Home is behind, the world ahead

Mar 30, 2009 22:49

April is out.

It's not like there isn't still danger, roaming the streets and all, but April is a pretty non-threatening person, at first glance. She's hardly five feet tall, slim, drowning in a too-large patched leather jacket, walking down the street barefoot, despite the cold. Hey, she's got boots! Slung over her shoulder.

She just doesn't ( Read more... )

april, ragnar, adam monroe

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howangryarethey March 31 2009, 06:37:20 UTC
Adam is that special kind of happy reserved for closet megalomaniacs who have finally gotten a step forward in their plans towards world domination or whatever the kids are calling it these days. (Word domination sounds so tacky.) Flagg's in office and things are looking a little less grim, and thus he's out for a walk- probably to a bar.

He passes by April, not really giving her much thought beyond, 'random young woman with no shoes, oookay' but considering he is a man who looks suspiciously similar to her brotherthing and seems to have mental blocks like the Great Wall of China... Well. He might be worth a poke.


girlorgun March 31 2009, 06:40:20 UTC
Oh yes. Definitely worth a poke.

April stops walking and turns around to watch him, her head tilted. She pokes gently at the blocks. And then she pokes very ungently at them, something akin to whacking them with a sledgehammer.

At the very least, it's liable to get his attention. Especially since if she does that enough, she could probably knock a hole in them big enough to get through.


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 06:45:02 UTC
....Adam is so tired of these motherfucking psychics trying to get into his motherfucking head. Oh, he knows that well enough, but at least when some people do it, it doesn't feel like that.

He turns on his heels and arches an eyebrow at her, wondering if she's just naturally curious or just pathologically rude, "There are a great number of you in this city, aren't you? Do you mind? They're there for a reason."


girlorgun March 31 2009, 07:04:42 UTC
"What reason is that?" April asks, her head still tilted curiously. She doesn't know what to make of this man, but something... something about him is familiar.

BEYOND the resemblance to Julian, of course.

"You look like my brother," she adds, as if that were all the explanation she needs to give.


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 07:13:31 UTC
Adam just scoffs and shakes his head. "Do you enjoy having people poking around in your head? I don't think I need a better reason than that." Asside from, you know, four hundred years worth of history and a lot of not very nice plans... Yeah, Adam likes his secrets. Considering what people tend to do to him when they find out his secrets, he's justified in keeping them.

And that causes a lightbulb to go off in Adam's head, because there's only one person in this city who looks like him, and considering what a pain in the ass that kid's been to hold onto... "Really?" He's downright flawless at looking innocent, like this isn't a fortuitous circumstance. "And your brother wouldn't happen to be Julian Sark, by any chance, would he?"


girlorgun March 31 2009, 07:23:26 UTC
And that reaction is just calculated enough that April catches it. Her eyes narrow, and she takes another psychic bludgeoning to Adam's walls. She will see what he's planning, so help her.

"I don't take kindly to people bothering my brother," she comments mildly, like she's commenting on what lovely weather they're having, even as she concentrates on battering a hole into those psychic shields. "And I'm a little kuángzhĕ de. Never know what I might do."


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 07:40:16 UTC
"Stop that," Adam hisses through gritted teeth. For one thing, the sheer force she's using is giving him a headache and for another, walls are not meant to be torn down, especially not by curious, tiny girls ( ... )


girlorgun March 31 2009, 07:51:09 UTC
"I do things on my own."

There. A crack in his oh-so-carefully maintained defences. April forces her way in, widening it just enough to see... not everything. She doesn't want to see everything. But she can see what's on the surface. Indigo, the girl who Julian saw.

There. He's just curious. And so he's prodding, asking questions, stalking. And that makes April testy.

It doesn't help that he's being a little snob. April walks closer, slowly, until she's almost in range to hit him. "You are a spoilt brat, Adam Monroe," she declares, and darts forward to give what will be a pretty solid whack in the solar plexus if it connects before darting back out of his reach to stare at him some more.

