"Saiunkoku Monogatari" fic update

Apr 06, 2007 01:11

Obviously, since this is a gift-exchange fic, I can't post the details, but I CAN say that SWEET MOTHER OF MERCY, the draft is finally complete! XD And it is 2/3 typed, and the first third/half is already with a beta.

This one decided to take on a mind of its own. ^^; Seriously -- I thought, "Ok, maybe about 1000-2500 words or so, but less than 5-8 pages. This is my first time participating in a fic-exchange (hah, just wrote 'fix-exchange'--I'm dumb, even if it is apt), so let's not go overboard."

The notebook I'm using for this story? 75 pages. Full. Single-spaced.

WTF I need help. No wonder I'm lagging on my 'Avatar'-based fics. I hadn't realised how much getting interrupted had slowed me down on this one--and made me think too much, and ergo write too much. ^^;

Luckily, I've already spoken with the organizer of the fic exchange, and she said that as long as I had the first half of the fic (since it is written in 4 parts, and the first two parts are already with a beta) ready to be put up, it was fine, and she was happy I'd let her know early that my second half would just be a day or so late. She even offered to help! :D So hopefully this doesn't turn into a miserable failure. ^^;

As for typing:
Part: Notebook: Typed pages
p.01: ~25 pages: 11 pages (currently with a beta!)
p.02: ~25 pages: 13 pages
p.03: ~25 pages: (still need to type)
(There are two official 'parts' to the story, and the first of them is with a beta-- the second I hadn't finished writing/typing, hence why it is broken up into two different sections above; one for what had been written and typed, and one for what I just finished writing tonight and still need to type.)

At least now I can let this sit for a day or two before returning to it to review/edit/finish typing it. I just wish I was more confident with my knowledge of the show and how the chars address each other. ^^; I asked my beta for extra help checking that.

However, this is due on the 12th or so, so after that, I'll be free to return to Avatar again, yay! :D

Hope everyone has a happy Easter. :)

(I'll reply to all comments this weekend!)

saiunkoku monogatari, progress update, fanfic, fic exchange

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