They say you can catch it, but sometimes you're born with it

Aug 22, 2009 02:00

Luke Roberts is pacing in the lobby of the Kashtta Tower. He has to respond to Arlin, but he doesn't know what to say to him yet. Luke believes him. Arlin seems sincere, and Luke really wants to get out. He doesn't want to have to be a bother to Torchwood or to put any of these people into danger. A hail of bullets and lion is what Gene said... ( Read more... )

martha jones, owen harper, amity mackenzie, robin rice, rachel dawes, babel, phoebe donovan, luke roberts, elizabeth jules, john dorian (j.d.), winny carpenter, dani reese, gladys, ruvin

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rattle_thecages August 22 2009, 08:41:44 UTC
Rachel makes her way over to Martha's table. She's ordered her coffee - black, as she normally does - and her congenial expression turns into one of concern. The woman looks about the same as Rachel feels these days.

"May I?" she asks, motioning to the empty chair across from her.


smithnjones August 22 2009, 09:24:56 UTC
Martha looks up from her coffee at the sound of the voice, and then the brooding expression slips into an easy smile when she sees Rachel.

"There's always room at my table for you," she says, and then nods toward the empty seat. "Please, join me. We can get caffeinated together."

She never sticks in brooding mode for long. It's a rather useless mode to be in as it is.


rattle_thecages August 22 2009, 09:44:01 UTC
"That sounds heavenly." Rachel promptly sits down. "Don't mind if I do."

Rachel's mostly subsisted on coffee alone. These days she isn't bogged down by work but she still finds she needs her daily dose of caffeine.

She then leans forward on propped elbows, face still sympathetic. "You look like you have a lot on your mind. Are you sure I'm not interrupting?"


smithnjones August 22 2009, 10:11:38 UTC
Martha shakes her head with the easy smile still on her lips.

"I've almost always got a lot on my mind. Besides, it's not healthy to brood. I would much rather be talking to you," she insists, and then sips her cappuccino carefully as it's still hot.

She sets her drink down, again, as her expression turns a bit more serious. "We've got things to discuss anyway, haven't we?"

She's been rather anxious to hear what Rachel has to say about Crane, and then the whole matter of a legal system has especially been weighing on her heart lately though she can't place why. It might be out of a need to do something to improve this place.


rattle_thecages August 22 2009, 10:20:07 UTC
"We do," Rachel finally allows with a heavy sigh.

She's considered the matter carefully for the past few days. Rachel never makes a decision lightly, and she wrestles with the pros and cons of a certain situation until she's certain which path to take.

"What I'd first like to discuss is Jonathan Crane. He's from my world, back in Gotham."

Her throat is dry at this point, but her steady hands never betray her. "I don't trust him. One should be careful around him. I felt it was my responsibility to tell you."


smithnjones August 22 2009, 11:06:20 UTC
Martha takes in the expression on Rachel's face. She can read the seriousness in it. Not that she would expect such a conversation to be had in lighter tones. Martha bites her lower lip. It's a worried gesture that she hasn't been able to kick when she's relaxed with someone.

"Thank you for telling me, Rachel. I appreciate it." She frowns thoughtfully, and then taps her fingers on the outside of her coffee cup. "I met him earlier actually. I felt like I was getting some strange vibes from him, but I thought maybe I was only being paranoid. Now that you've confirmed my suspicions with your own... I'll be sure to keep a closer eye on him."

She worries about telling other people, but it's difficult to do that when he hasn't actually done anything. She'll have to keep an eye out and hope that that's enough.


rattle_thecages August 22 2009, 17:38:03 UTC
To say there's no love lost between Rachel Dawes and Jonathan Crane is an understatement ( ... )


smithnjones August 23 2009, 06:49:45 UTC
Martha smiles when Rachel reassures her that it's not paranoia. She's been known to be paranoid. After everything that she's experienced, it can't be helped, but she has to trust her instincts, too. It's nice to have confirmation of sorts even if this means she will have to pay closer attention. Closer than she had initially anticipated, but it will be worth it.

She takes another drink of her coffee. It's doing its duty waking her up and making her feel more alert.

Martha takes in a deep breath, and then looks at Rachel and nods. "I believe in second chances as well. I've had a couple given to me before. We all make mistakes. There's darkness in each of us that can be triggered under the right circumstances, but..." She looks into her coffee. "Yes. It's much better to be safe than sorry. I do appreciate your telling me."


rattle_thecages August 23 2009, 08:11:09 UTC
"I couldn't not tell you." It was a simple as that. She knows it's the right thing to do. She'll always have difficult decisions to make and in the end she has to make the choice that she can live with.

