All pups for the price of one!

Feb 29, 2008 03:33

Revan and Aiden are getting ready to head out of the hotel to go and help people in the aftermath of the earthquake. Revan, strangely, has not bothered to find appropriate clothing and is currently wearing her black and red armour/robes, fingering the (abnormally long) hilt of her lightsaber nervously. Or possibly it's a reflex. It's hard to tell. ( Read more... )

martha jones, plot: game-wide, lina inverse, morona rainer, eloi laurent, revan onasi, aiden mori, zelgadis graywords

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Comments 56

smithnjones February 29 2008, 13:32:48 UTC
It is rarely all that difficult for a guardian angel to find their ward.

Martha walks out of a building with two men, all three of them are carrying a stretcher. She's covered in soot and dirt and blood (none of it her own or Eloi would've felt it).

"Set her down there." She nods to the ground and just happens to look up at the sound of feet running. "Eloi?"


paranoideloi February 29 2008, 17:22:55 UTC
Eloi skids to a halt when he sees Martha. "Oh thank God." He says with a sigh of relief. "You were gone for a long time so I started to worry..."


smithnjones February 29 2008, 17:29:20 UTC
Martha grimaces a little, looking apologetic.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to be gone so long. Just... decided to go on a walk and earthquake." She pulls the gloves off her hands. Her last pair (along with medication, she always keeps medical gloves in her purse). If she runs into anyone else, she'll be forced to heal them the hard way. "Are you all right?"


paranoideloi February 29 2008, 17:34:53 UTC
"I'm fine, just... catastraphizing, I guess. Whenever something big like this happens I'm always extra-paranoid. Do you need help?" He gestures to the girl on the stretcher.


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 17:36:39 UTC
It's a testament to Lina's inability to be affected by things that she slept through the whole earthquake, so she wasn't aware that anything that happened until she woke up on the floor of her room and realized that something was Very Wrong.

She's grateful when she finds Zel, although she should have assumed he'd be okay. Something about this whole situation just sets her completely on edge, and knowing her friends are nearby is comforting.

There's still Eve to worry about, of course. She'd rather not lose her most recent friend in this place to the effects of a freakin' earthquake.

"Zel!" She shouts, rushing across the common room to get to him. She stops short, cocking her head to the side. "What are you muttering about?"


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 17:43:15 UTC
Zel turns to face her. "Damned earthquake woke me up," he says, sounding very annoyed. "Cracked open the floor boards in my room and sent me flying into said gap."


throwinshadows February 29 2008, 17:51:26 UTC
"Am I seriously the only one who slept through it?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest and casting a glance at the TV. She'll never understand how those things work, but she's been fascinated by it ever since. Some of those cartoon programs are genius to her. Of course, all it's showing now is destruction, the damage looking like someone took a Dragon Slave to the city.

"You fell through the floor?" More head tilting.


stonebluesorrow February 29 2008, 17:55:35 UTC
"No, not exactly. It was a large gap. But when I hit the bedrock beneath it..." He trails off frowning. What happened at that point is rather hard to describe. "...Then it was like I was INSIDE the bedrock. And it was fully solid, nothing had happened to IT. Just me. Like I was a part of it..."


doomsdayrelived February 29 2008, 19:02:41 UTC
((Continued from ))

As the two begin to move out into the city, one of their first encounters is not with the injured or dying but with an unfortunate man who didn't see them as he was running.

He crashes into Aiden, falling down in a tangle of limbs and pain. Scrambling back up to his feet, he gets up again - and it's about then that Aiden would note the sword that seems to have missed his side by an inch, as the individual rips it out of his loose overshirt and disentangles himself.

"Sorry..." He mutters, and takes off again before anything more can be said... with a rather pronounced limp, it's noted, though his speed is still considerable. And then the cry of "Stop him!" from a policeman giving chase...

((OOC: Autoing approved by counterpart. And perhaps someday I shall write something at a point PRIOR to 4AM. I don't hold my breath though.))


curtainfalling February 29 2008, 19:18:26 UTC
Revan ignites her lightsaber a fraction of a second after Alex crashes into Aiden, two violet blades extending out from either end of the hilt, each a meter in length and white at the core. She darts after him, leaving Aiden behind to gather himself.

Which Aiden eventually does. He jumps to his feet and yells, "Hey, wait!" before running to catch up with Revan.

Revan coils her leg muscles and reaches out to the Force, and springs forward, landing in front of Alex, brandishing the double-bladed lightsaber.

"You're not getting away that easily," she says, a note of menace in her voice. "Darth" Revan starting to seep through. "Explain yourself."


O_O doomsdayrelived March 1 2008, 12:05:52 UTC
Alex skids to a halt, nearly falling over as he puts too much weight on an injured leg.

"...They're chasing me, so I run. They can cast, I can't-- hang on, how can you..." He stares at the glowing weapon, then back at where she had jumped from.

A view which happened to include two policemen... who skidded to a halt, staring at the strange woman with the glowing purple weapon.

"...You're not from around here either, are you." He remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Mind if I run, before they start using those guns?"

He starts trying to move around Revan, limping somewhat, and by no means intending to take on this individual who seems to be yet in control of her powers, while he has none...


Re: O_O curtainfalling March 1 2008, 18:37:58 UTC
Revan's eyes slide to the cops chasing him.

"No, I'm not. What'd you do to tick them off, I wonder?" With a tiny smirk, she states, "Don't worry about the guns. Lightsabers are perfectly capable of blocking projectiles. And I'm not finished with you yet." She snatches him around the waist as he tries to move around him. "Get behind me and stay there. Aiden, keep an eye on him."

Aiden nods and watches Alex carefully from the corner of his eye, flicking open the lighter and preparing to use it if things get messy.


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