Home is behind, the world ahead

Mar 30, 2009 22:49

April is out.

It's not like there isn't still danger, roaming the streets and all, but April is a pretty non-threatening person, at first glance. She's hardly five feet tall, slim, drowning in a too-large patched leather jacket, walking down the street barefoot, despite the cold. Hey, she's got boots! Slung over her shoulder.

She just doesn't ( Read more... )

april, ragnar, adam monroe

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Comments 28

prince_stupid March 31 2009, 06:23:37 UTC
Ragnar is following her. Ragnar does not like the idea of young humans being out on their own, and Julian Sark has adopted this one. It is his responsibility to make sure she is safe. Never mind that April can more than take care of herself--Rags does not know this, and even if he did, it would not matter.

So here, April, have a very conspicuous cat following your non-conspicuous self.


girlorgun March 31 2009, 06:35:38 UTC
"I know you're back there, your Grace," she says eventually, calling back in an almost sing-song voice. She feels him, dark and velvet in her mind as he follows. She doesn't mind, of course, but he is very much not with the stealthy

"I've got my own claws, you know," she adds, turning around to smile at him while she walks backwards, her feet padding along as silently as a cat's. "Quite capable of taking care of myself."


prince_stupid March 31 2009, 06:50:21 UTC
Ragnar pauses in surprise, and then lengthens his stride to catch up with her. "There is not need for such formality, young human." He walks just behind her, looking mildly perplexed. "I think it might be best if you faced forward while walking. I have found that one is far less liking to collide with things while looking the proper direction."


girlorgun March 31 2009, 06:56:52 UTC
"It's not formality," she says sweetly. "It's teasing. And I won't run into anything. I'm very good at that."

She proves this by neatly sidestepping to avoid a pedestrian, and then sidestepping again to avoid a mailbox. Her point proven, she turns back around and continues sauntering down the street. "I'm not a kitten that needs supervision, however."


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 06:37:20 UTC
Adam is that special kind of happy reserved for closet megalomaniacs who have finally gotten a step forward in their plans towards world domination or whatever the kids are calling it these days. (Word domination sounds so tacky.) Flagg's in office and things are looking a little less grim, and thus he's out for a walk- probably to a bar.

He passes by April, not really giving her much thought beyond, 'random young woman with no shoes, oookay' but considering he is a man who looks suspiciously similar to her brotherthing and seems to have mental blocks like the Great Wall of China... Well. He might be worth a poke.


girlorgun March 31 2009, 06:40:20 UTC
Oh yes. Definitely worth a poke.

April stops walking and turns around to watch him, her head tilted. She pokes gently at the blocks. And then she pokes very ungently at them, something akin to whacking them with a sledgehammer.

At the very least, it's liable to get his attention. Especially since if she does that enough, she could probably knock a hole in them big enough to get through.


howangryarethey March 31 2009, 06:45:02 UTC
....Adam is so tired of these motherfucking psychics trying to get into his motherfucking head. Oh, he knows that well enough, but at least when some people do it, it doesn't feel like that.

He turns on his heels and arches an eyebrow at her, wondering if she's just naturally curious or just pathologically rude, "There are a great number of you in this city, aren't you? Do you mind? They're there for a reason."


girlorgun March 31 2009, 07:04:42 UTC
"What reason is that?" April asks, her head still tilted curiously. She doesn't know what to make of this man, but something... something about him is familiar.

BEYOND the resemblance to Julian, of course.

"You look like my brother," she adds, as if that were all the explanation she needs to give.


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