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Comments 57

nothingsodivine July 21 2009, 13:55:52 UTC
Des may have heard something about the Doctor being a ferret, but, really, whether he was paying attention or not has a lot to do with how much Fred the Poltergeist was bitching from the closet and how many drinks he had at the bar after work.

And, also, hearing that the Doctor is a ferret and seeing the Doctor as a ferret are two completely different things.

So it's with a look a surprise that Des enters the living room and sees Melissa throwing a ball for a ferret. "Did we... Get a tube-rat while I wasn't looking?"

He'll get it in a second. Those deductive reasoning skills aren't so... Skillful this early in the morning.


unprodigalchild July 21 2009, 14:14:46 UTC
The sound of Des' voice jolts the Doctor's brain temporarily into actually being able to think like... well, the Doctor, instead of an overexcited ferret who has a BALLZOMG. He leaves off chasing the ball almost immediately, turns to face Des, and levels a you really are stupid, aren't you? look at him.

"It's not a tube-rat," Melissa says, trying not to smile. "It's the Doctor. ...I don't know why he's a tube-rat."


nothingsodivine July 21 2009, 14:18:42 UTC
Aww. He was going to get it... Eventually.

"That would have been my second guess," he deadpans, crouching down on the floor, so he can actually stare at the ferret from something vaguely resembling eye-level. "Yep. That's definitely a Doctor look. Did you poke the Rift again?"

Not that the Doctor can answer him. It's totally a rhetorical question.


thatsortofaman July 21 2009, 14:22:51 UTC
The Doctor managed to hang onto people-thinking for a while. But it's especially hard when he can't actually answer any questions people ask him, not in words. No, he did not poke the Rift. Honestly, Des, can't you give him any credit?

...actually, the process of the Doctor being turned into a ferret required far more stupidity on his part, but that's entirely beside the point.

The point is that Des is now where the Doctor can reach him. The ferret thinks he needs to be attacked. From love, of course. Congratulations, Des, you now have a playful ferret launching himself at your face.


bloodsoulrhythm July 21 2009, 18:30:01 UTC
Charlie's just... at the Casa, being awkward.

He slept for a bit, felt like crap for a bit, looked up what ferrets eat, and returned to the Casa with a fast food bag. Cooked food isn't the best for a Doctorferret, but he's not sure just how he'll feel about eating it raw, and... It's sort of an apology. They can see about real ferret food later.

Melissa gets a nod, something that might be a ghost of a smile, and a soft "Hey."

The ferret, on the other hand...



thatsortofaman July 21 2009, 19:28:03 UTC
Melissa smiles shyly and gives Charlie a little wave. She doesn't see Charlie as much as Donna or Martha or Des, or even the Doctor, but she still looks on him with that almost-awe that gets directed toward all the adult-people who pulled her out of the camp. She likes Charlie, in that almost too scared to talk to him way.

The Doctor looks up from his position on the floor, where he has more or less wrapped himself around the ball and is tumbling end over end across the floor and into furniture. It's a Charlie! He releases the ball and bounds toward him across the floor, attaching himself briefly to his shoe with his teeth. ...it's a greeting of love, really. Sort of.


bloodsoulrhythm July 22 2009, 00:55:15 UTC
Charlie waves back and Melissa, and then... He has a ferret attached to his shoe. That's new.

"If you're hungry," he tells the ferret, "I've got chicken. Probably better for you than shoe leather."

He starts unpacking the bag, pulling out a stack of grilled chicken sandwiches, and one tiny plastic to-go tray. One of the sandwiches is offered to Melissa, and as for the tray... That gets waved in the Doctor's general direction.


thatsortofaman July 22 2009, 15:29:37 UTC
Melissa takes the offered sandwich, though her eyes are on the ferret. There's something fascinating about ferrets that are also Doctors, okay? Particularly to a little girl who's hardly been around any animals at all (who aren't Cy).

The ferret eyes the sandwiches for a moment, and then pounces. He hadn't really considered food before now, since turning into a ferret, but now that it's in front of him, he realises he's starving. It's almost frightening how quickly he demolishes the chicken...


cyfor July 21 2009, 21:44:36 UTC
Cy wanders into the living room carrying a sock that she found in the back of someone's closet. Someone being Des. She often borrows random articles of clothing from him, among other things, whenever he forgets to close his door. As he's usually swan-diving through it (last exit, 7.3 at best), this happens often.

