hot time in the old town tonight

Feb 17, 2009 01:57

It is about three in the morning in downtown Chicago, and a figure is sliding in and out of the shadows, slipping through alleys and beneath overhangs. Ace is lurking around the area where the bombings took place, and for now she's doing a good job of going unnoticed. The reporters and onlookers will have gone home by now, leaving only the police. Ace is doing her own bit of investigating. For now she's just checking out the area, and is waiting patiently for an opportunity to break into one of the bombing sites. She would really, really like to know what kind of bomb was used.

Right now she is lingering in a patch of darkness where a streetlight was blown off, right next to a small store which is currently closed. The letters "CLF" are emblazoned on storefront window.

Ace stares at the letters before reaching up and tracing them with her finger.

"C. L. F," she whispers.

It bothers her. She can't stand acronyms.

"C for Chicago. F. Faction. Front. L." She pauses and drums her fingers against her lips. "Chicago Liberation Front?"

She catches Dev's reflection in the glass, standing just behind and to the side of her own. To anyone else, it looks like she starts talking to herself.

"People who know. Scared. Taking advantage of the fear."

Dev's expression is serious within the glass.

{Group of angry people?}

She shakes her head. "Organized. Planners. Smart, too. Smart leader, or leaders." She narrows her eyes a little. "Dangerous."

Dev smirks. {Should be fun?}

She nods. "Should be fun."

[ooc: Stuff in italics is internal, but can be easily overheard by psychics (who would also be able to see Dev's reflection, incidentally).]

dev and ace caulfield, plot: election, anka petrovic, plot: game-wide, npc

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