As is custom, there are many different people around, engaging in many different activities (and some of the same activities in different places). Come with me, gentle viewers, and we will see what they're up to.
Desmond Descant is in a bar as is per the custom of manly men who suffer manly heartache (the narration hears you snickering). He's
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She steals up behind him and pokes her nose over his shoulder with absolutely no regard for personal space. "It looks like a Jack," she mentions. "It drinks like a Jack. It doesn't dress or smell like a Jack. You must be Desmond D Descant!"
She slides into an empty chair, giving him a smile which has never, in the history of her smiling it, put anyone at ease.
"Dmitri Lang. The Doctor probably hasn't mentioned me, but that's the Doctor for you. How d'you do?"
She makes a note in her journal - the one no one saw her take out - which may or may not be Met Desmond Descant. Caused to choke on beer. ++.
"Stopped by earlier looking for the ol' Doc, but I think he was Out Of Office. Really, there comes a point where I think the greater good might be best served by getting him a collar with a bell, but seeing as that leads back into an entirely different subculture I don't think he wants to get tied up in, probably not the best sustainable solution. But this isn't about him, Disco, this one's about you. Don't think we've ever crossed paths before now."
She sticks out her hand. He's expected to shake it.
She waves to the bartender, and a few moments later someone wanders over. "Tonic and tequila," she orders. None of this sissy draft beer for her.
"But, you know, networking, essential for the Angel of Knowledge and the man trying to keep up with the Doctor both. Already met Donna, think I should track down this Guardian of his sooner or later, and now it's your turn. Drink, drink and be merry. I may ask you for an interview. I'd try it with the Doctor, but getting the man to put thoughts together in a coherent pattern is like trying to tie a cobra around the stem of a watermelon and calling it an Arabian horse."
He leans back a little and taps the table a few times, giving her another incredulous look. "You're trying to communicate with me, but the words are not making any damn sense, sugarplum. We speak the plain anglais here, not The Language of the Rambly Reporter." Yes, he's teasing her just a bit. He takes a sip of his beer. "And, for the record, my middle name is not as interesting as you'd think it would be. It's Damian."
Whoo. Shocker.
He spent way too much time thinking about that name before he decided to adopt it as his own.
Des perks up, looks at his draft beer, and then looks at Dmitri like she may have somehow evolved into his new favorite person. "Ridiculous?" He says with extremely wide eyes. "Or amazing?"
He gives her a rather pleased look and sticks out a hand. "You are an angel, both literally in the sense that gives me free food. You got a deal, sweetness."
She considers for a moment after releasing his hand.
"And feel free to tell the Doctor that, while Rome is all well and good and I did see that photo of him in La Repubblica, we also have exciting mysteries here. And if he's feeling strapped for cash I can put him in contact with the Angel of Knowledge Board of the Sciences and I'm sure they'd give him a grant to poke at the Rift all day."
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