(no subject)

Feb 29, 2008 11:49

Regulus had been in the cafeteria making an omelet when the earthquake hit. At first he only jerked a little, the frying pan falling to the ground, omelet ruined. When the earth rumbled more violently, he jerked forward, his hand shooting out instinctively to brace his fall. However, his hand landed on the open flame, and for a few very long seconds, it stayed there, his body not registering the damage being done.

And then his hand exploded in white hot pain. Jerking his hand away, he stared at his flesh. Red, blackened and turning white. And then he snapped out of the shock. He felt dizzy, and nauseous. His eyes welled with tears as his breathing sped up.

He had a salve in his room that would take care of his hand, but now that he thought about it, it was so far away. And the ground was still shaking as he stumbled around the counter. He caught himself a few times, but he did fall, smashing his hand into the ground, he cried out.

Regulus tried to steady his breathing, gather his thoughts but all he could think about was his hand. He squinted through his tears and could have sworn he saw bone. But he couldn't be sure.

Laying on the ground, he rolled onto his back and waited for the shaking to stop.

luke roberts, plot: game-wide, regulus black

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