She knows how darkness can drive a person. She also knows how powerful redemption can be. It comes with the territory. She's seen how a good person can turn into a criminal. How a criminal can rise above their own misdeeds and turn their life around.

She's just not sure the case applies to Jonathan Crane. Rachel's coffee remains mostly untouched, though both her hands cradle it. "I'll also be keeping an eye on him. If anything happens I believe you should know you'll be alerted of it immediately."


smithnjones August 23 2009, 09:25:52 UTC
Martha nods in understanding. There are some choices that don't have to be made, because it's not a choice for that person. It's a necessity. It's part of who they are, and there isn't any changing it without a life altering event.

"I appreciate that, too." She has the resources to handle almost anything that could happen. She knows who to call for what sort of situation.

Martha presses her cup between her hands, and then allows her expression to relax. "We were going to talk about legal matters, too, which is not the lightest of conversations, but I think it will be better than talking about Mr. Crane. Right?"

She can feel the seriousness lift from her slightly already. This conversation will be difficult, important, and serious as well, but there's less of a feeling of imminent, potential danger.


rattle_thecages August 23 2009, 09:59:28 UTC
Anything is better than talking about Crane. The anger that the man evokes isn't something she's proud of. The reminder of what he did, how he preyed on fear, hers, it's laced with too much useless emotion.

She won't easily admit a weakness.

"Complicated, but yes I do believe it will be better. And it will get us somewhere." Rachel opens her bag, searching for the folder in which she keeps her notes. "I wish there was more to go on but from what I've gather - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong - there isn't a particular organization working on legislation so wanderers can obtain legal licensing outside of their original jurisdiction, much less wanderer rights."


smithnjones August 24 2009, 00:44:32 UTC
"I always like having conversations that have somewhere to go," Martha says with a smile.

She glances at the notes in the folder approving of... well, folders and general organization skills. Of course, anyone that is a lawyer would need such skills to become one in the first place so it's not that she's surprised. Martha just approves.

"You are correct. There is nowhere for wanderers to go should they need protection or to prosecute someone who has wronged them. There are no set consequences for when someone has done something wrong. No jail. No court system. Nothing. We're left hanging to a certain extent, and I would imagine the angels, demons, and supernaturals are in the same boat. They are legally recognized by the state as citizens, and thus have certain inalienable rights. However, the situations and complications that occur in our part of the world would not be recognized in the legal system, and if they wanted to file charges against a wanderer... No luck there."


rattle_thecages August 24 2009, 04:17:14 UTC
Rachel shakes her head, steady hands holding the notes. She can't believe that they have gone on as long as they have without a legal system to fall back on. She isn't sure she's entirely aware of what she's getting herself into but there's no going back, not for her.

"For starters, there's an angle we can work with if we're looking to bring this matter to the public view," Rachel begins as she places the notes beside her. She wants to explain it as simply as she possibly can.

"The problem is, when cases have involved equality issues and were brought before the federal courts - and this includes the U.S. Supreme Court - the courts consistently had a narrow interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment."


smithnjones August 24 2009, 07:02:16 UTC
"A narrow interpretation... that is not reassuring," Martha says with a frown. She takes in a deep breath and takes a drink from her coffee. It won't be long until she'll need another. "So what angle do you think would work when we brought the matter to the public? And we're talking public as in other supernatural people, correct?"


rattle_thecages August 24 2009, 08:19:29 UTC
"It won't be easy," Rachel allows but she's quick and firm to add, "which doesn't mean it's impossible. We'll work with what we have, Martha."

She has plenty of notes that she's aware won't make much of a difference as of now. Court decisions introducing the modern civil rights era, Supreme Court debates and sentencing spanning the last 150 years...

Rachel takes a deep breath.

"It would start with other supernatural people," she replies affirmatively with a slight nod. "But if there are going to be laws that establish everyone as being able to have equal rights as well as being able to be equally prosecuted...there has to be a form of government that can uphold those rights. As it stands, is there anyone unofficially in charge?"


smithnjones August 24 2009, 21:58:52 UTC
"No, there isn't. If we separate everyone, again, the demons and those living in the Gauche have Elashte. The angels have Vincent. I don't know who the Wanderers have got." Martha is probably the closest, but she doesn't really consider herself to be 'in charge'. "And there are different groups like Torchwood. They're their own organization with their own leaders."

It used to be Jack, but he's... gone.

"I don't know if we could find one person to be in charge of everyone. I'm not sure everyone would listen to just the one person, but if it were more like a group of people... I don't know. Maybe."


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