Title: Five Minifics
Pairing: Sergio Ramos/Gonzalo Higuaín
Type: Slash
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Nothing in these fics ever happen.
Warning: Some silliness.
[First Time]
"May I kiss you?" Sergio was always straight to the point.
"Of course." So was Gonzalo.
"Improper behaviour before the match?" Sergio looked indignant. "You can’t accuse me of something like that without evidence!"
“In case you haven’t noticed,” El Mister coughed. “You’re wearing shorts numbered 20.”
"I. SAID. NO. DATING!" Two more heads grew out of El Mister’s neck, faces green and eyes red.
Sergio and Gonzalo screamed and fled the training ground, hand in hand.
No one quite understood why director Ramos seemed so anxious to get the kissing scene over with, and why he felt the need to pull Higuaín so roughly away from the starlet as soon as he yelled “cut”.
"So what if you have better hair? Gonzalo loves me!”
With an unexpected wave of his wand, Sergio shouted “petrificus totalus!”, and a wide-eyed Lucius Malfoy fell heavily to the floor.