"We have been bothered by too many people, you gŏu cào de bèn tiānshēng de yìduī ròu. I will teach you some manners, and perhaps you will learn not to assume the verse owes you a favour because of your sheer brilliance."

She darts in again, from a slightly different angle. Here, Adam. Have a broken nose.


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 08:15:45 UTC
Adam instinctively tenses, like he expects her to slap him, which, honestly, is what he expects, especially with an insult like that. When she hits him in the bloody solar plexus, however, he winds up choking on air in surprise and wheezing a thoroughly pissed off growl followed by a strangled string of curses in Japanese that probably have something to do with her parentage and what she and her brother can do with a small assortment of sharp objects.

He tilts his head up a bit to glower at her as soon as he catches his breath, still looking positively murderous and makes an attempt to advance on her, "You little..." But whatever brilliant insult he might have had in mind for her is sorely disrupted by the unexpected broken nose. It'll heal in a few seconds, but fucking owHe inspects his broken nose for a moment before shaking his head and snickering, albeit with a slight wince. Shake it off. Pain is fleeting and she's a little upstart who ought to be taught some manners. "You're not doing him any favors, my dear." Because the more ( ... )


girlorgun March 31 2009, 08:57:56 UTC
"I am not trying to do him favors," April says calmly. "I am trying to teach you manners." Because... oddly enough, she kinda likes him. In as much as she can like someone who wants to torment her brother.

She purses her lip and watches him for a moment, and then goes down while her legs come up - it's an acrobatic move, for certain, but it'll get Adam riiiight in the jaw. And if she got the right angle, he should be going down like a sack of bricks about the time she connects.


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 09:08:10 UTC
Manners. She's the one poking in his head and beating on him, and for what? Because he has a slight, more than a little arrogant interest in her brother? It's the calm that bothers him- at least Yaeko had the decency to get angry and Japanese women are as repressed as anything. It's rather making his own anger and annoyance seem a little superfluous.

This town has the strangest assortment of psychics.

And, of course, it's that one moment of utter confusion that distracts him long enough for her to get the kick to the jaw. Heal from every wound or not, when someone kicks you like that in the jaw, you go boom. There's no real healing from unconsciousness. Well, at least he's going to wake up more confused and irritated than homicidally annoyed.


girlorgun March 31 2009, 09:19:53 UTC
Down he goes. Now, maybe he'll have a few more manners when it comes to... well, everything. Or at least her and her brother.

She considerately pulls him over to lean against the nearest building, and wanders into the store across the street briefly. She's there for a few moments, and then she's back across the street with an ice cream cone in each hand.

She solemnly nibbles on one of them while she waits for Adam to wake up.


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 09:27:19 UTC
When people are knocked unconscious (or, which is more common with him, when you die), you tend to not wake up in the same place as you left... Or, if you do, the first thing you see is not the person who caused the problem unless you're in restraints... And he's not. He's just sitting here.

And she's eating ice cream. It is very hard to be irritated with someone when they're eating ice cream at you, but Adam is trying very, very hard to maintain his level of righteous indignation and annoyance that he just got schooled by a five foot nothing girl.

"What the hell?"

This is the only reaction to this sort of thing.


girlorgun March 31 2009, 09:38:15 UTC
April holds out the other ice cream cone with a smile. "I got you vanilla. In case you don't like chocolate."

Look! She's being considerate! Also epically confusing. But considerate!


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 09:49:30 UTC
Adam is... Just going to stare at her. Is this even the same girl? Are there other lookalikes running around? If he couldn't heal from that too, he'd wonder about the possibility of brain damage.

Well, she did say she was crazy... This is not the kind of crazy he's accustomed to.

He stands up, checking his nose compulsively. It's covered in blood, but it's not broken anymore. For the moment, he's not bothering to take the ice cream. He's not particularly concerned about poison, but he's not about to be nice to her. She hit him! Hard!

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" Adam does not respond well to being manipulated considering... He's Adam.


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