When you add you begin with 1, 2, 3... when you sing you begin with... do, re, mi

Mar 20, 2008 22:47

"2... 3... 5... 7..." Melvin sits on a bench in the middle of the park across from the hotel with a lighter in his hand.

He mutters a number, flicks the lighter open and on, closes it again, and says the next number in the sequence. After each number, the flame grows a little higher when he flicks the lighter open.

"11... 13... 17... 19... 23..."

The fire's standing tall now, past his hand. Melvin rocks to the rhythm of his numbers. The rocking is so subtle that it would be very difficult to notice, especially over the growing flame in his hand.

Melvin has a backpack on. His backpack. Not going to let anyone touch it or get near it.

It's too important. They'll steal it from you, Mevlin. They'll steal you away from me. Don't wander far.

But far is such a subjective term.

Melvin knows that far is Pondicherry, India, and he is still in Chicago. He has not gone far.

"31... 37... 41..."

kara kendricks

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