.

"Yeah. I'd always wanted to dance in it. I also heard the book shop was totaled."

Not that she reads. She just liked sitting on the steps so she could people-watch.

"Stupid monsters and fiery hail," she mutters under her breath.


burnslikesnow November 8 2009, 23:18:10 UTC
He smiles a little at that expression. She's a cute kid.

"Ahhh, the book shop. I never did make it out there, though I kept meaning to. The fountain is one thing, but all those books..." He shakes his head forlornly. "It's a tragedy."

He looks up at the sky with a heavy sigh. "I'd hesitate to say 'it's over,' since it never seems to be 'over' in this city...but I'm glad we at least have a lull in things now."


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