I get up early when the sleeping pill wakes me, I take a wake up pill and fill with energy...

Apr 03, 2009 23:37

The Doctor at least manages to keep from bouncing over to the Conrad until the sun is up - possibly just because it's unlikely that anyone he wants to see will be around until it's not ridiculously early in the morning - but it's not long after sunrise that he shows up there and heads directly to the basement. Still not many people up, because unlike him, wanderers (and humans in general) feel the need to sleep more than a few hours whenever they absolutely have to collapse, but he can hang around for a while.

At the moment, he's in the common room, poking absently at the table that used to be the doors Des so thoroughly killed. Resourceful of them to make them into a couple tables... though why they couldn't just get card tables or something, he doesn't know. Maybe an archangel got bored.

Not far from the Conrad, Shilo is... outside. It's early, and it's cold, but she couldn't sleep, and it was frustrating enough being trapped inside when she had a window to look out of. In the basement, when the way out is right there, there's not a chance she'll stay inside - even when Martha told her it was dangerous out there. She's being careful, honestly, just... looking around, looking a little lost and a little overwhelmed, but... this place doesn't seem that bad to her.

Casey Wyatt has not just woken up - she got called in to a murder last night, and she's just now getting through with it. James offered to drive her home, but she's not even sure she wants to go home now. She'll catch a cab when she needs to, but if she goes home, all she's going to do is try to sleep, and she has a feeling that's not going to happen any time soon.

It was a teenage girl. She had a younger brother and a sister, the sister was there, and Casey had to tell her parents that... There's no way to explain the CLF to a couple of people who don't know magic exists, let alone the rest of it. Her chest hurts now, and her throat feels tight, and she's walking to nowhere in particular, the cold morning air like a slap in the face. It doesn't help as much as she'd hoped. She pauses by the coffee shop. That coffee shop. Considers going in, and wonders about the likelihood of something happening if she does. That would be just the perfect ending to her day. Night. Whichever.

the doctor (ten), julian sark, daine sarrasri, the vesmier, casey wyatt, animals (the people), vincent sterling, doc brown, ruvin, daniel faraday

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