She stops when she spots the ferret.

Her last encounter with Sark a ferret was alarming, to say the least. She edges forward, forgetting the sock still in her mouth, and makes a little mumbley, muffled Mroww. "My house," she says. "Mine."


thatsortofaman July 21 2009, 21:48:32 UTC
The Doctor jumps, and releases the ball, spinning to face Cy. Oh, that's a familiar face. Though it's not usually on his level. Or... quite so big. Not that Cy's a large cat, but she certainly seems that way when the Doctor is so much smaller than usual.

Oh. Cy. Actually, I'm fairly certain it's Martha's house and oh, why do I bother, you can't hear me at all. ...or can you? Hello? Cy has all the random abilities. He's decided it's best not to underestimate her.


cyfor July 21 2009, 22:22:45 UTC
Cy stares. She drops the sock. She sidles forward and stares some more. "You've got voices bouncing in them fuzzy caverns, hissausage."

She raises one paw, very delicately, and whaps the Doctor over the head.


thatsortofaman July 21 2009, 23:13:50 UTC
The Doctor squeaks indignantly and tumbles backward, shooting her a ferrety glare. WHAT WAS THAT FOR? ...don't call me that. Really, don't.


changingtheodds July 21 2009, 22:18:31 UTC
Ruvin stands on the curb in front of the Casa for about ten minutes before making herself move toward the door. The Doctor is a ferret. There's nothing to be scared of. She's poised with her hand in front of the door, her knuckles resting against it.

Why can't she do this?

She closes her eyes, huffs out a breath, and knocks.


unprodigalchild July 21 2009, 23:15:57 UTC
The Doctor drops the ball at the knock on the door. Looks at the door. Looks at Melissa.

The nephilim pauses for a moment before getting to her feet and walking to the door. She probably shouldn't answer the door without an adult around, but... well, the Doctor's here. Even if he is furry.

She only pulls the door open a crack, peeking out through it. "Hello?"


changingtheodds July 22 2009, 00:49:38 UTC
She wasn't expecting a little girl. Somehow this makes it worse. "Um. I'm here... I wanted to see the Doctor. Please."

She glances up the street, unnerved by the blandness of this place. It's so simple. Normal. Inasmuch as Chicago ever is. "I'm sorry, I think this is the right house. Isn't it?"


thatsortofaman July 22 2009, 15:43:58 UTC
Melissa pauses a moment, and glances back over her shoulder to the Doctor. "Um... yes? He's just... sort of..." Furry right now. She's not sure she should say that to a stranger.

The Doctor bounds forward and around Melissa's ankles, sparing her the need to explain. It's a Ruvin! The Time Lord brain would like nothing more than to go somewhere... else right now, because talking to Ruvin after what happened... It's just not something he really wants to do now. Or ever. The ferret brain, however, is very excited to see her. She's a friend! Maybe she'll pet him.


thedoctorbot July 22 2009, 00:49:45 UTC
A tiny robot has found his way into the Casa. Don't ask how. He has ways.

Right know, the Doctor's hunting down the other Doctor. Of course, no one would've thought to let him know his other «Self» was currently small and furry, oh no.

So there's a little robot wandering around. A little shiny robot.

Knock yourself out, Doctorferret.


thatsortofaman July 22 2009, 15:37:13 UTC

It's shiny and has lots of skittery moving parts and did we mention IT'S SHINY?

The Doctor really can't help himself.


thedoctorbot July 22 2009, 16:18:58 UTC
The only response to that is a distinct psychic :: ‽‽‽ :: which is then echoed on the Doctorbot's display.

He levitates abruptly, darting from side to side, trying to shake the ferret off.

:: Oh, really. Did you have to? ::

And when did they get a ferret in the first place?


thatsortofaman July 24 2009, 01:16:35 UTC
YES. Yes, he had to. It. Was. SKITTERING.

The Doctor's not really trying to project that answer, though, not having much psychic ability to do so at the moment. He loses his grip on the Doctorbot and slides off, glaring sulkily at it. He was nomming that, and does not appreciate it getting away.


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