All pups for the price of one!

Feb 29, 2008 03:33

Revan and Aiden are getting ready to head out of the hotel to go and help people in the aftermath of the earthquake. Revan, strangely, has not bothered to find appropriate clothing and is currently wearing her black and red armour/robes, fingering the (abnormally long) hilt of her lightsaber nervously. Or possibly it's a reflex. It's hard to tell. ( Read more... )

martha jones, plot: game-wide, lina inverse, morona rainer, eloi laurent, revan onasi, aiden mori, zelgadis graywords

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throwinshadows February 29 2008, 17:36:39 UTC
It's a testament to Lina's inability to be affected by things that she slept through the whole earthquake, so she wasn't aware that anything that happened until she woke up on the floor of her room and realized that something was Very Wrong.

She's grateful when she finds Zel, although she should have assumed he'd be okay. Something about this whole situation just sets her completely on edge, and knowing her friends are nearby is comforting.

There's still Eve to worry about, of course. She'd rather not lose her most recent friend in this place to the effects of a freakin' earthquake.

"Zel!" She shouts, rushing across the common room to get to him. She stops short, cocking her head to the side. "What are you muttering about?"


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 17:43:15 UTC
Zel turns to face her. "Damned earthquake woke me up," he says, sounding very annoyed. "Cracked open the floor boards in my room and sent me flying into said gap."


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 17:51:26 UTC
"Am I seriously the only one who slept through it?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest and casting a glance at the TV. She'll never understand how those things work, but she's been fascinated by it ever since. Some of those cartoon programs are genius to her. Of course, all it's showing now is destruction, the damage looking like someone took a Dragon Slave to the city.

"You fell through the floor?" More head tilting.


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 17:55:35 UTC
"No, not exactly. It was a large gap. But when I hit the bedrock beneath it..." He trails off frowning. What happened at that point is rather hard to describe. "...Then it was like I was INSIDE the bedrock. And it was fully solid, nothing had happened to IT. Just me. Like I was a part of it..."


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 18:04:14 UTC
"So you.." She holds her hands about an inch apart and then slowly interlocks her fingers. "...Melded with it, I guess? Is that it?"



stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 18:16:29 UTC
Frowning, Zel responds, slowly, "Yeah. I guess so."


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 18:30:14 UTC
Lina frowns as well. "You couldn't do that before though... Back in our world, I mean."

She pauses, her expression suddenly irritated. "Oh come on. You get to keep your magic and you get some sort of weird earth-melding ability? That's not fair."

She glowers in the general direction of the Rift room. Clearly, that thing hates her.


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 18:37:19 UTC
"No. I couldn't."

"Hey, I don't have control over that thing, don't yell at me," Zel snaps at her, irritated as well, though he inwardly agrees. It ISN'T fair.


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 18:45:36 UTC
"Yeah, well..."

She waves her hand absently, struggling to find the right words, but completely fails at it, and just plops down on the couch with her legs drawn up under her, a pouty expression on her face.

It's not Zel's fault. It's that damned Rift's fault, but she can't really openly pin blame on something that isn't even sentient even if it is the cause of every problem she has right now. So Zel, unfortunately, gets to be the conveinent target for her frustrations, which isn't fair to him (and she knows this even if she's too stubborn to admit it).


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 19:40:15 UTC
Zelgadis sighs, massaging his temples. "And of course it adds another issue to my ongoing dilemma about whether I still want to be human again. This... ability would probably only function correctly if I were to remain a Chimera." He's not really saying this to Lina, more just... thinking out loud, really.


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 19:52:03 UTC
"Do you really think this Doctor guy has the means to cure you if you really wanted to be cured?" She asks, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. "I'm not doubting his abilities... I'm just saying you've tried every means of breaking your curse and nothing ever really worked. I wouldn't put all your faith in a stranger if I were you."

There's probably selfish reasoning beyond that. She's never known Zel as anything other than a Chimera, and while she doesn't really want to begrudge him his happiness, she's always wondered if something might change about him if he were to turn back. Probably just her being worried for nothing. Stupid, really, but the thoughts always come.

"If he did manage it, you'd still have your magic though," she adds with a hint of distaste, just so she's not just harping on the negative.


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 20:02:19 UTC
Zel shakes his head. "I don't know. I really don't. But everything I've tried before has been magical means. He offered something different. And I'm thinking, maybe it'll work, because that's something we haven't tried yet."

Frowning, Zel states, "You're not helpless. You've got some skill with a sword already, you just needs some pointers. And I bet one of the other residents could teach you hand-to-hand."


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 20:08:14 UTC
"This is true," Lina shrugs. She doesn't put much stock into things she doesn't understand. Magic makes sense to her... The sort of things the Doctor's spouting don't. "I guess the real question is whether you want it or not."

She rolls her eyes a little, somewhat amused that he managed to catch the source of her distaste. She's not that hard to read, especially for someone who knows her as well as Zel does, but... Still. "Yeah, I know. It's just weird without my magic."

She shifts a little so that she's facing him again, suddenly very pleased by something. "Do you think someone can get me a flamethrower?"

Note to the Conrad: Never let Lina watch television. She gets ideas in her head.


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 22:43:11 UTC
Zel sighs, avoiding meeting Lina's eyes. "Yeah. That's what I'm having trouble with. Deciding if I still want it or not. I really...don't...know."

Zel snorts. "The last thing you need is a flamethrower."


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 23:08:56 UTC
"Oh come on!" And now she's leaning over a little closer and giving him big puppy eyes. "It would be so much better than a sword."

What that actually means is "far more destructive" although Lina doesn't seem very much aware that her personality veers towards destruction more often that not. She's still convinced that she's wholly innocent in any and all dealings in the past that involved shit being blown up.


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 23:22:57 UTC
"You mean more destructive. You should not be near destructive weapons."


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