And here I sit, thinking of God knows what, afraid to admit I might self-destruct.

Feb 22, 2009 05:58

The reason there wasn't a journal entry about Silent Hall immediately following Sark's adventures in Silent Hall is primarily because it took Sark a couple of days to actually be coherent enough to manage one. There is something inherently difficult about thinking about much of anything when you've just had a chat with your subconscious manifesting as someone who has been the stuff of your nightmares for months now, especially when you're fully aware that it happens to be right, and whatever brave face he might have put on when it came down to the wire faded the instant he was out and alone.

He's falling apart at the seams. He knows it, anyone who can probably look closely knows it, and it's absolutely unacceptable. Of course, which part is more unacceptable? The part where it's happening or the part where it's just going to keep happening? He can adapt to circumstances, but the circumstances keep changing faster than he can adapt to them.

"Live for six years as someone's pampered dog but when they snatch you out of your comfort zone - well. Look at you. You fall apart."

Sark is back in the lounge. Why is anyone's guess. Maybe he's just attached to the couch. At the moment, he's sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head pressed against his clasped hands. To anyone who didn't know any better, he'd look like he was praying. He's really just thinking, running through every word that apparition of Thane in the hall ever said to him like he might find something there, but he's not sure what that something is yet.

"You're gonna hit the ground, Jules. Can't run from gravity."

Sark has had better weeks. Infinitely better weeks.

dmitri lang, julian sark, suzie costello

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