I don't know what I've done / Or if I like what I've begun / But something told me to run [open]

Aug 02, 2009 17:24

Claire is shaking.

Ever since running from the scene in the alley, she hasn't been able to stop.  She has no idea what's going on with her but she knows that it's bad, very bad.  All she had done before was cause a flower to wither when she touched it but now she had killed someone.

He's dead.

A shudder rips down her spine as she presses herself against the wall of another alley, her eyes focused on the Conrad.  All she wants to do is get across the street and inside without anyone seeing her but she doesn't know how to do it.  Sure, she can put one foot in front of another but it's a little more complicated than that.  The complication?  She's covered in blood.  Well no, not a bunch of blood but it's on her.  The back of her hair is definitely caked with it, the blonde curls dried into a stained dark brownish-red hue and that's not it.  The blood stains the shoulder of her white top and there is some down her front.

People do tend to notice someone covered in blood after all.

She licks her lips, looking around as she tries to find the right time to run across.  Finally, when she thinks it might be okay, she started to hurry across the street while crossing her arms over her chest.  Maybe no one will notice her and she'll make it.  If she runs into anyone, she can brush it off hopefully.  As long as they're not more CLF supporters.

Feel free to run into her if you want.

nyota uhura, claire bennet

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