cleaning this gun (come on in, boy) [Partially locked]

Oct 14, 2008 21:47

The lobby of the Kashtta Tower may not be the best place to dissemble one's weaponry and clean it, but Daniel Jackson doesn't particularly care. Maintaining his guns is something that has been drilled into him since his first day in the army, and old habits die extremely hard. Even though there's no danger of sand getting into the firing mechanism here, that doesn't mean proper maintenance isn't necessary. There are those easily intimidated by guns and the unsmiling men who handle them, but he would actually welcome some company about now.

Egon Lothar is out for a walk, as he's become prone to doing. Truth be told, he's getting a little restless in this city. Patient he may be, but mostly while on a hunt, and there's little game to be found here at the moment. Word has spread of a small demon cult in Michigan, and he's leaning more and more towards pursuing that for a while. Still, he doesn't want to leave completely without at least saying goodbye to Eloi, and it's not like he'll be leaving forever, or even be out of touch... This is why he's always avoided relationships of any kind. It makes decisions far harder than they should be, or so he thinks. He stops in sight of the Conrad and just leans against the closest wall, watching the traffic go by, lost in thought.

[This section locked to Shepard] Meanwhile at the Main Gauche, Harry Dresden is getting ready for his first date in... well, a ridiculously long time. He's dressed rather respectably tonight, leaving most of his wizarding gear behind, carrying only his blasting rod tucked into one pocket and his pentacle amulet around his neck. The glove on his burned hand doesn't really go with the rest of his outfit, but he'd rather be a little mismatched than have people staring at it all night. He's spent way too many hours nitpicking his appearance already, to the point where he's positive he knows exactly how teenage girls feel on prom night. He pokes at his hair one last time before finally leaving his room and knocking on Shepard's door.

harry dresden, owen harper, amarantha shepard, egon lothar, daniel jackson

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