
Sep 05, 2009 10:50

Reese is in the Conrad common room. There's a book resting open in her lap, but she hasn't turned a page in the last twenty minutes. She's deep in thought - mostly about this situation she seems to have gotten herself in with Crews, but also, also inconveniently, her thoughts are drifting to what her father might say if he knew about this entire ( Read more... )

madeline may, fred burkle, scout, casey wyatt, michael vaughn, sylar, sam winchester, dean winchester, avery campbell, brighid sheridan, dani reese, teddy rowe

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Comments 127

thehandsomeone September 5 2009, 15:43:12 UTC
Dean is also near the park, and he's also, unsurprisingly, hungry. He's left the Impala behind for now, in the shade of some trees (not that that makes it any less conspicuous, really), and is headed toward a certain taco stand closeby.

Few things would annoy Sam more than for Dean to bring Mexican food into their room, but maybe Dean won't even get that far.


doneanddoner September 5 2009, 15:47:43 UTC
Coincidentally, the taco stand is also Fred's current destination, and it might just be because tacos are without a doubt her favorite, but the stand makes some darn good ones. Her stomach's only getting louder, and the closer she gets to the stand, the more she can smell everything.

She manages to intercept Dean in line for the tacos, but not purposefully, and she won't realize she's cut in front of him unless he says something.


thehandsomeone September 5 2009, 16:01:10 UTC
As it happens, Dean does notice, but he doesn't make a fuss about it like he usually would, since the girl who cuts in front of him looks like she could use an enchilada or twelve.

He goes back to looking at the menu, debating if he wants more cheese or bean enchiladas, figuring the girl will only be a minute.


doneanddoner September 5 2009, 16:04:29 UTC
Unfortunately for Dean, Fred does tend to eat an enchilada or twelve. She blames the fact that she still looks skinny on all that time in Pylea - plus a decent metabolism.

She's debating on whether or not she wants an enchilada or a burrito - or maybe just go with the best of both worlds and have one of each.


firesofwisdom September 5 2009, 16:23:46 UTC
There's a kindred spirit lurking just a few shelves down from Sam, her head cocked to the side to read the titles of the books on the shelves. Brighid runs her fingers along the spines, furrowing her brow as she mentally runs through her collection back home, and -

"Aha!" She carefully worms a very old-looking book free of the shelves, grinning like a madwoman. Okay, so it's not exactly in mint condition, but she can do a bit of restoration work on it and polish it up a bit.


wegotwork September 5 2009, 16:27:11 UTC
It's quiet enough in the bookstore that Sam definitely hears the exclamation before he sees where it came from, and a small amused grin turns up the corners of his mouth.

That's the kind of excitement that he'd get busted on for sure if he ever displayed it in front of Dean.


firesofwisdom September 5 2009, 16:33:20 UTC
She carefully wipes some dust off the cover and tucks the book into the crook of her arm. "Have you seen anything like this collection before?" she says to - well, Sam, since he's the only one nearby. "It's brilliant - they've got nearly all the Tom Swift books, for one thing."

Yes, Brighid is collecting a juvenile science fiction series from the mid-twentieth century. Don't judge, Sam.


wegotwork September 5 2009, 16:35:48 UTC
Sam's seen some pretty old books in his day - most of them in Bobby Singer's collection - but he nods politely, because they're not going to get into how he's read all kinds of ancient texts on exorcism and demons and stuff. No judgment here, we promise.

"Can't say I'm familiar," he admits, idly scratching the back of his head with one hand.


mightvebeen September 5 2009, 21:38:48 UTC
Madeline May (stage name) wanders into the common room taking a couple of sweeping gazes across it.

She turns her attention to the only other person in the room. Never mind that she's reading a book, Maddy is missing a book.

"... you haven't seen any cooking books in here, have you?"


notenlightened September 5 2009, 23:03:53 UTC
Dani Reese (real name) glances up from what appears to be reading, but is actually somewhat still thinking instead.

It's not a cookbook in her hands, that's for sure. In fact, she's pretty sure it's one of Crews', now that she thinks about it. But even if you asked her what it's about, we can't promise she'd be able to tell you.

