Weekly Question #17? by that one chick without feathers

Oct 25, 2009 23:22

I don't know what happened, I guess we aren't clear on who's on hiatus. But in any case, it's wrong to keep you all waiting.

Its actually not my turn :X shhh so I don't really have an answer ready, but I'll edit this on tuesday :)

The question isn't really in question form, but I want you to Tell me about MatsuJun. What kind of person is he? What makes him tick? How do you see him? What is something you admire about him? What is something that you hope will happen to/with him?

I like what a serious, straightforeward, caring person MatsuJun is. He's the first one to rush in to help out his fellow members, he's the one who seems to pay the most attention to detail in everything that they do, ensuring their own comfort without compromising anyone else. I really like that about him. He's got great fashion sense, (though the extensions still puzzle me xD) and he knows how attractive he is. The sad thing, and really what I find so endearing about him, is that he is, to my eyes, very awkward with his own sex appeal. I don't think he knows how to use it, and I read that article where they pretended to be business men that Sho hoped that in the next ten years Jun will grow into his sexuality. I think you guys know what I'm talking about, like with the finger thing, right?
Maybe I'm weird, but, since he seems to want one, I really hope he gets a really nice girlfriend that would take care of him the way he wants to be cared for. At first when I heard him say that he wanted a girl who would cook for him I was like D8, but then I thought about it. I said it at the beginning of this cut, he cares so much for others around him, that he really deserves someone who will just let him relax and be loved :)
I think MatsuJun was made for entertainment. He's a good actor, and maybe it's because he's Japanese, but he has such a dedication to everything he does and everyone he works with, that, as an American at least, I don't come across maybe ever. MatsuJun just has this air about him that draws you toward him. If no one else, you will notice him, and remember him.

Ok I think i'm good for now. :) Also, i encourage you guys to think of your answers before you read anyone elses, mine included, or you can use it as a template if you're confused by my oddness. :) I think it would also be good if you guys ever looked back to old questions and answered those, if you have time of course, because we love to read your answers.

Lastly, this isn't official, but we are somewhat interested in including more people to ask questions with us, and the more people there are, a wider variety of questions we get. Interested? Send any of the mods a message. Its just like, the more, the merrier :)

Ok I'm done XD

individual: matsumoto, !weekly question, !mod post, !bllue, discussion

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