You're the jester of this courtyard, with a smile like a girl's

Feb 17, 2009 03:51

There are moths in Desmond Descant's office. Their wingspan is as broad as a man's hand and they're all glowing, giving off little shimmers as they flutter from surface to surface. They aren't destroying anything! Just climbing around the office, lighting it up and being benignly pretty.

And whoever opens the front door of the Casa next will get a flood of tiny birds to the face. Or the living room. Whichever works.

Aniki is in Calisto's warehouse of death. Or, to be more accurate, she's just outside of it. It's not much--in fact, it's rather shitty--but she doesn't have to pay rent and it's marginally warmer than outside. She's done what she can for now, hauling debris (as a horse, mostly) to block up holes and seal windows, et cetera. It's dark, and there aren't many soft surfaces except the cushions and things she's managed to salvage, but again for now, it'll do.

[[OOC: Feel free to treat Des's office and the Casa like party threads, seeing as... well, Cy can't exactly say anything. >.>; ]]

42-k (devon), roland deschain, cy, 37-r (melissa), desmond descant, monsters, april, aniki forfrysning

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