Aug 19, 2005 20:13
What is your full name? becca tiffany
2. Nicknames? becca
3. B-day - 3/16
4. Age - 12
5. Sex - female
6. Social Security - idk?
7. Where do you live - here
8. What school do you attend - sas
9. Siblings and their ages - nick 15
10. Zodiac Sign - picses
11. Righty or Lefty - lefty
*********YOUR LOOKS*********
12. Haircolor - brunette with blonde highlights
13. Height - 5'2
14. Do u wear contacts or glasses - contacts when i feel like it
15. Do you have any piercings - ears
16. Where do you want more - belly button
17. Do you have a tattoo - not yet
18. If so what and where -
19. Do you wear any rings - right index finger
20. Do you have a certain fashion you follow - not that i know of
**********JUST LATELY***************
21. How are you today - confused
22. What pants are you wearing right now - kohls shorts
23. What shirt are you wearing right now - halter top
25. What does your hair look like at the moment - down
26. What song are u listening to right now - degrassi
27. What was the last thing u ate - chicken
28. How is the weather right now - cold
29. Last person u talked to on the phone - steph
30. Last Dream you can remember - i dont really sleep...but my last one was the show at rambling river
31. Who are you talking to right now - no one
**********MORE ABOUT YOU****************
32. What are the last four digits of your phone - 6440
33. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be - sky blue
34. Have you ever almost died - yes
34. What makes you laugh - steph
35. What's the next CD you are going to buy - eh idk
36. What religion/denomination are you - you got me
37. What's the best advice ever given to you - idk
38. Have u ever won any special awards - riding awards
39. What are your future goals - trust
40. Do you like to slow dance - no?
41. What's the stupidest thing u ever done - like um everything
42. What's your favorite memory - TREE HOUSE BITCH < 3
43. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be - idk
42. How many kids do you want to have - 1 or 2
45. Sons names - kyle & zack. stfu.
46. Daughter's names - emma
47. Do you do drugs -
48. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use - sauve
49. What sport do you hate the most to play - kickball
50. What are you most scared of - bugs, snakes, life, trust
51. How many TV's do you have in your house - 4
52. Do you have your own TV - no
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals - horses
54. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone - yes
55. Who do you dream about - my uncles & my cousin.
56. Who do you tell your dreams to - no one
57. Who's the loudest friend you have - steph
58. Quietest Friend - kayla
59. Who's the funniest friend - stpeh
60. Who's the weirdest friend - :x
61. Who's your favorite friend to talk to online - britt
62. Is cheerleading a sport - kinda
63. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop - im sure somebody knows
64. Which came first the chicken or the egg - ya got me.
65. What vehicle do you wish to have - i dont care as long as its red and convertable and nice looking
66. How many messenger buddies do you have on right now - 1. aim
********YOU & LOVE*******************
67. Do you believe in Love - idk
68. Do you have a crush - sorta
69. Who is your crush - pff
70. Do you believe in love at first sight -no
71. Where do you want to get married - cali
72. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon - hawaii
73. What is the most important thing he/she has - personality
74. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?- eyes
75. Longest crush - month
76. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with - i havent met him yet
****ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)****
79.Curly or straight hair - straight
80. Dark or light hair - light
81. Tall or short - tall
82. Six pack or muscular arms - arms
83. Good or bad guys - a little of both
84. Hat or no hat - it depends
85. Ears pierced or not - doesnt matter
86. Tan or no tan - tan
87. Totally shy, or octopus arms - in the middle
88. Stubble or neatly shaved - shaved
89. Rugged or sporty - rugged
90. Studly or cutie - cutie
91. Accent or not - i have an accent lolol so i dont care if he has one. except like one of those brooklyn or boston accents. wow.
92. Glasses - contacts ;]
93. Smart or dumb - in between
94. What sport should he play - whatever he likes
95. Dependent (whipped) or independent - independent
******Pick One: THIS OR THAT***********
117. Lights on/off - off
118. Sun or rain - rain
119. email or snail mail - email
120. Do u like scary or happy movies better - scary
121. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC - DEATH!
122. On the phone or in person - online
123. Paper or plastic - plastic
124. Sausage or pepperoni - sausage
125. Summer or winter - fall
126. Hugs or kisses - hugs
127. Chocolate or white milk - chocolate milk
128. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper - allergic
129. Is the glass half full or half empty - half full
130. CD or Tape - CD
131. Tape or DVD - DVD
132. Cats or Dogs - PUPPIES
133. Mud or Jell-O wrestling - mud lmao
134. Vanilla or Chocolate - depends
137. Cake or pie - [ice cream] cake
138. Diamond or pearl - diamond
139. Sunset or sunrise - sunset
****************YOUR FAVS*******************
140. Color - sky blue / black / pink
141. Food - cheeseburgers with icetea
142. Fast Food - wendys
143. Candy - skittles
144. Beverage - icetea
145. Ice Cream Flavor - strawberry
146. Sport - horses
147. Sports teams - yankees
148. Animal - horses & doggies
149. type of music - pop / emo
151. Song - let me fall
152. group/artist - kelly clarkson / the instant star
153. number - 7
154. Actor or Actress - lauren collins
155. day of the year - idk
156. month - june
157. TV show - gilmore girls / degrassi / instant star
158. Store - state line tack
159. Scent - idk
160. Board Game - uhh idk
***********HAVE YOU EVER********
161. Dated someone for money/things - no
162. Loved someone so much it made you cry - yes
163. Drank -
164. Been kissed - eh
165. Ever gotten dumped - yup
166. Broke the law - yes
167. Ran from the cops - :X
168. Stole something - yup
169. Tried to kill yourself - yes
170. Made yourself throw up - once
171. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble - YES I CAN CRY ON QUE
172. Given anyone a bath - my dog
173. Bungee jumped - I WISH DAMNIT
174. Went skinny dipping - no lol
*********** What's Worse? **************
182. Barfing on your date or your date barfing on you - my date throws up on me and he is going to be one damn sorry boy.
183. Being stranded on a deserted island with no one, or being stranded on a deserted island with someone you hate - alone. i like being by myself. you can think that way.
************ A FiNaL NoTe*******************
184. Who would you like to be locked in a room with - hah anyone of my friends
185. Who would you hate being locked in a room with - haley or anybody from the og
186. Do you like filling these out - i copied it from my old journal and its really long so i left my answers / kaylas
187. Do u want your friends to write back - sure?
188. Who is least likely to respond - if i say then they will
190. Who is most likely to respond - if i say then they wont
191. Any other comments - lalala