(no subject)

Aug 02, 2010 12:00

 Oh Em Gee!!!!

It's August people! YAY!! Lots of new reading material coming my way this month =]

Ooh speaking of reading material, I'm working on a huge Joe/Nick Hurt/Comfort epic thing that has taken over my brain! However, it might take a fair while for it to be finished/posted.

For those of you who don't follow me on Twitter I had a little accident the other night. In the process of putting my make-up bag away I managed to slice off the top of my finger with the razor that someone *cough*notme*cough* left in there. So now I've got this lovely chunk taken off the top of my finger and it makes it really hard to type. (but it's totally an effort I can live with) So yea, accident prone person here!

I've renewed my love for Top Gear... the new season started last night and it is most funny and informative. I wish I had their job, it would be so much better than mine.

I need lots more of this in my life.

MMMM lookit the jailbait Jonas...

Isn't that just gorgeous? I mean, who looks at their brother like that?

This one right here, I seriously thought it was a guy I know. I had to look twice just to make sure Cuz they could totally be twins.

Hmmm.....I dunno, I guess I'm not feeling particularly fun or witty or whatever right now, so lets just appreciate what an awesome month it's gonna be =]

bexi is a nutcase, monday update, pretty jonas, randomness

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