Whee, promoted

Aug 21, 2009 12:49

So, I just got a promotion at work. But I'll be paid less.


Because my new job is saturdays only. Mwahahaha. I am the BEST slacker in the world.

And the best thing about it? Because of time & a half on saturdays and the pay hike, I'll not be earning THAT much less for half the working hours.

According to some I have a very nice branch library, I've not been there, but will be switching between the main library (where I work now) and the little branch library. So it's nice cos I can stay in touch with people I know, but only every so often.

I'm pretty happy, because I don't often put myself forward, qualified or not. On paper am still over-qualified for the post, but I don't have much work at any higher level to my name for a while.


I now have 6 days a week free (or, not quite free... and starting from 6th Sept really). And I need something to do. Maybe back to college, depending on finding something I want to do and that's affordable, maybe another part-time job.

But am hoping to do some overtime at work through to Dec to delay any return to 'what do I want to do?' type questions.

(and am updating LJ, cos well.. I need more space than twitter, and my blog people don't care, and I want all of you to know).

And because it's nice not to have to post about dad's funeral and subsequent bleh. For the record the funeral was packed and the rabbi really good. But it's never something I want to do again, if I could only help it. And can't really shake the feeling of not having a parent around, at what's still a young'ish' age!
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