(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 20:02

i stole this from shelby's myspace. <3

Pony Survey

How long have you been riding?: 3 1/2 years

When did you first want to ride horses?: When I was 8.

Whats your favorite breed?: Thoroughbreds & Quarter Horses

Do you have any siblings that ride: My brother thinks the dogs are gonna ruin his clothes and that horses are dirty.

Whats the name of the barn you ride at?: Movado Farm

What do you want to be when your older?: A jockey, but Tory crushed that, so I guess an excirse rider.

How many horses have you owned?: Zero, but I just ride one horse all the time.

Do you own a pair of half chaps?: Yeah, at first I hated them, but now I can't ride without them.

Do you own tall boots?: Nope, paddock boots.

Have you shown in any huge major shows?: You mean as in the Pines? No, neihter Colby nor I showed in the pines.

Your Pony(s)

Show name: N/a. We don't show.

Barn name: Colby

Vices?: He's scared of birds, getting his ears washed, and rain.

Show Experience?: A few home shows.

Where did you buy him/her?: I didn't, I began to ride him when he first came, but then I got up on other horses / poines, help breaking them in, and sven months ago I was put back on Colby.

How much did you pay for him/her?: 35$ every week. ;]

What color?: Bay

Height?: 15.3 hands.

Breed?: Tb / Qh

Bloodlines?: Mystery.

What color is his/her halter?: He's got two: A red nylon one, and a brown leather one. I use the leather one way more.

What kind of grain does he/she eat?: Bran. He mostly eats hay.

Supplements?: N.a

Do you own or lease?: I guess you can say lease, although I don't.

Does he/she live at your house?: No =(


What color is your show jacket?: Navy blue

Do you wear gloves when you show? : NO. I hate gloves gah they're impossible to ride with for me.

Do you carry a crop?: Yes.

Do you do jumping or flat classes more?: I do flat more than jumping.

Do you do pleasure classes?: Yes.

Hunters or Jumpers?: Jumpers...for now.

How high do you show (jumping)?: When showing I jump 1'3. I can jump higher, though.

What horses have you shown before?: Q [ Mostly ], Barney & Popeye. Q did the best, we brought home champion every show.

Do you event?: No.

Have you been in a halter or showmanship class? No.

Do you ride english or western?: English.

Have you done barrel racing?: No, Ashley has. Kinda. They put cones out one lesson so you wouldn't cut your corner and the horse she used to ride, Mercerdes, decided to barrel race around it. She fell off. haha. gotta love Ashley's blance<3

Reining?: Nah.

Cutting? : I cut my corners.

Dressage : No, I still can't get him to pick up from a walk to a canter without a crop.

What's the highest place you've gotten?: Champion.

This or That

Thoroughbreds or Quarter Horses?: Both!!

Morgans or Arabs?: Arabs.

English or Western?: English.

Jumping or Dressage?: Jumping.

Carrots or Apples?: Smartfood Popcorn! Me & Colby's favorite!

Close Contact or All Purpose?: Close Contact

Pessoa saddles or Wintec?: Wintec, I ride in one and it hurts like hell...but yeah.

Geldings or Mares?: Geldings.

Bay or Chestnut?: Bays.

Trail riding or Hacking?: Hacks, most surely.
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