Apr 02, 2007 21:22
Now that my daughter's comfortably back in daycare again, and no longer pneumonia-ridden like a war-orphan, I get to catch up on the fics! (Must go back and write up comments for several I read at night, printed off, while she was ill, too.) This post is mostly for my own benefit, to remind myself where I left off with things. I can't believe we're already in APRIL! _0_ ! I start work again next week--this is crazy! I can't believe how much writing-work I did in March, though, despite it looking like I posted just one little one-shot. ^^; Soooo much plotting done on that Modern AU. Can't wait to start writing that!!!! :DDD
However, the progress so far looks like:
--Saiunkoku Monogatari fic: due, in full, by April 12th. I have the first half off with a beta, and am going to finish writing/typing up the second half hopefully by this weekend, ergo granting me several days' grace to re-read/edit it before I send it in. Hopefully... ^^; This thing really took on a life of it's own, yeesh! I'll admit I'm not happy with it, but I think that's because I've been so involved in the Avatar:TLA fandom that my obsession with this one slid off a bit and I'm feeling uncertain about dialogue and characterization, and some of the liberties I took with the timeline. I also don't like how 'boring' and 'uninspired' I'm finding it on my second read-through, but I'm hoping that's just my frustration/fatigue showing through. ^^; We'll see.
--The Gift Horse epilogue: With Hikki hopefully being grammatically man-handled like it's nobody's business. XD She's great, and she's hoping to have it back to me soon. If that happens, then hopefully, by the end of next week, I'll have finished reviewing her comments and will be ready to post it to ff.net, and completely shuck this monkey from my back! :D
--The Gift Horse, vers. 2.0 : With renagrrl7's help, this is turning out great, and I have received several chaps back already. I'm going to review her comments fully before I review my next chaps to send to her, and hopefully tighten that story up. Once that's done, I'll re-upload it to ff.net and possibly my DA account, and hopefully to a few LJ_comms for fun. :)
--Silk & Twisted: renagrrl7's help w/ fine-tuning the latest addition to that series turned out fantastic, and I must upload it on here sometime, too. ^^; (It's currently already on ff.net.) I'm considering continuations of a few of the one-shots in this series, though -- which is doing awful, awful things to the plot-bunnies. They're being run ragged. However, since there was a fair bit of response to "Madame Bovary" (the latest one-shot, a Zutara), I think I've figured out a possible way to run it back into the modern AU I'm writing.
Which brings us to, of course,...
--The Modern AU: I can't BELIEVE how desperately I want to get started on this!!! This is nuts! I promised myself I'd finish at least one other fic before I started it, though, since I know it'll be a massive one. ^^; It already has two parts to it. And "Madame Bovary" will be working into it -- yes, even though "MB" was written in the Avatarverse, and this story is a Modern AU-- and hopefully I do it all justice. I've had WAY too many nights of sleep lost to waking up with incredible scenes playing through my head, and I need to start writing them out so they leave me alone! But seriously, I'm really looking forward to this one. Probably over-looking forward to it, since I made myself wait so long before writing it. Almost all the background's done, along with some chap-by-chap plotting, and characterizations. I'm still playing with a few things in my head, to see whether I want to keep them or not, or save 'em for a later fic, but man, this one's been gnawing at me like there's no tomorrow, and I just want to get it out of my system!! ^^; I have been writing my plot-timeline notes in the journal I designed specifically for this story, but the writing itself is just itching my fingers.
--Girl Problems 2: The Return of Girl Problems: The latest chapter to this story is partially written, and the rest of the entire story's plotted. I've spoken w/ solitary_guard, and he's asked for the rest of my story notes/characterizations so he can help me with the editing/beta-ing. C., my other beta, is also available to help me again and I can't wait to get this next chap out! (I think it will still take another several weeks, though, once I finish my Saiunkoku fic, since that one has a proper deadline and is currently my priority.) I wanna get this one moving again, though! :D I hope I can get back to the funny, though -- I have a few good scenes ready for this chap I'm writing now, and I hope they come across ok. ^_^
As for the rest... Up in the air! :D The Jun x Iroh story is on hold for now, though partly plotted. Same with 'Invisible Garden' (though that's pretty much entirely plotted and just needs to be written). "Silk & Twisted" is updated as the mood strikes me (wow, that was a poor choice of words, eh? ^_~ ). And there's a drabble-series I've been tempted to write recently, but I'm trying to hold back the 'bunnies as I think I'd go right over the edge with ideas and everything would suffer. ^^; (I have no self control!)
So that's where things stand right now. Expect me to update SOMETHING within the next several weeks. If you see the drabble series turn up, you'll know I couldn't get my ideas/mojo down straight enough to write the longer/more involved stories. Apologies! ^^;