There's never any trouble for me to find some kind of trouble.

Jul 21, 2009 11:39

For an Angel of Knowledge, Bambi Dalton fails at getting things gone in a timely fashion, but this isn't entirely her fault as it is the fault of her nature. She realized that for being as far down on the totem pole as she was, going into Torchwood with what little she knew might bring the Organization into the light, but, hell, they'd do that on their own anyway with the way things have been going.

And, really, Angels of Knowledge don't tend to like to half-ass things.

She could have contacted Rusty and told him that she wasn't dead quite yet, but what was the point? They had their tearful goodbye about four months too early and she's been waiting for the hammer to fall ever since, especially since she's been doing a hell of a lot of digging on Flagg. What she has that everyone else in this city doesn't are resources and she wanted to believe that her resources would give her something.

Turns out, they didn't give her jackshit.

She's pissy about that, but she still has a job to do which is why she's currently sprawled on a reading couch in her musty bookshop on Oak Park, reading Therese Raquin and trying to ignore the fact that a few of those birds perched on the building across the street are looking a bit too inquisitively at her shop.

bambi dalton, nagi naoe, leona sandric

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