A car loaded with teenagers pulls up in front of the Conrad. Finding parking in downtown Chicago is never easy, and Buffy is not willing to wait. She springs out of the car and races into the lobby - only to realize that while she knows the basement is where they keep the wanderers, she has no idea how to get there. Um.
The Doctor is wandering
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He claps his hands on the back of the bench and leans down to say, "So I banished a giant scorpion into Lake Michigan! Ask me how!"
"Define giant, and for the love of God, tell me it didn't sting you."
"It didn't sting me. Clawed me up a bit though. I'm on leave. And I'm bored." And his apartment smells like peaches, because when he gets bored, he starts experimenting. He's pretty sure his landlord thinks he brutally massacred a Fruit of the Loom mascot and hid the body under his floor.
He sprawls a bit on the bench and people-watches for a moment before tilting his head in Casey's direction. "Ms. Wyatt, I'll have you know that you are never required to have a scorpion to be interesting."
...That might have come out wrong. However, Gray will never notice, whether it did or not, so the point is moot.
"Well, that's a relief, because I understand finding one could be a bit of a problem. Especially if you're going to throw all of them into the lake. Speaking of which, next time you get Rift monsters, I want in. It would be a nice change."
You know, from crucified demons and CLF attacks. ...God, when she's jealous of Gray and his Rift monsters, she knows something's wrong.
He drums his fingers on the bench for a second, chewing on his lip with an expression that's almost grave. "Guess business is, if you'll excuse the really tasteless word choice given this city... Booming?"
But, of course. This is Chicago. When has Chicago ever not been a headache for police officials? Even when it was the normal stuff. Like bootlegging and organized crime and police corruption. Ah, the good old days.
She very nearly elbows him at that question, but manages to restrain herself just because he's injured already. It would be cruel to bruise him further. "God, do not use that word. That's a little something called tempting fate, and I'd like to do as little of it as possible. Fate has a sense of humor around here." A really nasty one.
She pauses a moment, and then adds, "That angel that died in the park, that one was mine. We won't find who did it." Because no one wants to look in the places they know they want to, because no one wants to write the words angel or demon or Rift on any official report. It seems like half of Casey's cases go that way.
And today, there are dogs playing in the park like nothing ever happened here. That's comforting, at least.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and he nods. "Yeeeah, they pulled the footage from the news about ten seconds after it aired, but not before it half the waiting room in Stroger in hysterics. Had to convince the less informed and more freaked that it was some sicko putting fake wings on a girl to make a religious point." And that's so telling when that is more comforting to people than the thought that there are literal crucified angels in the park. It's nauseating, especially when Stroger's one of the most supernatural-friendly hospitals in Cook County.
"I'd like to banish whoever the fuck pulled that off into Lake Michigan with about two tons of concrete attached to their feet," he mutters. God, this whole bullshit grinds his gears. If it's not the CLF, then it's something else. That's Chicago.
She sighs and leans forward to rest her chin on top of folded hands. "Why do we still live here? We could have moved ages ago to... I don't know, San Diego. Miami. Somewhere warm and not as insane." Anywhere would be less insane than Chicago.
He actually considers that question and leans forward, linking his fingers under his chin. "'Cause we're needed here," he finally answers.
Casey turns her head to look at him sideways. "Okay, better question. How come you get all the fun jackalopes and monster scorpions and I get all the bodies?" Yeah, she's a cop, it's kind of her job, but it's not exactly Gray's job to play with Rift monsters.
And that actually makes him laugh. He throws up his arms. "Hell if I know! Maybe I have weird pheromones."
He sniffs at his shoulder. Because that's totally where they keep the pheromones.
She wrinkles her nose a little as he sniffs his shoulder. "At this point, Mr. Raines, I would not be surprised, because everything about you is weird."
He holds it for about six seconds before finally bursting into laughter.
She pauses a moment, and then nudges him with her shoulder. "You want to go get coffee or tea or something? Or I guess we could go to your place and you could share some of whatever horrendous peach thing you've been cooking..."
She may be suspicious of some of his peach cooking, but she'll take her chances. It also has the advantage of being less depressing than the crucifixion park (and she will be so glad when she can stop thinking of it that way).
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