Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Jun 02, 2008 18:45

Down in the Never-Ending Hallway, one of the resident room doors is rattling. Anyone who looks at it will discover it's Room 88. The reason for the rattling is both simple and complex. The resident of said room, one Dr. Emmett Brown, has been hard at work most of the day on his flux capacitor designs -- Aubrey's little computer lesson the other day got him quite inspired. However, he'd been up for a good amount of time, and when fatigue hit, he decided to take a nap.

This proved to be a mistake.

Maybe it was the stress and excitement from working on his experiment. Maybe it was the memories talking with Aubrey the other day accidentally stirred up. Maybe it was the shock of realizing someone from the basement had died, even though he didn't even know her. Whatever the cause, Doc's now currently in the grips of a pretty nasty nightmare.

That's not a good thing when you're a weather controller whose powers seem to include the weather automatically responding to your emotional state.

Result? There's currently a small HURRICANE raging in Doc's room. Somebody probably should go wake him up before his door finally gives in from the strain and it escapes to the rest of the basement. Just -- be careful.

doc brown, gladys, zelgadis graywords

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