"No, sorry," she says. "But I haven't actually been looking for one."


mightvebeen September 5 2009, 23:15:14 UTC
((OOC: You made me laugh with the (real name). I felt it necessary to say. Ahem.))

Maddy frowns. She doesn't exactly feel like putting the effort into lifting things about to search under them.

"Hmm. That's annoying." She wanted to avoid this, but- Maddy closes her eyes and holds out her hands, focusing on the details of the recipe book that she has in mind, calling it to her in her head.

It appears in her hands a minute later. Her head starts to hurt thanks to the effort of calling an unknown object from an unknown location. "There we are. I'm not actually a cook, but I'm trying out for a character in a play who is one. You see. Method acting. Good old Marlon Brando style."


notenlightened September 5 2009, 23:22:23 UTC
Reese might know about the existence of things like angels here. Hell, she's even met one of them in person. But it doesn't exactly compare to someone demonstrating their abilities in front of her. Granted, she doesn't exactly know that she herself (as well as Crews) each have their own unique ability, thanks to the Rift, but if she has it her way, she'll deny it until the cows come home. And then deny it some more.

"So this is what, like, research?" Reese asks, after she gets over the initial shock of seeing something appear out of nowhere.


andwhosearmy September 6 2009, 01:27:05 UTC
Sane people might avoid the Coffee Shop, but Casey's made a habit of stopping by after she's been working all night. If anything happens while she's there... well, at least there'll be a cop right on the scene.

So she's standing by the counter, waiting for her coffee, and eyeing each of the patrons in turn as if she's wondering if any of them might blow the place up. It's a valid concern.

Her eyes fall on Avery, and she smiles just a little. Someone looks just as rough around the edges as she feels - not that it was a bad night, as such, just... longer than usual.


couldusealaugh September 6 2009, 15:02:31 UTC
Avery might be a little less than sane this morning, but hey, at least these aren't the nights where the moon is at its fullest. Otherwise she'd really be a bitch to run into. And if something happened to keep her coffee from her - well, no one wants to be around for that, so we'll just perish the thought right now.

She notices the glances being tossed her way, though doesn't acknowledge them at first until the other woman's eyes pass over her again, and then she turns and quickly does so with a smile that's incredibly fleeting.


andwhosearmy September 9 2009, 09:08:08 UTC
Casey's lived in Chicago and around the fringes of the supernatural community long enough to get a sense for who might be one of them, and to keep a running tally of the phases of the moon in the back of her mind. Cops and ER nurses tend to anyway, because even with plain old vanilla humans, things get interesting around the full moon, but in this case...

"Long night, or just a too-early morning?"


couldusealaugh September 9 2009, 13:17:38 UTC
Avery's got her coffee in hand by this point, so she takes a couple sips before attempting to make conversation. It wouldn't do for her to bite someone's head off right now - either figuratively or literally.

"Both," she answers, a bit croakily, but she clears her throat and tries again. "Guess I'm just not a big morning person."


stillaboyscout September 6 2009, 15:04:52 UTC
Vaughn has missed the Conrad. He's just back to visit briefly, to check in on his old room (still unoccupied, thank goodness) and just generally putter around. He's been feeling rather nostalgic as of late.

He wanders into the common room, where there's a stranger sitting reading. He pauses for a moment to try to see what exactly she's reading, but he can't seem to make it out, so he'll just ask.

"What are you reading?"


notenlightened September 6 2009, 15:24:45 UTC
To be fair, she's still not exactly reading, because having a book is giving her an excuse to think, as destructive a habit as that is. But she took this book thinking that Crews wouldn't miss it, and so far, he hasn't come around looking for it, so he must not need it too much right now.

She looks up, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, and turns the left side of the book up so he can read the cover: The Island of the Day Before.

"Don't know much about it, to be honest," she admits. "I kind of just picked it up today."


stillaboyscout September 6 2009, 16:56:59 UTC
Vaughn nods. "I've never heard of it," he admits. "Then again, I haven't had much time for reading in the past." Except he now sort of does. He furrows his forehead at this realization, then shrugs. "Well. Any good? At least, so far?"


notenlightened September 6 2009, 17:01:10 UTC
"Slow starting," she answers, remembering what Crews had said about it before. Really, he hadn't been lying.

"I hear it gets better eventually, though," Reese adds, and there's a brief smile that appears.


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